Go-Go Kim: quilting

sewing + social media + so much more

I couldn't... Stillwater, Oklahoma has an amazing quilting store in the sweet downtown area. When I was visiting my kids my sweet d...
We have always had a Mac, the first was a Quadra 610, that was the one we were going to have until the boys were in highschool :o) We have...
It has been an interesting week here in Virginia. An earthquake, a hurricane and the start of school. With all the tizzy surrounding the fir...
These are the dots that are the start of something really good :o) I'll share more later this week. Sara said you can never go wrong wit...
Not sure why it is so hard to find what I like that goes together. Not that I want things to be perfect ( okay, maybe secretly a little) but...
I am never disappointed with the beautiful blues and greens of Amy Butler! I decided to use them in Katy's beach room so I took the cath...
I love the look of cathedral windows!!!!! I do not have the extra time it takes to stand and iron so I found a great and super easy tutori...
This box came for me yesterday. I had my family from Florida visiting and there were special instructions on the top so I decided to wait u...
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