The start of something really good! | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The start of something really good!

These are the dots that are the start of something really good :o) I'll share more later this week. Sara said you can never go wrong with dots...or something like that. 



  1. I *love* the "thing" you made so far!! ;-) What a great idea! Hell yeah you can't go wrong with dots!! :-) Are you putting this on your blog as a tutorial?

  2. Yes ma'am I am :o) I thought you might enjoy something new to do with dots!!!!!! I worked on it today between coats of paint drying on Katy's furniture ;o)

  3. Hi! I'm sure Sara is right! They look really good all together and I'm sure you are going to make something special and wonderful with them!

  4. It's the start of a trippy laser light show / optical illusion!


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