What you have been waiting for!!!!!!! | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Saturday, April 23, 2011

What you have been waiting for!!!!!!!

I am so excited!!!!!! I finished Adam's summer quilt and I get to do another giveaway :o) For anyone who guessed Heather Ross, that would be CORRECT!!!!!!

First, the finished quilt, I know you would rather get to the goods first but I have to show it off some ;o) I tried to get fabulous pictures but it is rainy and overcast again.

Poor Katy is about to fall over!!!!

The back

 I love the scrappy binding!!!!!!


Four half yards !!!!!! Aren't they pretty!!!!! Two and a half yards of Heather Ross goodness!!!!!

Closed to new entries

Good Luck everyone!!!!!!! 
Kim :o)


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Quiltstory said...

When was the last time random generator picked #1?

Quiltstory said...

or #2? I am a follower too...and my favorite fabric is the cute doggies!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

My favorite Heather Ross fabric is the cute little mushrooms! I don't have any, but I love it!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I definitely a follower!

Andrea said...

Wow! This is a great giveaway! I really dont have just one favorite, I love way too many! So today I pick Buses :)

Andrea said...

I'm a happy follower :)

Karen P. said...

I fell in love when I first saw the cute fish! I also love the vans & bicycles!

Karen P. said...

I'm a follower!

Andy Sew said...

I like any Heather Ross that Kim will give me for free. :o) The fish are especially cute, though, as are the camper-vans...and, well, anything, really.

Andy Sew said...

I'm a follower and a friend to boot - lucky me!

Shanna of Fiber of All Sorts said...

I am so a follower

Shanna of Fiber of All Sorts said...

Favorite HR is one of the hardest questions. I just started getting her stuff. I adore the fish - and the names, they crack me UP

HoneySage said...

My favorite HR is Far Far Away! I have a 19 yr old that still thinks she is a princess...LOL!

HoneySage said...

I am a follower!

rachandcarl said...

it changes everyday! at the moment its the calypso print!

rachandcarl said...

and i am following!

Bored mama said...

Beautiful job!! My fave is the little gnome print- so cute

Bored mama said...

and Im a follower!!

mrsc1345 said...

My favorite fabric is the heather ross mermaid sisters, and I scored 6 yards of it for $2.99 a yd on some wonderful fabric.com purchase!

mrsc1345 said...

And, I follow you! Super cute quilt, BTW!

Unknown said...

love the gnomes and all of mendocino! i follow!

Lee said...

I love the mermaids the best!

Lee said...

I am a follower! thanks!

Megan said...

Oh goodness. Love. Fishies is bags.

Megan said...

And I now follow too :)

Unknown said...

Hey Kim! Beautiful quilt and the pictures are awesome. Seriously, great product styling!

WandaFish said...

The quilt is fabulous - lucky Adam!!
There are too many gorgeous prints to choose a favourite, but one particularly dear to me is dreambikes. Right up there are goldfish and campervans too!! Fingers crossed.
Thanks for this stupendous giveaway :)

WandaFish said...

I'm a follower, yay!

Digital Misfit said...

That is a beautiful quilt, so perfect a boy (and Adam certainly looks happy with it!).
My favorite Heather Ross is the goldfish in a bag. It just always makes me smile.

Digital Misfit said...

I am a follower!

Angelina S. said...

I'm in love with Birthday Party right now. IT HAS A WEE RECORD PLAYER ON IT.

Thanks for the chance to win!

Angelina S. said...

New follower! Following privately. Hope that's ok!

JuneBug said...

Gorgeous! My fave HR is Mendocino Swimming sisters. But this line has totally been catching my eye too :)

jshen37 at gmail dot com

JuneBug said...

I am a follower too!

Catskill Quilter said...

I just love the polka dots -- they will look terrific with the other prints!

Catskill Quilter said...

I am already a follower! Great quilt for Adam!

MollyP said...

Love that quilt! Congrats on a finish. I would have to say the goldfish in bags is probably my fav.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Far Far Away that is coming up looks wonderful.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I'm a follower.

Rhonda the Rambler said...

I love the Heather Ross fabric with the frogs and the lily pads from the West Hill collection.

Rhonda the Rambler said...

I am already a follower

Beth said...

My favorite Heather Ross print (today) is the VW vans, although there are so many others that come in close seconds. Thanks for the giveaway!

wordygirl at earthlink dot net

Beth said...

I'm a follower. And I love your color choices / combinations!

wordygirl at earthlink dot net

Sara @ Sew Sweetness said...

I thought my favorite was the West Hill Ponies, but those mermaid prints are really growing on me.

Wow, I am so jealous of your quilt!! I can't believe how it turned out...you should submit something on Gen-X Quilters too! I particularly loved the borders. And the back is really cool!! Damn you did an awesome job. :-)

Heehee about Katy :-)

Sara @ Sew Sweetness said...

DUH! I'm a follower!

Marcia W. said...

My favorite HR fabrics are Far Far Away II -- the owl and the pussycat and rapunzel are so cute. Thanks for the giveaway
mlwright29 at hotmail dot com

Jodi-JoJoMia's Place said...

I like the goldfish in the bags, so cute. All of her stuff is cute though, so it depends on the day which one I want! Thanks for the nice giveaway, I hope I win????

Jodi-JoJoMia's Place said...

I am a follower for a little while now and will be for a long time I am sure! Thanks for sharing.

Kelly Irene said...

Adam looks so happy with his new quilt! It looks great, and I love the square quilting on the back.
I love the FFAII prints, but I don't think it's possible to NOT like HR's fabrics! I also have some mermaids that I really like.

Kelly Irene said...

I'm a new follower. Thanks for the giveaway :)

robin said...

I like the fabric with the little tents and camper vans. :) Brings back memories...

robin said...

I'm a follower of your blog.

foxynursejo said...

I've always loved golfish in a bag!

foxynursejo said...

I'm a new follower :-)

Mary said...

You did such a nice job on this quilt, it looks so beautiful! Great quilt pattern, fabric choices and binding.

I like Heather's ring around the rosey prints but all her illustrations are great!

Mary said...

And I am a follower, thanks for such a great giveaway!

Alisa said...

I have to say the little gnomes on pink. They are just so darn cute. Great quilt and great give-away. Thanks for the chance.

Alisa said...

I'm a new follower. Glad I found your blog, your work is really neat.

Tong said...

what a fabulous fun quilt! i LOVE heather ross, i was a bit late to jump on the bandwagon, only started liking her when FFA2 came out, so i missed lots of her old stuff. my favourite HR print is definitely gold fish in bags!! way too cute! thanks so much for the giveaway!

Tong said...

and i'm a new blog follower!

Marcia W. said...

I follow your blog.

tabbiegirl said...

Wow - what a great giveaway. I too was late with HR. The only prints I ever managed to get were the camper vans and bicycles. I never found any locally (Vancouver). I think my favourite print is the little fish with individual names. I think they're hysterical. These blue prints are sooo cute!

Rainy said...

I think I agree with many, the fishies with names are way too cute.

Rainy said...

I have been a follower and continue to be one. Nice quilt.

Crystal said...

Beautiful quilt! Hmmm...my fav HR...that is such a hard one! I would probably say Westhill horses or Mendo mermaids. Thanks for a great giveaway!


ColleenaMareena said...

Great quilt! The back looks amazing--I always love seeing the quilting pattern on the backs of quilts. Thanks for a chance at a great giveaway!

dream quilt create said...

I love your quilt, it is adorable! My favorite fabric is the princess and the pea

Kristen said...

I love the fish - both in bags and just swimming!

Kristen said...

and I'm following along!

Susan said...

My favourite fabric is mushrooms or the princess and the pea! Thanks for the giveaway!

verykerryberry said...

I like all the dog fabrics, they get me everytime. A very generous giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Favorite... difficult to say only one but it will be The Owl and The Pussycat! Gorgeous.

Thanks for the lovely giveaway

Anonymous said...

I have your subscription

Lisa said...

Favourite Heather Ross fabric...Goldfish in Bags without any doubt! Thanks so much for the giveaway, it's very kind of you!

Lisa said...

And I'm a follower in my google reader!

MaddyMaze Studio said...

I have always loved the VW bus fabric. I'd love to have some pink!

SoozeM said...

I really really love the goldfish in the bag, just gorgeous!!!

Nadine said...

Wow, that fabric is lovely. At the moment my favorite HR fabric is Mendocino, ALL of Mendocino, but it is also the only collection I have some of. I would totally fall in love with these beauties. Thanks for an amazing giveaway.

Nadine said...

.. and I am a new follower and very glad I came across your blog.


Dolores said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I love every single one of these fabrics, the combi vans are pretty cool.


Dolores said...

I'm a new follower. The quilt is gorgeous, would love to know more about what fabrics you used or see more pictures.


Joan and Kevin said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Joan and Kevin said...

I am a follower!

Sarah @ FairyFace Designs said...

What a gorgeous quilt! It works so well. Love the fabrics :-) I love the FFA 2 fabric and can't actually pick just one from them!

Sarah @ FairyFace Designs said...

I am a new follower!

AnneMarie said...

Lovely quilt - too cute! i love the fishy print!

AnneMarie said...

Iam a new follower...thanks!

Sew and Sew said...

I love the horses especially after seeing Heather on Martha Stewart. Love your quilt. I am a follower now too.

Tricia said...

My favorite are those cute fish! Love 'em!

Tricia said...

I'm a new follower! Thanks!

Michele T said...

Heather has the most adorable and enchanting characters and themes - especially love the fish and the names are too sweet! BTW your quilt turned out beautifully :)

Michele T said...

I am a follower! Yay! Awesome giveaway!!

Peach Rainbow said...

I love Far Far Away!
Thanks for the chance :D

Peach Rainbow said...

New follower :D

Lisa England said...

I follow your blog!

Sarah Craig said...

I love Far Far Away, but I've always secretly yearned for the little goldfish in bags......

Becky (My Fabric Obsession) said...

My favorite it the owl and the pussycat. Beautiful quilt!

Sarah Craig said...

And I'm a new follower! Love your quilt, by the way!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

Jennifer Mathis of Ellison Lane said...

Love love the quilt you made for Adam. I enjoyed poking around in your other posts too. My favorite HR is the little gold fish in the bags. I don't own any HR so I would be THRILLED to win!

Jennifer Mathis of Ellison Lane said...

PS: I'm a new follower too!

Allie said...

What a generous giveaway. My favorite hr prints are the west hill ponies. Love their expression.

Andria said...

Beautiful boy quilt! My favorite heather ross fabric is the ice cream truck- so hard to find- but I would love me some blue VW vans!

Judith said...

As I never had the good fortune to any of the lighting bug series I must say that is is Far Far Away II.

Andria said...

And I'm a follower!

Judith said...

I am a new follower

Linda said...

When I saw this fabric line, it instantly became my favorite! I heart this one a lot!! Those little fishy's melt me!

Linda said...

I am a folllower too :)

Unknown said...

The fabric with the vans on it is very cute!
I have never had any Heather Ross fabric. Makes me kind of sad.

Unknown said...

I am a new follower today! Love the new quilt.

Sara said...

How about the fish! LOVE them:) She is awesome!

Thank you for doing the giveaway!!

Barb said...

Princess and the Pea is my favorite. Barb jobafa2000@yahoo.com

Sara said...

Sure I will definitely try for a second chance!

Clara {Clover and Violet} said...

Your quilt is really cute! I don't know the Heather Ross fabric that much but those goldfish sure are cute!

Clara {Clover and Violet} said...

I am now a follower and I am excited to your blog regularly!

Angie said...

Nice quilt. My favorite fabric is the fish in the bags. Love it! What a nice giveaway.

Angie said...

And, I'm a new follower!

yorkie mom said...

WOW!! Great quilt!! I love that fabric! I camp in my little pop up and it would make a great quilt on my bed! I love the doggies, lightening bugs, and the deer are wonderful. LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE it! Thanks for the chance to win. Allison gougeonathome@charter.net

Patty said...

I am not familiar with her fabric so thanks for the introduction. It would be great to win.

Patty said...

I am a new follower. Love your latest quilt.

mennikelly said...

I love the goldfish in the bags.

amy said...

My fav is the vans, I have some HR scraps I'm hoarding.

amy said...

And I'm a new follower ;) Great quilt!

momma said...

I'm a new follower (waves Hi)

Anonymous said...

Favorite Heather Ross is Far Far Away. Thanks for the give away!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower!

momma said...

I love Adam's quilt! My favorite HR fabric would have to be the campers, I think they're so versatile.

Carl, Brent, and Joseph said...

i'm a sucker for polka dots!

Spontaneous Threads said...

I like them all! I'm sorry, a bit like potato chips, why like one when you can like them all.

deserae said...

I love the fish print, every time I see it I wish I had some! :)

deserae said...

I am a follower!

Elizabeth Dackson said...

I love those little fishies, so cute! And the Farmer's Market print is another favorite of mine.

Kelly Rachel said...

Squee!! Lightning Bugs is my favourite Heather Ross fabric, no joke! Oh I so hope I win! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

Elizabeth Dackson said...

I'm a new follower :)

Splendorfalls said...

I like the matroushka dolls from west hill a lot! Fun give-a-way; thanks!

Kelly Rachel said...

And I am a happy follower of your wonderful blog!

Kurt the Quilt Geek said...

I am a new follower!

Kurt the Quilt Geek said...

I really like the far far away line, as well as the lightning bugs

Meg said...

Far Far Away 2, Sleeping Beauty. I just CANNOT get over how much I love that line, and that print. I love the roses in that line too, actually.

elizabeth t said...

I love her Mendocino line! I made a quilt for my niece with that fabric and it was so wonderful to work with. I still have lots of scraps and can't wait to make another one. ethet at charter dot net

Unknown said...

How generous! The gnome fabric is my fave.

Unknown said...

I'm a follower!

elizabeth t said...

And I am a new follower! ethet at charter dot net

Meg said...

And I'm a new follower!

Susanne said...

I'm a follower!!

Sallie said...

My favorite is Russian Doll Matryoshka Babushka fabric (beige) from the West Hill line by Heather Ross. Thanks for the chance.

Susanne said...

I likei the fish in the bags :)

Kristine said...

How extremely generous of you. I do love the combi-vans myself. (I'm not sure if that's an Australian word for camper van or a universal one.)

Anna said...

I love it all but think the underwater sisters are my favorite.

Anna said...

I'm a follower!

Missy said...

I don't have a favorite of Heather. I love all of em :-)

Missy said...

I'm a follower!!

Bree said...

I love the goldfish in the bags- that's just too cute of a fabric!

Bree said...

and I'm a follower!

Leanne said...

I love the goldfish and the roses.

Leanne said...

I am now a follower, thank you for such a great give away.

Mommarock said...

Pick a favorite.. ?? How?? They are ALL my favorite.. I just can't do it.. even if you twist my arm!

Vickie said...

I love those little goldfish!!!!! Thanks for the chance to win!

Vickie said...

I am now a follower!! Fun blog!!

Greta said...

The swimming fish are by far my favorite ever. Thanks for a chance to win some wonderful fabrics. I popped over from Quiltstory. Great blog, I will be back.

nono said...

My favorite is the fishY PRINT!

Kate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kate said...

Beautiful fabric! I LOVE those VW buses!

Just in case, katechandler81 (at) yahoo (dot) ca

Kate said...

And I'm a new follower!

Elizabeth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elizabeth said...

I just made my son a quilt using the "bagged fish" and the "free swimming fish". But I just got a yard of the "girl playing with horses", so it is a toss up!

eqhl2005 (at) gmail (dot)com

Kristie said...

Ohhhh, this quilt is amazing. I have been amassing a HR collections through purchases and trades and can't wait to make one myself. Paired with KJR on the back? Perfect! I am sure your son will treasure it!

Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Mandy said...

Love the quilt you made! I love the bagged fish, but they are all really great!

Kristie said...

I poked around your blog and would like to be a new follower!

By the way, I forgot to mention my favorite HR print in the last comment...I gothooked on her with the bagged goldfish, but also really love her princess and the pea print and her FFA2 line, which I have and hope to cut into soon!


Mandy said...

And I'm a follower! :)

Lisa England said...

I like her goldfish and lightning bug prints.

Dawn said...

My favorite print is the fish in the bag.

Dawn said...

I am a follower too.

Lee said...

My favorite Heather Ross fabric? Wow, that's a tough one, but I guess I'd have to say the sleeping princess from FFA2. Thanks for a fabulous giveaway!

Lee said...

I'm a new follower.

woodbines-creep said...

My favorite Heather Ross fabric, oh gosh... I think her FFA Unicorns and West Hills ponies. It's a tie. They are both equine ;D

senjosuki at yahoo

Karen said...

Oh my goodness those fishies are too adorable! I am also a fan of her gnomes :) Thanks for the chance to win :)

Karen said...

I am your newest follower! Thanks again!

9patchnurse said...

That quilt is awesome, great job! I love HR fabrics, the vans are probably my faves. But the fish are up there and who doesn't love the gnomes!

Anonymous said...

I am a new follower. I love the scrappy binding also it is so cool.

woodbines-creep said...

I am a new follower :)

senjosuki at yahoo

9patchnurse said...

I am a follower, love your blog. I think I would turn myself inside out with excitement if I won such a great prize!!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the lightening bugs. I also like Far Far away.

Unknown said...

I LOVE the Underwater Swimming Sisters! So awesome!

Anna said...

hmmm, that's a tough one! I really love the unicorn print from far far away, espeically the orange unicorns! :)

Unknown said...

I am a new follower! I love when I find awesome new blogs to read.. I do a lot of reading but every site has such great ideas!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway! Awesome quilt. I like the quilting lines on the back.

Jo said...

I would have to say my all time fav Heather Ross fabric is Lightening Bugs!

Jo said...

I am a new follower of your blog. Took a look around, you do wonderful work!

JanetK said...

I think I'd have to pick the VW vans - so many little vignettes on that one. But it's a tough choice...

JanetK said...

I'm a follower! I love this quilt you've done! I'm working on a Heather Ross quilt at the moment too (blogged recently) - Lightning Bugs is probably my all time favorite collection!

Barb in Mi said...

Ooh, what to choose: how about HR dream bikes? Thanks for the giveaway!

JuliePickles said...

The fish, most definitely the fish!! That quilt is awesome, I really love it! Thanks for the chance to win some fishies!!

JuliePickles said...

I'm a new follower, thanks Quilt Story for sending me over here!

Daphne said...

I like the one with the fish !

Kelli said...

Believe it or not, I'm in love with those polka dots!! So cute!!!

Daphne said...

And I'm now a new follower !

KMServino said...

I love whatever that gold fishy print is! I must be living under a rock, but i have never seen that one until today!

KMServino said...

Also, I am a NEW follower!

Linda E in NM said...

Love the camper fabric, but Mendocino is quite nice too.
Thanks! Love your quilt

Margaret said...

I love the VW camper vans. Thanks for the awesome giveaway@

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