Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Have you ever had someone in your life that simply amazes you in all the right ways? Someone that really gets you without you even having...
Holy Moley!!! Thanks so much for all the responses for the quilt and the fabric :o) Thanks to all the new followers!!!!! I wish I had TONS...
I am very blessed that I still have living grandmothers. One will be 92 in May and I thought it would be nice to make a quilt for her. She...
I am so excited!!!!!! I finished Adam's summer quilt and I get to do another giveaway :o) For anyone who guessed Heather Ross, that wou...
I am finally finished quilting Adam's quilt and am working on the binding!!!!! I thought I would never get finished going around all t...
My first very exciting thing is that I am being featured on  Quiltstory  today for the sock monkey blanket I made Blake!!!!!! I am so flatte...
Karen,number 7, Who is a new follower!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!  Many thanks to everyone that joined and played :o) This was so much...
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