Happy Mother's Day and a Giveaway! | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day and a Giveaway!

In light of the recent Blogspot OOPSIE! Some of the comments were deleted so I am extending the giveaway for two more days so if you see your comment missing PLEASE repost!!! I will announce the winner on Monday. I am so sorry for any inconvenience but I want to make sure that everyone that had commented is counted :o) I hope that blogspot does not go down again over the weekend :o(

I have a feeling I know what I will be getting this Mother's Day. Adam has been catching all sorts of creepy crawly critters in the garden. I do not mind though, as a mama to three boys I have seen just about everything :o) And who does not just love a cute fuzzy caterpillar!

I hope that all the mamas out there are going to have a wonderful Mother's Day. Small plans or big you are all amazing and I hope at the very least you are able to take a nap or have the dishes dome for you. Those are the things I look forward to (hint, hint, if anyone in my family actually reads this).

The Giveaway!!!!!

Five half yard cuts of Heather Ross girlie fabric!!!!!!!

After the last giveaway I realized that the girls were slighted!!!! Not a one fabric for the pinks in the house. So I am hoping to right my wrong and be fair!

The winner will be chosen by random number on Thursday May 12th.

Y'all have two chances to win the pretties above!!!!!!!

Leave a comment on what you are doing for yourself or your mother on Mother's Day. 

If you would like to have a second entry...let me know you are a follower or new follower in a separate comment. Doubles your chances!!!!! 

If you are a no reply blogger please leave your email address in the comment box with your response so if you win I can reach you to send you the fabric yummy!!!!! 

Closed to new entries 

I hope everyone has a wonderful Mother's Day!!!!!!

Kim :o)


1 – 200 of 331   Newer›   Newest»
PlacervilleBaskets said...

wow, what a give-a-way :)
i am going garage-sale-ing with my BFF in the morning. off to a family potluck with friends after that.

couldnt ask for a better day...unless of course, i win!
regina at reginagirl.com

Andria said...

What a great give away!
I will, unfortunately, be working on Mother's Day. Health care waits for no one. But today I am enjoying being a mama to two and some great apple pancakes and sausage drenched in syrup- and hopefully some sewing time!

Andria said...

I'm a follower, too!

Happy Mother's Day!

Tong said...

Happy Mother's Day! My mom lives in a different city so I'll be calling her to wish her a happy mother's day, and she'll be visiting in a couple weeks' time. Thanks for the sweet giveaway!

Tong said...

I'm a follower =)

Sallie said...

I'm going to dinner with my DD. Thanks for a PINK giveaway!

Sallie said...

I'm already a follower.

Kelly Irene said...

The fabrics are beautiful! I am hoping my hubby is taking us to breakfast tomorrow morning at my favorite pancake place. I am making myself a new diaper bag as well!

Kelly Irene said...

I am a follower. Thank you for the giveaway and Happy Mother's Day!! (I hope there aren't too many creepies involved for you!)

Rebecca said...

Thanks for the fantastic giveaway! I made my mom a 241 Tote Bag for Mother's Day this year using her vintage pillow cases :) As for me, my husband and 4 little ones (3 of whom are girls who would l.o.v.e. all that pink fabric) gave me an amazing gift - a new sewing machine!!!

Rebecca said...

I'm a happy follower :)

Lesly said...

Mother's Day will be sad for us this year, as we lost my mother-in-law two weeks ago, and I am still missing my own mother, who passed two years ago. Still, I know my husband and daughter will be making a big fuss of me, as the only mother we have left. We will all try to call on only the wonderful and happy memories of the mothers who have gone ahead.

Lesly said...


Connie said...

Happy Mother's Day -- I'll be sewing, finishing a dress for a granddaughter and starting a matching shirt for a grandson. All family live elsewhere, but we'll talk by phone (or webcam).

Thanks for the pink (granddaughter is partial) -- hope I win!

Meg said...

I am so hoping to go get a massage tomorrow! Happy Mother's Day!

Meg said...

I follow!

Mom2many said...


Since both my mother and step-mother are gone, I'll tell what I'm doing for Mother's Day thanks to my wonderful family.

First, we'll head out to the 7:30 mass. After that and some doughnuts and coffee with friends and church family, we'll be heading downtown San Diego to the Gaslamp section for breakfast at the Broken Yolk. I'm sure we'll load up on all kinds of yummy breakfast treats there, so, we'll have to walk to Petco Park to go watch the Padres play against the Arizona Diamondbacks! My husband became a season ticket holder and he traded in tickets so that the whole family could go to the game! It's something I enjoy doing; having everyone - 3 grand babies we're raising and our teenage son - together. I'm sure we'll sneak in a couple brews in the beautiful San Diego sunshine! Go PADRES!!!

Hope everyone else out there has a wonderful sunshiny Mother's Day, too!

Teresa said...

Such pretty fabric! For my Mother's day I would love to sleep in and then get an hour in my sewing room to myself!

Teresa said...

I am also a follower! Love the cuteness that comes from your blog!

Anita said...

Nothing planned for mothers day... My husband and daughter gave me a bouquet of flowers after our trip to Safeway. I've postponed my celebration with my mother for a week. Hope you have a great one.

Anita said...

I follow your blog in my google reader account.

Patty said...

Happy mothers day and good luck with the crawling gift.

Patty said...

I follow

Karen P. said...

We will have dinner with my mom & family & I'm hoping for flowers & breakfast in bed!:)

kazmom2two said...

I'm following!

Karen P. said...

I'm a follower!

kazmom2two said...

Ah Mother's Day - breakfast with the kiddo's (Bill goes to work at 4am) then we're gonna have an afternoon relaxing by the pool!

Anne said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I am making breakfast for my mom, she's coming over to join the family in celebration of her. The rest of my family is sick including my 4 month old so all I want is for them to get better. :(

Anne said...

I am already a follower!

robin said...

Wonderful giveaway! My mom died of breast cancer when I was a teenager. But for myself - I think I'll sit back and allow the family do take care of meals tomorrow. And clean up after meals. :) (hmmm... wonder what else??)

robin said...

I'm a follower of your blog!

Lee said...

My boys are making me a mothers day brunch and then we are surprising my mother in law and bringing dessert over to her house! Have a wonderful mothers day.

Lee said...

I am a new follower! thank you.

WandaFish said...

What a fabulous girly giveaway, thank you! We've already had Mother's Day last month in the UK and I was treated to a Chinese meal with the family, which was lovely :)
I so wish my mum was still here to share everything with, but especially my daughter! Anyway, wishing all mums everywhere a very happy mothers day.

WandaFish said...

I follow your lovely blog :)

Rachael said...

I live in the UK so mothers day was in March, for it Icooked my mum dinner, nothing fancy, just so she didnt have to cook.

hope you have a fun mothers day and thanks for the great giveaway

Rachael said...

im also a follower. YAY!

oh, jenny mae said...

i'm sleeping in, eating donuts, and going for a run on mother's day. sounds perfect!

Lisa (StuffMummyMakes) said...

I'm a UK Mum (Mom lol!) so our Mother's Day has been and gone....but I was very lucky and got a Spa day as a present - I can't wait to go!
Thanks for the chance to won - and Happy Mother's Day! :D xx

Lisa (StuffMummyMakes) said...

I've been a follower for a while now.......lol! xx


Kati said...

I'm hoping for some afternoon sewing time this Mother's Day.

Kati said...

I'm a follower.

Annmarie said...

I hope to spend my Mother's Day working in the yard. Soooo much to do, but I do find it relaxing to dig in the flowers. The weather is finally Springy here in northern Wisconsin so we best enjoy it! Happy Mother's Day to you.

Annmarie said...

I am a follower of your blog. I've not seen that girly fabric before - cute, cute, cute! Thanks for the chance to win it.

LisaT said...

Good evening. I'll be travelling back home from spending the weekend with my mama. Hope to spend some of the rest of the day getting in some sewing time , haven't been home in 3 weeks!

LisaT said...

I'm already a follower, thanks!

Lisa England said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I follow your blog!

Lisa England said...

I will have a quiet mother's day. Some time with my son and some sewing time.

Sara said...

LOTS of pretties---aren't they lovely! You are sweet;)

For Mother's Day,I am going to watch some Alfred Hitchcock movies,order in (I don't want to cook) and hang out with 3 yr old son since daddy is out of town for a bit yet.

Sara said...

Follow you ,Btw!

Jen said...

Happy Mother's Day!! My 4-year old son *loves* rolly polly bugs and occasionally is interested in others, hehe. Tomorrow we have church, time with my mom, and time with my mother-in-law on the agenda. Should be a full but fun day!

Quilt Genius said...

My husband and I will be taking his mom out to a fancy brunch buffet.


Jen said...

Now a follower! Thanks for a fabulous giveaway!!

momma said...

I follow

Alisa said...

What a great giveaway! I am making a salad for the family dinner. I also made a freezer dinner for my s-i-l who is a mom of 5 and expecting her 6th any day.

Alisa said...

I am a follower.

momma said...

My hubby is away, so it'll be just my DD and me relaxing at home.

mrsc1345 said...

I"m not sure what is happening for me, but it will be a surprise for sure!

mrsc1345 said...

I also follow your blog ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm going to a baseball game (Anaheim Angels) with my husband and my son. They are giving away a really cute hat for the Moms in attendance. Thank you for the great give away chance. Happy Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

I'm a new follower. Love your blog and I too have a slight coffee addition. :)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Just love your Blog+your ideas!
My Mother is with Jesus.
My family will take me out to a fish dinner following our Worship Services on Mother's Day. Thanks for sharing the cutest fabrics for a neat Giveaway!

Lee said...

What will I be doing for Mother's Day? Hopefully I'll get a lot of quality sewing time! Oh, and some quality time with the kids too. : ) Thanks for a fantastic giveaway!

Ella said...

I'm a follower.
ellaredstar at gmail dot com

Ella said...

I sent my mom a bouquet of flowers. I'll be having a long phone call with her, since we don't live in the same state.
ellaredstar at gmail dot com

Stephanie Granite said...

Since my mom will be going to Hawaii for Mother's Day to spend it with my sis I'll be going up to Big Bear in CA with my aunt for a 3-day scrapbooking retreat!

Stephanie Granite said...

and I'm a follower!

UBee said...

I LOVE PINK!!! & HR!!!! What a giveaway! I am hoping to finish up a table topper quilt that I am making my mom (won't get to see her tomorrow since they don't live close enough, so I have a little extra time to finish). We have no special plans tomorrow, but I usually get to sleep in, and, if I am lucky, breakfast and tea in bed. YUM! Thank you for the chance to win such delights!!!

Karen said...

My brother and I are taking our parents out for lunch. Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Wowee zowee - you are so generous! Both me and my pink loving little girl would love these!

Jennifer Mathis of Ellison Lane said...

What a fabulous giveaway! I love love those pink bicycles!
I am taking my mom out to lunch tomorrow-no kids- no husband just mom, my brother and me. It will be nice to catch up. :)
Happy Mother's Day to you!

Jennifer Mathis of Ellison Lane said...

I'm a follower. :)

twelfthzodiac said...

Oh my goodness...if ever there were a time that the random number generator would pick me, I hope this is it!
My brothers & sisters & I are taking my mom out for brunch :) I also have a stack of fabric that she picked out, waiting to be a quilt. Unfortunately, it is still just a stack of fabric & there's no chance it will become anything more than that by tomorrow!

deserae said...

I am going to call her, and I am working on a quilt for her, hopefully I can give it to her in a few weeks when I see her next!

deserae said...

I am a follower

Regina said...

Happy Mother's Day! DH is out of town so it'll be just me and the kids however a relative has convinced me to join her softball team which starts tomorrow and it looks like I'll have someone to keep an eye on the kids while I play. Yay!

Regina said...

I'm a follower :)

twelfthzodiac said...

I am (of course!) a follower :)

Kathy H said...

Happy Mothers' day. I am a follower.

Kathy H said...

For mothers' day this year, we will go out to dinner with all the kids (they can all go!) Then move my daughter home from college.

Lisa said...

Oh wow these are lovely! Happy mother's day!

Lisa said...

And I'm a follower in my google reader.

aquaknits said...

Happy Mother's Day! I'll be bringing my mom and grandma goodies from their favorite pastry shop. A quilt for mom isn't in the works just yet, but soon! :)

aquaknits said...

I'm a follower too!

Belinda said...

I love following your blog!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Belinda said...

My daughter, and my mother-in-law and I are attending our annual Mother's Day Breakfast at our church. Then my husband it taking me out to eat. Good times!!

quilary said...

Pretty, pretty fabrics, I feel faint just looking at them. I'm having breakfast in bed, spending an uninterrupted (and un-commented on) few hours reading blogs. Then I will get up and go to my sewing machine for another few hours of uninterrupted (and un-commented on) sewing. (I'll let them roll their eyes, but no words!). Hope you have a lovely day to do the things you want to as well. Happy Mothers Day.

AnneMarie said...

Great giveaway! We are spending Mother's Day on the road!

quilary said...

I'm a follower! Thanks for the second chance.

HoneySage said...

I am going to spend the day trying to plant some flowers, if it doesn't rain. Happy Mom's Day! Thanks for the giveaway!

HoneySage said...

I am a follower!

Anonymous said...

I am a follower!

Anonymous said...

Mother's Day is also known as "No Diaper Changing Day" in my house... Father's Day takes the same name :o) So, I guess that's what I'm NOT doing on Mother's Day!!!

Anonymous said...

What a sweeeet giveaway. I'm a follower!

Anonymous said...

Since my mother will be moving in with me soon, I'm planning on a bedroom makeover for her!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower! Thanks for a chance at such a lovely giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I will be hanging out at home with my son and my sister...Nothing particularly special planned.

Anna said...

Love this fabric! I'm going to the beach to celebrate Mother's Day

Anna said...

I'm a follower. Thanks for a chance to win!

~Carla~ said...

I made my mom a table runner for Mothers Day! :) I'm hoping to relax tomorrow! But as a mother of 4, that rarely happens! ;)

~Carla~ said...

I'm already a follower of your lovely blog!! :)

Marcia W. said...

I already follow your gogokim blog

Marcia W. said...

I treated my mother to a fabric store trip and lunch out today (Saturday). Sunday I'll take her to church and to a celebratory dinner at my niece's. She is a wonderful Mom.

Deb said...

Tomorrow on Mother's Day morning both my mom (83) and I will be sitting up in her bed together (she lives with us), and my husband will be serving us breakfast in bed: stuffed French toast with fresh strawberries and whipped cream on top! My husband has done this for me every year, and now my mom gets to experience it! I can't wait!

Susan said...

Yes! I am a follower!

amylouwhosews said...

you and your HR stash! I love it!!! I don't have any mermaids......

as it is also our anniversary tomorrow, we went out to dinner tonight. He treated us to Ruths Chris! We'd never been and it was delish! He also cleaned the house this morning while I was running errands and I'm pretty sure I won't have to change any diapers tomorrow. Sound good?
Happy Mother's day to you!!

Susan said...

For Mother's Day I will have my sons visit me for afternoon tea! My own mum is not with us any more! ;-(

Bree said...

Ohh, pretty! For mother's day, i'm going to visit for dinner at my mom's house - and my grandma happens to be in town :)

Bree said...

And I'm a follower!

Quiltstory said...

Kim!!! Seriously!! :) Well that pink stash looks LOVELY, and since I'm the only "pink" in my house, I take what I can get. Thanks for your generosity :) And we of course FOLLOW!

Jessica said...

We took my mom and grandma out for dinner tonight. Happy Mother's Day! :)

Jessica said...

I follow via Google Friend Connect!

Karen said...

Happy Mother's Day! I made my Mom a tote bag for her bible and study books so she can be "stylin" on Tuesday nights :) Thanks so much for this opportunity! We have 4 grandsons, but (finally) 2 grand-daughters due any minute! One due the 12th of May and the other due June 20th! I hope I win...I need pink!

Karen said...

I am one of your happy followers!

Digital Misfit said...

Happy Mother's Day :)
I will be making dinner for my mom (bbq steak and potato salad is what she chose). Next weekend I hope to hit a few yard sales for my fun time!

Digital Misfit said...

I am a brand new follower (though repeat visitor) of your lovely blog.

Kristen said...

We eat waffles, go to church, go to the park and relax!! I have the perfect project for those fabrics! I wish she would design in those cottons again- so so soft!

Kristen said...

I follow!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I'm doing the 5K Race for the Cure walk with my family! I'm a 24 year breast cancer survivor! Love that fabric!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

And I'm a follower!

anne said...

I am hoping to sew on mother's day. thanks for the give away and happy mother's day to you. Love the pink fabric!

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

For Mother's Day we are having my mother over for bbq hotdogs (her favorite) and other tasty treats. Happy Mother's Day to you!!!
Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway.

Kelsey said...

My request was to not have plans, but to just do whatever I feel like doing all day tomorrow. :) (Other than church, or course.)

I fully expect that to include a nice big block of sewing time while the hubs watches the baby. :D

And possibly some fabric shopping as well. He's already told me to get a fabric bundle I've been eyeing on Fabricworm. ^_^

Kelsey said...

I'm also a follower. :)

ColleenaMareena said...

No plans for mother's day for us, just church and the rest of the day relaxing with our family.

Thanks for a greta giveaway! And all of your pictures are lovely!

ColleenaMareena said...

Now a follower too!

Victoria Paige @ Boutique Uniquely said...

I am already a follower

Victoria Paige @ Boutique Uniquely said...

For mother's day I am having my in-laws over and my husband is preparing us lunch with mimosas. Then I plan to hug and cuddle my baby girl all day long.

KMServino said...

I am a follower!

KMServino said...

Oh and for Mother's Day - I hope to stay in bed, maybe read a new book and sew!

Joanna said...

For mother's day I am taking my mother to dinner.

Joanna said...

I am a follower.

Catskill Quilter said...

Ahh, Mother's Day! My own Mom left us in 1998 and I still miss her. The Easter Bunny, in his infinite wisdom, brought me her favorite Mother's Day gift, a coral impatiens in a hanging basket...she loved that so much that we got it over and over for her -- and each time was new! For our daughters who are mothers, we have gotten pink roses...does that tell you that you have the right color of fabric? For me? I am planning on some happy workroom time!

Catskill Quilter said...

I am already a follower -- naturally! Love your blog!

Shanna of Fiber of All Sorts said...

Well I hope that they heard you and your dishes are washed and put away. For me I have the whole day to sew. . and call my own mother!

Shanna of Fiber of All Sorts said...

I am so a follower. I would love to make something pink. It would be for me as my 11-year old doesn't think pink is the best anymore. Le'Sigh

Erin @ Two More Seconds said...

What a generous prize! I'm hopefully getting some alone-shopping time tomorrow! Thanks for the chance to win :]

Angela D. said...

I'm spending mother's day relaxing and hopefully sewing after breakfast out with the family. Have a great Mother's Day! thanks for the giveaway.

Angela D. said...

I'm a follower!

Anonymous said...

It's my Birthday! = thanks for the chance on this fabulous giveaway

rachandcarl said...

breaky in bed followed by a lazy day - a bit of sewing, a bit of reading in front of the fire!
i love the fabric here!

Di~ said...

I am already a follower, yeah!

Di~ said...

Laze around myself, gave mom a new computer! thanks for the chance I love this fabric and have never been able to buy any Heather Ross fabric!

Beth said...

We'll be spending Mothers Day watching the Yankees on tv--a real treat for me!

wordygirl at earthlink dot net

**nicke... said...

hoping to do a little sewing and maybe a nap!

Jerri said...

Taking it easy with husband and dog...hope to get some sew in.

Jerri said...

*sewing. Also, I'm a new follower!

Sarah @ FairyFace Designs said...

We had Mothers Day a couple of months ago here in Ireland and I spent it having fun with my family. I made my mum a few nice things for it too!

Sarah @ FairyFace Designs said...

I'm a follower!

Laura said...

I'm a follower! =)

Laura said...

We are at a wedding out of town so I won't be there this year - but I made sure to send a card!

Kathy S. said...

Lovely giveaway! For mother's day I will spend some time with my mom and then take my son to the park. The reward for myself is that when my son is good and tired from the park I will take a nap and cuddle with him (he's still 3). I was up five hours last night working on finishing my Supernova quilt and the nap will be my reward.

Kathy S. said...

Happy Mother's Day to you as well. I am a follower. LOVE the fabric with girl bikes. Thanks for the chance to win it.

Dolores said...

Happy Mothers Day. Thanks for hosting this competition with such a lovely prize!

Happy Mothers Day to you, mine has been so nice.


Dolores said...

I'm a new follower too!

Rhonda the Rambler said...

Unfortunately Mother's Day will involve putting a new liner in the pool and probably some laundry and dishes UGH!! There is a slight chance I will make it to my sewing room later this evening...slight! Thanks for the giveaway

Rhonda the Rambler said...

I am a follower

MoeWest said...

Happy Mother's Day to you too! DH and I got back last night from spending two days with his Mom. I visited a new-to-me quilt shop while I was there and bought myself a book and some fabric. Today I'm reading blogs while my breakfast is being cooked (love that). I may go to the fabric store and look for two more fabrics that I need to start a quilt from my new book.

MoeWest said...

I'm a follower. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Unknown said...

I'm a follower! (Have been for a little while now).

Unknown said...

Sadly, my mom lives in Florida and I won't see her today, but I sent her a gift and a card earlier this week. I am going to treat myself to some uninterrupted time in my "sweatshop" today. I am working on a cathedral window project! Thanks for the shot at some really great fabric!

Jodi-JoJoMia's Place said...

I am having my mom over for supper tonight and we are just spending time together with the rest of the family. what could be better!

Teje Karjalainen said...

Thank you for sharing those beautiful fabrics! I have these days so much pink in my mind - would love to win! Sadly I don't have my mom near to me anymore, but she is even more in my mind!

Teje Karjalainen said...

I'm your follower!

elizabeth t said...

I'm a follower!
ethet at charter dot net

elizabeth t said...

I am taking a long nap today! I am a florist and have been working 16-18 hour days for the last 5 days! Happy Mother's Day!
ethet at charter dot net

Sonja♥ said...

We also have mother's day in Belgium today:)
We just wanted to play, rest and stay together in family in the garden under the warm and shiny sun...

Sonja♥ said...

I ♥ your blog! Evidemment I'm a follower;)

Chelsea said...

Awesome giveaway! I'm going to call my mum in a bit but other than that it's just the usual Sunday full of chores and hopefully some sewing.


yorkie mom said...

I follow you (new) gougeonathome@charter.net (Allison)

yorkie mom said...

I love,love,love Heather Ross fabric!! Mother's day for me is a nap with my Yorkie! Thanks for the chance! gougeonathome@charter.net

Melinda said...

Home with my kids while my hubbie (unfortunately!) had to work. But they are playing sweetly together so I'm about to take them for ice cream!

Meg said...

I'm taking my mom to her first ever spa treatment! I think she's doing it to humor me, but I'm hoping she'll be a convert afterward. She deserves some pampering!

Meg said...

And of course I'm a follower. Don't be silly. :)

Gill said...

Here in the UK we had Mothers' Day in March!
My children cooked the Sunday lunch and bought me a new Emma Bridgwater mug to add to my collection!

Gill said...

I'm a new follower

Karen said...

i enjoyed lunch made by my girls and then off to visit my mother-in-law.

Trashmaster46 said...

I am doing homework, housework, and planning dinner for my husband's and my first wedding anniversary today. I think this fabric would make a wonderful anniversary present :)

Nancy said...

I am taking a nap, and letting my husband mind the munchkin. Thanks for the darling giveaway. Happy Mother's Day!

VeeBee said...

We are going out (3 generations) for Indian food. And I got my mom a lovely burgundy Dahlia plant in a cute pot!

VeeBee said...

New follower too. Thanks for the give-away!

kbzelazny said...

I had a wonderful day! Went horseback riding this morning,and had all my meals cooked for me today! Awesome!

kbzelazny said...

I'm now a follower. Thanks for the great giveaway.

amy said...

I spent my day fishing, gardening & enjoying Spring!

amy said...

And I'm a follower!

Anonymous said...

Today for my 2 moms I made them each a different quilted bag. My biological mom got a Diva Bag and my Step mom got a Bow Tie bag with a wallet to match. For myself I am doing nothing today.

Anonymous said...

I am a follower and your blog is cute.

Meri said...

I celebrated a day early with a mani/pedi, lunch and shopping with my daughter. Today was spent driving home and mowing grass!

Meri said...

I'm a follower!

Nancy D. said...

I've not done anything for myself today, but I plan to go get a pedicure this week sometime.

Nancy D. said...

I'm a follower!

Mary said...

My husband bought me flower baskets to hang from the porch, and I made a binder with my son's artwork for my mom, great day!

Mary said...

And I am (and have been) a follower. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Splendorfalls said...

Did lunch with the in-laws, birthday party for a friend's kiddo in the afternoon, and ice cream with mom in the evening!

Toni said...

We celebrated a day early and went to a great Farmer's Market, fabric shopping, out to lunch, then ice cream on the way home. To top it off, all three of my boys, ages 4, 2, and 5 months, were fabulous in Mass yesterday morning. That was a gift!

And this would be . . . . said...

For Mother's Day, I have asked for a day to myself. A day with no chores or decision making for anyone else. A day to do what I want, read, quilt, sew, sleep. This did not happen this weekend but hopefully before next Mother's Day.

Becky said...

Mother's Day was fabulous! We had my husband's family over for Prime Rib:) It was a wonderful day with family. Both my boys were able to make it!!!!

And this would be . . . . said...

I am a new follower.

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