Today is the day!!!!!! May Giveaway Day!!!!! Be sure to go and check out all the other great giveaways listed at Sew Mama Sew and many thanks to them for organizing this mass giveaway :o)
How I love sock monkeys!!!!!! They are super fun and great for boys, girls and some (ahem) grown-ups I know. Today's giveaway is one full yard of each of the Erin Michaels Moda Sock Monkey fabrics shown in the photo!!!!!!!
How you can enter to win and have some funky monkeys come live with you ( Adam is not included in the giveaway) :
Best of luck and thanks !!!!!!!
Kim :o)
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 494 Newer› Newest»Hello from Québec! I loved your top in Made By Rae's Sewalong! Thanks for the chance to win! sophie (at) bleuvanille (dot) com
My kids would love the monkey fabric. Thanks!kristie_keely(at)yahoo(d0t)com
I love the fabric! Thanks for sharing. I love those little sock monkeys. They remind me of my granddaughter who is 4. She has one in her room.
Omg best fabric ever!!!
I am a new follower!
what wonderfully cute fabric! thanks for the chance to win!
and, i'm a new follower!
oooh, I need some monkey's up in here :) my kids are little monkeys so this fabric will work :)
Oh my heck! I love sock monkeys!!!!
I adore sock monkeys! So fun!
I am a follower!
Sock monkeys for a bubblemonkey! YESSS!
Howdy! Every time I see sock monkeys, they always seem to brighten my day. So cute!
i make the most awesomest overall using sock monkey prints!!
I love the sock monkey fabric. This would be great to make something for my sister-in-law.
I think the monkeys are adoreable, but have yet to buy any, so winning some would be awesome.
YAY MONKEY FABRIC! If I win this I'm totally making myself a monkey dress.
No seriously, I'll do it.
I love monkeys THAT much.
Thank you so much for hosting such a wonderful giveaway!
My contact e-mail is
I'm also a new follower, anyone that likes monkeys are good people in my book!
My contact e-mail is
I've been following... Thanks for sharing!
Love this fabric!
Monkeys are fun, sock monkeys used to scare me as a child though :)
I follow your blog :)
Cute, cute!
Oh my. I have never even seen this fabric. Awesome! Thanks for the chance! thurbs8(at)yahoo(dot)com.
Thanks for the generous giveaway. I love monkeys too!
I love sock monkeys and I have always called my little boy mama's little monkey.
I think this is such fun, cute fabric.
I love sock monkeys and have yet to get any fabric! (I do have paul frank pj pants. Love.)
A sock monkey quilt is on my to-do list. My favorite toy growing up was a sock monkey made by my Great Aunt.
I'm a new follower.
I'm a new follower :)
Thanks so much for participating in Giveaway Day :)
fun monkeys!
RP from BBC {at} gmail {dot} com
I LOVE Sock monkeys! I have an embroidery pattern that would go great on a quilt made with this wonderful fabric :)
One of the first animal sounds we teach our young is the monkey. hehe..hearing a baby make monkey noises is just the BEST.
...a yard of each...wowzas! Awesome!
I love these monkeys! They would make great blankets for MY 3 monkeys (all boys).
Thank you for a wonderful giveaway! Happy Giveaway Day to you!
I am a new follower, too!
Thank you for the great giveaway. It's lovely.
atchisonsteph at gmail dot com
I so love sock monkeys.
I love those sock monkeys! And I know a kid who would really love a quilt with these fabrics.
These monkeys are so fun! Would love to be the lucky winner! Thanks for sharing...such a generous giveaway!
Oh, those really are so cute. How fun.
I will follow you
What a generous giveaway! My 2 year old is newly devoted to Curious George, so these are perfect, and totally cute! Thanks for the chance to win.
Love the sock monkeys! thanks for a chance to win them.
Lovin those monkeys!
I absolutely do love those monkeys! Thanks for a chance to win.
DD and I are both addicted to sock monkeys! I'd have to make something wonderful for her from all of this.
monkeys actually kind of scare me. their hands are too similar to human hands. Freaks me out.
But I adore sock monkeys! Those soft little guys are so cute, especially in these fabrics.
i'm a new followererer
Thank you for a great giveaway!
I am following!
I feel your pain when it to comes to sewing out of obligation. The travel tote you finished is supper cute hang in there.
Love these sock monkeys - so so cute :)
I just started a quilt using the same Joel Dewberry fabric - isn't it wonderful?! We obviously have good taste :)
I'm a new follower - look forward to keeping up with you :)
Oh, your monkeys are so cute !!
Regards from Munich (Germany)
I like your blog Kim, you have a new follower,
I love monkeys! This monkey fabric where they are riding the bananas in the sky was one of my first fabric purchases, they were made into pajamas!
Also, I have been following you for a while now!
I love those fabrics. And I'm sure my two little monkeys would love something made from those fabrics :-) Thanks for the chance to win!
I love the monkey fabrics! Thanks for the giveaway!
Oh wow, nice giveaway. I have a huge monkey lover in my family who would adore something made with those.
And I'm already a follower :)
Wowee!! I got a little tiny bit of this fabric and made a small bag with it, but I would love to have this whole set!! Thanks so much for the chance tow in!!
HappyQuilting at DewberryLane dot com
My daughter is a HUGH sock monkey fan so this would make my day. Thanks so much !!
I am already a follower of your blog
WOW! Thanks for the chance :D
Already Follow You!
Kim.. I love your sock monkey stash and could I make a good home for all of it. I also am participating in Give-Away..
Say It With Thread
for A Moda Jelly Roll Stop by for a visit.
Kim.. me again. I am now your latest follower.
Lovely... Thank you for entering me pretty please!
Oh, I just love sock monkies!
I'm an old follower!
How sweet is that fabric! I think my best friend would LOVE a quilt made of sock monkeys for Christmas!
I love those monkeys!!!!
Thanks for the chance to win this great prize!
I used to love my sock monkey. These prints are great!
I'm a follower of your blog
I love the sock monkeys I have only just discovered them...cute
monkeys bring back childhood carefree times. Love 'em!
I have two "monkeys" of my very own. The expert climber will be 3 in June and her apprentice is 9 months old.
Great fabrics. Nice giveaway, thank you
I'm a new follower!
Monkeys? How fab! I have some socks earmarked to make a sock monkey... love that fabric.
Thanks for the generous giveaway!
I loves the fabrics ^^
Really lovely. I hope I am the lucky one..
The monkey look adorable ^^
Great giveaway! Thanks for participating in SMS giveaway.
Cute sock monkey fabrics - I know some little kids who'd love those. And a lot of those would be great for fussy cutting!
starsandsunshineblog at gmail dot com
And I'm a new follower!
I really love monkeys, but I love you more, for such a great giveaway! Thanks
Cute! Who doesn't love monkeys? I have my very own at home, aka, the child, but who doesn't love monkeys on fabric? Thank you!
Oh dear, I actually squealed when I saw this! I LOVE sock monkeys! All fingers and toes are crossed. Thanks for putting together such a generous giveaway!
Also, I just added you to my feed reader so I am a follower! Your blog is so cute!
thanks so much for the chance, this fabric is so darn cute!!
LOVE sock monkeys. :)
So cute! I love the monkeys!!
These fabrics are so incredibly awesome! I love sock monkeys!! Thanks for the opportunity :D
I follow via GFC quixoticdreamer
Hi! Thanks for the giveaway!
That fabric is so much fun!! One could certainly make a great kids quilt with that.
Awesome giveaway.
Thanks for the chance.
We love monkey stuff around here, so the fabric would be put to good use!!! Thanks for the generous giveaway!
I could make something perfect for my sister in law's little one with these!
Thanks for the giveaway!
who doesn't love monkeys!!! so cute!
love this! thanks for the chance to win!
jacy468 at aim dot com
Great monkeys! I just made a quilt top for my son with the goodnight monkey line. So cute.
thanks for the giveaway. my son would love some monkey
Love these fabrics!! Thanks for the chance to win!
I love monkeys! I especially love sock monkeys! Cute!
New follower, also!
Howdy! I like the begging chimpanzees at Amsterdam Zoo.
Monkeys! So cute! Thanks for allowing us to explore your blog - too fun!
Love the fabrics! Very generous!
These would be great for a baby quilt! Thanks for the chance to win.
The monkey's are so cute:-)
I am a follower:-)
Those fabrics are absolutely awesome and you are soooo generous. Thanks for the giveaway. x
Oooooh I looove sock monkeys! I hope I win! :)
sleepachu at hotmail dot com
Sweet - I love the sock monkey fabrics. I've used a few pieces over the past few years but I never tire of them.
Thanks for the giveaway! Love these sock monkeys. I can't believe I don't have any yet.
I'm a follower.
I'm already a follower. Thanks for the giveaway!
Oh my goodness! How precious is this set? I love sock monkeys & I'm having a baby boy in July & I'm sure I could make him some fun stuff with those cute patterns! Thanks so much for the giveaway! :-)
I'm a new follower! :-)
I love monkeys.
Hello and thank you for the chance to win some monkey fabric! I have a book panel and these would fill in the blanks wonderfully
I'm a HAPPY follower!
i love the sock monkeys! I have some banana fabric that would go marvelously....
I love the monkeys! I have Evy Hawkins' sock monkey embroidery/applique design. It's too cute!
I am a new follower!
These are very cute! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love sock monkeys! My daughters would love a quilt with this fabric- My 6 year old made herself a sock kitty this winter.
Such fun fabric- love it!!
I am loving the sock monkeys.
these are wonderful! i actually just signed myself up to make a sock monkey blanket for a friend's husband! so there are other adults out there too!
asdrexler at gmail dot com
i am also a new follower
asdrexler at gmail dot com
My son loves, loves, loves, monkeys, esp. sock monkeys and I have been dreaming over this fabric for sometime as I know he would love a quilt made from this! What a wonderful giveaway! What a treat it would be. :)
I do love monkeys, I do, I do!
I didn't even know they made sock monkey fabric! How cute is this? I would love to make some cute clothes with these. My little guy ould love this!
just got a sock monkey embroidery that would look just AWESOME with that!!
these monkeys are just adorable :) they make me smile!
That Monkey fabric is way too cute! I have never seen those prints! They remind me of the sock monkeys of my childhood :)
Thanks for such a fab giveaway :)
Hi there! I think sock monkeys are a wonderful classic! :) Thank you for the giveaway!
i am simply smitten over sock monkeys. katiefewell(at)gmail(dot)com
I love this fabric. I made and sold sock monkeys when I was in High school for a fund raiser.
You're so generous with the giveaway, we're always calling our daughter a little monkey, a cheeky monkey that is.
Hey there! I love the fabrics that you are showing here. They are just too cute. And I love your blog. Thus I guess I have to be pretty fond of you and your work.
I have been a follower of your blog for quite some time. I hope that I can win these lovely fabrics.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this fabric! Thanks for the chance to win
And, now I'm a newbie follower! Love your blog!
Such a generous giveaway! Thanks for the chance!
I love sock monkeys, used to make them all the time. thanks for the giveaway.
Love love the sock monkeys!
How generous! hoo hoo haa haa,(my monkee impression)
lots of fun ideas for those sock monkeys!
i follow your blog
Sock monkey, that funky monkey. Thanks for the giveaway.
I'm a few follower of your blog!
I am SO LOVING your giveaway fabrics!
I'm new to this whole blogging thing so this giveaway event has been a great opportunity for me to find great sites like this. And what fun prints your offering!! Many thanks!!
I'm following too! Thanks again!
I love sock monkeys! My very first sewing project was a sock cat.
lindsay.forgette at gmail dot com
Sock monkeys! My sister in law loves monkeys of all kinds, so I'd have to make her something if I win this. Thanks for the giveaway!
Love sock monkeys..real monkeys, not so much. Thanks for the great giveaway :)
I'm a follower.
I do love those monkeys. What a cute child's quilt that fabric would make. Thank you for the chance to win some.
I am now following.
10 little monkeys swinging from the tree, teasing Mr. Crocodile, you can't catch me......
Each of my girls have sock monkey jammies and other random monkey PJs. I would love to win to bring the monkeys out of the bedroom...wait that sounds weird. Thanks for the chance.
Monkey trouble! Love it. Please watch the you tube video chimpanzee riding on a segway... it will crack you up!
Fun fabrics!
I love monkeys so much that I named my two daughters (and my blog and stores) Two Cheeky Monkeys, LOL.
Thanks for the chance!
debyeo at hotmail dot com
O-ma-gosh - you pick out the most interesting fabrics! ^_^ Sock monkeys are awesomesauce!!
*wave* Following!!
Hi, and ohmygoodness those sock monkey prints are adorable! xo
I'm actually afraid of monkeys but these are kinda cute!
Oh I love the sock monkey print. I have a friend who had triplets and she used it on their stuff.
Lucky #400 - I have a girl who is a sock monkey fiend. I would lOVE to win these! Love to! Love to!
Oh sock monkeys! I love sock monkeys and yet the one I had when I was a child was a little scary looking. I never trusted my sock monkey!
Hi from Queensland Australia!
Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Hello! :) What adorable fabric!! I'm sure many people above have already said that... but it's so true! Thanks for this awesome giveaway.
Erin x
I'm your newest follower, and I am also a coffee addict! :D I love iced coffee.
Erin x
I'd love to have some of this fabric to make a little doll quilt for my daughters.
Oh my gosh, you have no idea how much I need this fabric. I adore sock monkies and my son has had the same one since birth named Kiki and he still sleeps with it every night. Thank you so much for the chance to win. God bless.
I am a new follower. Please feel free to stop by and enter my giveaway also.
Awesome giveaway! Hooray for monkeys! :D
And I'm a new follower!
Love your blog & your gorgeous creations you always post! The fabric is adorable!!!
I'm already a follower! :)
Monkeys are the best!
anna [at] 64colorbox [dot] com
Oh, so fun! I love sock monkeys!!
I am a new follower
I have a daughter, Pia, who LOVES sock monkeys. MUST...WIN...
I follow you now...just because of the sock monkeys. They're like that, you know :-)
We love monkeys in this house - although if I have to sit through "Curious George" one more time I may frisbee it out the door. :)
Love Love the monkeys...and you for sharing.
Hello to all. I hope I win.
So I just connected that you made the Jamie "shirt" for the Jamie Dress sew-along on Sew Sweetness! I really loved it. :) The sock monkeys are too cute. Thanks for the chance to win!
I am also a brand new follower! Glad I found your blog :)
hello :)
rascarborough (at) gmail (dot) com
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