FIOS lines were not meant to be run over by lawnmowers. | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Monday, October 17, 2011

FIOS lines were not meant to be run over by lawnmowers.

I was being productive and mowing the grass and was trying to cheat by mowing the planting bed too...BAD idea...

This is what happens when the blade of a lawnmower meets up with fiber optic cable. So, internet,phone and tv were GONE.

I found a pattern for a five square block that was a lot of cutting but I changed a couple of steps and made it super quick! I think this one block took 1.5 to 2 hours including cutting /ironing/figuring out what I was doing ;o)  The block size is about 18 inches so this will make a whole quilt in no time.

I am using Denyse Schmidt's Hope Valley that has been waiting for the right season and project.  I was inspired by the trees changing in the yard and thought this fabric was perfect.

So maybe, hitting that line wasn't so horrible after all! 

Kim :o)



Toni said...

Amazing what you can accomplish without all those distractions! Running over the cable sounds exactly like something I would do. This block looks great and I love the fabric choice! Can't wait to see more!

Anonymous said...

I love it. I'm waiting to get my new Pfaff before I do any more projects lol. But this block is so on my list :)

amylouwhosews said...

I love that pattern! Where did you find it? And how did you make it easier and faster? you are my kind of sewer! ox

Katy Cameron said...

Lol, oops! Love how that block is going though

Susan said...

That is such pretty fabric! A perfect colour for the season and the block!

Jenny said...

gorgeous block! im looking forward to seeing more of this quilt...i have yet to use my gorgeous stash of Hope Valley

Sara @ Sew Sweetness said...

Wow, how did I miss this?!?!?!

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