Daisy Mae Giveaway!!!!!! ( Closed to new entries) | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Daisy Mae Giveaway!!!!!! ( Closed to new entries)

This has to be one of Denyse Schmidt's best lines ever! I know I think that every single time but I really mean it THIS time ;o) The colors are beautiful and rich and just AAAAAAHhhhhhhhhh!

The giveaway , thank you VERY much Denyse Schmidt Quilts, is a fat quarter set of the entire Daisy Mae line!!!!


I will be making this a follower only giveaway since this is super special!!!!!!  If you want to become a follower that would be lovely :o)

The giveaway will end Saturday November 26 and I will announce the winner on Sun November 27, sometime after my coffee :o)

The winner will be chosen by random.org

To enter ( one comment only):
Please comment on your favorite Thanksgiving dish :o)

The favorite in this house is made once a year only at Thanksgiving. It is Southern Sweet Potato Casserole. My Katy Mae BEGS for it year round!

Good Luck!!!!!!


1 – 200 of 253   Newer›   Newest»
Dagmar said...

I'm a follower and my favorite Thanksgiving dish is the stuffing

Kate said...

That fabric is lovely!

I'm a follower and we've already celebrated Thanksgiving up here in Canada and my favourite dish is definitely the stuffing. And apple crisp for dessert, of course!

KristyLou said...

This is a tough choice! Probably the turkey. Its the only thing I can't make for myself ever :)

JuliePickles said...

I'm a faithful follower! My favorite dish is the pumpkin pie! But if I had to pick something from the dinner portion I'd say the ham, smothered in mashed potatoes and gravy and put inside of a biscuit. Yum!

Kelsey said...

I'm a follower and my favorite, hands down, is mashed potatoes! I usually badger my mom into making at least 10 pounds worth :)

knottygnome said...

I am a follower. my favorite thanksgiving dish is the creamed corn casserole that my mom used to make. it's so bad for you so i only eat it once a year or so. but it's definitely worth it when i do.


Kristy said...

I'm already a follower! :) And I love the dressing...baked right inside the turkey even though they say not to do that, it's just not the same if you don't! :)

Thanks for the fun!

JuneBug said...

I am a follower and my fave dish is Cherry Pie!

Suzie H said...

I am a follower and my favorite side dish is the cranberry salad my family makes every year!

Jennifer said...

I'm a follower and string bean casserole is my favorite! that and warm biscuits :)

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

My favorite Thanksgiving dish is pumpkin pie!!! Yumm!!!! Thanks for the opportunity to enter your great giveaway!!!
Happy Thanksgiving :)

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Kim! Wow those are fantastic fabrics! I would love to get them to my hands! Too bad we don't celebrate Thanksgiving here - I would love to taste pumpkin pie!
I'm your happy follower!
xxx Teje
PS. Your new header is beautiful!

Jen said...

I'm a follower! I like the Turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy. Nothing too exciting, just the basics!

Judith said...

Well we in the UK don't have Thanksgiving but if we were to have it then I would make a sumptuous Pumpkin risotto.

annabelle said...

I love sweet potatoes with a pecan topping but my son can't eat nuts so this year I'm trying something new. I'll see if it will still be a fav. Thanks for giving and happy thanksgiving. :) (I couldn't help myself ;)

Lisa England said...

I would choose stuffing as my favorite Thanksgiving dish. Sometimes I even make it when it's NOT Thanksgiving just because it is so delicious.

Sandi K. said...

Thought I was already a follower, but I made it official today :D! My favorite is also sweet potato casserole! I put chopped pecans and mini marshmallows on top of mine! Yum!

Scenic Pit Stops said...

I'm a follower.

My favorite Thanksgiving dish is probably pumpkin pie. But leftover sandwiches are right up there at the top of the list, too!

Kelly Irene said...

OMG. I have been wanting this set, but my fabric budget is basically nil for the rest of the year! Thanks to you and DSQ for this giveaway! I am already a follower.
We pretty much never have mashed potatoes and gravy, so that is what I look forward to all year with Thanksgiving. I also love real cranberry sauce.

Needled Mom said...

I'm already a follower and I would have to say that the stuffing is my favorite - a sausage sage stuffing! YUM.

Patty said...

I love stuffing! Thanks for chance to win.

Katey said...

I'm a follower and my favorite Thanksgiving dish is definitely my grandma's mashed potatoes.

Stephany said...

any kind of skins on mashed potatoes!

hueisei said...

I'm a follower :) and I likes roasted turkey :)

Leah said...

Definitely the Stuffing. Can't have a Thanksgiving without the stuffing. :)

Anita said...

I'm a follower. I just love stuffing, it is so hard to eat a weight watchers receipt....

Melanie said...

I'm a follower and I love stuffing! I only make it once a year at Thanksgiving, so I eat a ton all weekend long!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Twins Squared said...

I'm a follower. What a lovely giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win. Hmmm... my favorite. I love it all but I guess I would choose the stuffing and the sweet potatoes. Yummm!

Sallie said...

I'm a follower and I love dressing - even better cold the next day.

Lee said...

I'm ALL about the stuffing. I'm a follower - thanks for an amazing giveaway! My Joanne's doesn't have ANY of this line.

Crystal said...

I'm a follower. Mu favorite thanksgiving treat is pumpkin pie with cool whip. Yum!!!!

Heather D. said...

I'm a follower! While I'm Canadian and this is not our Thanksgiving week, we already celebrated in October and my fave is stuffing. My mom's recipe, which I also now make!

Katy Cameron said...

I follow, but from the UK, and as it's frowned upon to celebrate getting rid of you lot to North America, we don't celebrate thanksgiving ;o) I do like pumpkin pie though...

Catie said...

My favorite Thanksgiving dish is stuffing. It's just not Thanksgiving without the stuffing!

twelfthzodiac said...

We already had our Thanksgiving in Canada...but all the turkey talk I have been seeing this week has made me wish we could have another Thanksgiving meal! Stuffing is my favourite, has to be the way my mom makes it though~!

Rebecca said...

I'm a stuffing fan :) THANKS for the chance at that gorgeous bundle!

Lynn said...

i'm a happy follower and i love love love this D.S. collection!!! i would be over the moon to win since i've yet to hit joann's....thanks so much for the chance.
my 94 year old grandma's "dressing" is my absolute favorite-and yes, she's still making it!

Jenny said...

thanks for a chance...im on a hiatus from buying fabric, so this would be serious treat! i like the turkey...we never make it otherwise...im a white meat only girl...which is fine cause hubby loves the dark meat!

ps...love you Hope Valley header!

Stephanie Granite said...

My favorite Thanksgiving dish is my family's cranberry jello salad. It's become the thing I'm requested to bring with me every year when we join my in-laws for Thanksgiving too so they must love it as well!

Ella said...

I'm allergic to turkey, so I pick pumpkin pie!

Gill said...

I'm a follower from the UK and we don't have Thanksgiving! but at Christmas my favourite food is mince pies!!

Colby said...

My favorite dish is green bean casserole! I make it even when it's not Thanksgiving I like it so much!

Solstitches said...

I'm a follower.
We don't have Thanksgiving in my country (although I wish we did) but I do like pumpkin bread.


Quiltin' Sandy said...

G'day from "Down Under". :)
We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Australia, we should though as we have much to be thankful for. We do really like Turkey and have it at Christmas. I would like to try pumpkin pie. We eat pumpkin here as a vegetable, boiled or baked. :)
Yes, I am one of your followers, too.

jlk said...

I'm a follower. My favorite thing at Thanksgiving is the smoked turkey. It's so delicious!

Anonymous said...

Hello, I'm a follower and I love stuffing! My mom used to make it with home made bread crumbs (seasoned)....I'm a little less ambitious than that, but I still love it. Thanks for the give away chance. Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

My favorite Thanksgiving dish is definitely PUMPKIN PIE! I have no idea why I only make it at Thanksgiving time...thanks for the opportunity to win!

Esther said...

I'm a follower! Since I'm from Canada, we've already had Thanksgiving! :) But my favorite dis is the gravy. I know it's not really a "dish", but I love it. I pour it over everything (maybe except the salad, because that's just gross)!

Megan said...

I've been a follow for several months now :) My favorite Thanksgiving dish is probably glazed carrots. I don't like a lot of regular Thanksgiving food (i.e. stuffing and sweet potatoes), but my grandma would cook some carrots in with the sweet potatoes for me.

Beth said...

For me it's Sweet Potato Casserole, too. I make it from a delicious Susan Branch recipe.

I'm a follower, and glad to be one.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Miranda said...

I'm a follower and my favorite dish is all the leftovers! I love turkey sandwiches and cold stuffing with some potatoes and gravy.. And I love apple or cherry pie! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Beth said...

For me it's Sweet Potato Casserole, too. I make it from a delicious Susan Branch recipe.

I'm a follower, and glad to be one.

Happy Thanksgiving!

mtnquiltr said...

We've already had Thanksgiving, and my favourite dish is called Hot Potato Salad - it's grated potatoes baked with lots of cheese and sour cream. I could eat the whole dish myself except we all love it!
I'm a follower, and that fabric is in all my fave colours!

Sheila said...

I am a follower, and live in Spain, where there is no Thanksgiving...but I have had pumpkin pie and LOVE it :)

Catskill Quilter said...

My favorite is always the cranberry relish -- with oranges. Love that stuff!

amylouwhosews said...

yummy fabric! I second the cranberry relish comment. I love it with dressing and mashed potatoes!!

Susan said...

Already a follower! Being 'downunder' we don't celebrate Thanksgiving but I make a mean Pecan Pie!

Dawn said...

I am already a follower. My favorite is layered pumpkin pie, nummy! Happy Thanksgiving.

Dolores said...

Hi Kim

Whilst we don't do Thanksgiving in Australia, I do love pumpkin pie! I'm intrigued to know more about sweet potato casserole - I thought it was savoury but then pecans & marshmallows on top???


Rebecca said...

I'm a follower - love your blog! The pumpkin pie gets me every time :)

Jennie said...

We don't have Thanksgivingin the UK either, but any special event deserves a nice roast - and the best part of a nice roast are the Yorshire puddings and gravy!!!

JustPam said...

Everytime I think of my favorite Thanksgiving food it is something different. I love all of it. I am making a Cranberry Pie this year that is really, really good.

Belinda said...

I'm a follower... yep, I am.

My family and I love love love sausage stars. My mom made them for years and when she died in January of this year, the torch was passed to me. They are an appetizer, but we always make ourselves sick on them. :P

Thank you for a great giveaway!!!

Jessica said...

I follow! Mashed potatoes are my favorite, hands down. I can't wait! Thanks and have a wonderful Thanksgiving! :)

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Turkey and Cornbread Dressing
On the goody list Chocolate pie and peanut butter Candy....I know it's now one thing.

Melissa said...

I am a follower! Lovely giveaway. My favorite dish is my mom's homemade Creamed Corn. This dish makes me wish every day was a holiday...not that my backside needs it!

Unknown said...

Lovely fabrics! We don't celebrate thanksgiving here in oz, but have turkey on Christmas sometimes (can be too hot to cook :)). I would like to try pumpkin pie one day......

Anonymous said...

Fun! I like corny corn from my aunt! :)

Jenelle said...

It's got to be pie for me. :) I especially like pumpkin pie made all from scratch (whole pumpkin and all). Which reminds me I have some pies to make tomorrow! Thanks for the giveaway Kim. :) That stack is gorgeous!

Kelly said...

We don't do thanksgiving here - but it would have to be turkey for me

Maggie said...

My favorite is pumpkin torte - it is to die for, and is better as leftovers with coffee on Black Friday :)

Bree said...

I know it's pretty boring, but my absolute favorite is green bean casserole. Unfortunately, I don't even get it every year!

Eryn said...

The one thing no Thanksgiving can be without is my Aunt's Pumpkin Cheesecake. I don't know what she puts in it that makes it better than any other I've ever had, but it is beyond delish. Yum yum...

Unknown said...

I can never have enough mashed potatoes and gravy!

Annmarie said...

I am a follower - thanks for the chance to win some Daisy Mae -love the bright colors. My favorite Thaksgiving dish is Wild Rice Casserole - yum!

Anonymous said...

A follower here (and I commented on your initial post about how nice it is to have friends like Denyse Schmidt!!!). I really, really, really like sauerkraut with our Thanksgiving dinner (right smack dab in the middle of the plate!); does anyone else eat sauerkraut with Thanksgiving dinner??!!?

Lindsay@fortheloveofcotton said...

I love, love, love this fabric! I have been a follower for a while now. My favorite Thanksgiving dish is my brother-in-law's deep fried turkey. It's so yummy and not at all good for you ;)

hollymade said...

My favorite is sweet potatoes, especially with lots of yummy pecans and brown sugar on top.

Tricia said...

Already a follower!

Does pie count?!? Because it's definitely the pie...pumpkin is my favorite!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jennifer Mathis of Ellison Lane said...

I am a follower and sweet potato casserole is my fave too! I've been known to eat it for breakfast the next day. Mine has brown sugar and pecans on top- no marshmallows. It's delish!
Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for the great giveaway chance to win!

supersara20 said...

I am a follower and I love green bean casserole or my grandmother Rose's stuffing! Sad, I won't make it home this year to have the stuffing though.

Mhairi said...

In Australia we don't celebrate Thanksgiving but I have to say that I have always wanted to try true American pumpkin pie. Guess I will have to travel overseas around November.

chefpa said...

I am a follower, and I love pumpkin pie!

Marcia W. said...

I am a follower and my favorite Thanksgiving dish is pecan pie (my mother's). I also make a great cranberry sauce - chill the Ocean Spray can, open, and slide the sauce into a cut glass dish. Serve with a pretty spoon. My Mom does the cooking and I wash the dishes. Works well for us. Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks for the chance - great fabric.

Brandie said...

I love love love my momma's stuffing. followed up by my mother n laws chocolate dessert. Thanks for the chance to win.

yorkie mom said...

I love to make homemade cranberries! I like to hear them "pop" in the pot as they cook! My favorite dish to eat is the pumpkin pie!

cherie godbey said...

My favorite is the relish tray! It is the one time of year that we splurge on the good stuff! Blue cheese stuffed olives, giardinara and pickled green beans! Mmmm.. :)

Joan and Kevin said...

I love to eat carrots and turnips mashed together with a bit of butter.
It is the best! Thanks for the giveaway!

JanetK said...

definitely a follower! I love pumpkin pie!

LJ said...

Been a follower - love the bright colors in these fabrics. My favorite Thanksgiving food is pie - all kinds. We always have pumpkin which is my husband's favorite. Years ago I experimented with recipes and finally came up with "my" pumpkin pie recipe; it's just the way we like it. :)

SewLindaAnn said...

Stuffing, stuffing and more stuffing! Love it leftover on turkey sandwiches with some mayo and cranberry sauce.

amy smart said...

I would be very happy to take this pile of fabric off your hands. Just saying.

My favorite Thanksgiving dish is my husband's brined turkey. SOOOooo good.

Allison C said...

Mashed potatoes!

Kristie said...

I would be very thankful to have these...can't get them up in Canada, where we celebrated our Thanksgiving back in October :) My favorite dish is always a toss up between my mom's amazing stuffing and the pumpkin pie.

(and you know I follow you!)
Thanks for the giveaway, Kim and Denyse!

Gail said...

What beautiful fabric!So cheery! That can only mean warm weather around the corner right? LOL My fave dish on Thanksgiving is my Hubby's Grandma's Monkey Bread from scratch recipe. Made only once a year! Everyone looks forward to it :) HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Rose M. said...

I am a follower and my favorite Thanksgiving dish is Green Rice Casserole. I always make a double batch and hope that there are some leftovers! Love all of Denyse Schmidt's fabric lines.

Rainy said...

I have been a follower for awhile now. Favorite food at Thanksgiving is a Canadian dish my MIL would make every year. Ragaout. Make your own brown gravy and there is pigs feet involved....mmmmm

Mindy said...

Pumpkin Pie!!!! Great fabric. Thanks for the chance to win!

Charlotte said...

Mashed Potatoes and Gravy. :)

Niki said...

I'm a follower and you gotta love having turkey.

Mom C said...

I was gonna say the sweet potato pie too but I also love the stuffing cause I don't make it any other time. Love the fabric, thanks.

Karen O said...

The favorite in our family is a dish we call Cranberry Fluff. Jellied cranberries, crushed saltines, and sweetened whipped cream layered in a glass bowl so you can see the layers. Sounds strange, but the tart, salty and sweet combo is great. Thank you for the chance to win this beautiful fabirc.

Bev said...

I really look forward to sweet potatoes, actually yams, roasted with garlic, rosemary and olive oil until full of carmelicious flavor.

Lappegal said...

I am a follower,but we didn't celebrate thanksgiving.
The fabrics are beautiful:-)

Jo said...

Very nice fabric! I make pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting for Thanksgiving. I am a follower, enjoy your holiday!

Lee said...

I am a follower and I love the homemade rolls! thanks!

quilary said...

I am a follower. I'm not in a country where Thanksgiving is celebrated, but one day I am going to have a go at making Pumpkin Pie!

Rhonda the Rambler said...

My favorite Thanksgiving dish is sweet potato casserole with marshmallows (but they need to be nice & crispy - almost burnt) yummo!!!

bertiequilts said...

my favorite dish is stuffing with the jellied cranberry sauce. I just became a follower and I really do love the fabrics. they would be perfect in a new quilt that I am making. thanks.

Jocelyn said...

What a great giveaway! I love DS fabric line. I am a new follower :-)

jane p said...

I don't celebrate Thanksgiving. I'm from Singapore. If pumpkin is a dish, I would love to eat it mashed.

Mommarock said...

I am a follower, my favorite is the turkey.. but the leftover turkey as a sandwich somehow is even better!

Peach Rainbow said...

We don't have Thanksgiving here, but I'd love the Turkey :D
thanks for the chance!

deserae said...

I love my mom's homemade rolls!

pinsandneedles said...

My favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal is a toss up between the dressing and the pumpkin pie. Thanks for a chance at DS new fabric line. It is lovely!
PS. I'm a follower.

Michele T said...

Sweet bundle of fabric!! I am a new follower. A favorite Thanksgiving dish for me is roasted sweet potatoes.

Heartsdesire said...

I'm an old follower living in Canada and we celebrated Thanksgiving in October. My fave dish is "Cheesy Brussels Sprouts, and I've been making them for over 30 years. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway, Denise's new collection is fabulous, as always.

Anonymous said...


Kathrynn said...

My favorite dish is my homemade cranberry sauce.

Carla G said...

What gorgeous fabric - I'd love to win, as we can't get that fabric up here in Canada. My favorite Thanksgiving dish is the turkey. Yum! But then I'd have to say homemade rolls too, because I love turkey sandwiches... I'm a follower of your blog! Thanks for a wonderful giveaway! And Happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating this week! :)

Jessy said...

I'm a follower through Google Reader. I'm Canadian, so our Thanksgiving passed a few weeks ago. However, my favourite dish is definitely stuffing. We went to dinner at a friends house and she made the most delicious stuffing that had whole almonds and pine nuts in it. I could have eaten a whole plate full!

VickiT said...

You made me laugh at the comment of 'after you've had your coffee' LOL Sounds exactly like me. I barely breathe until after my coffee. I've gotten a little better since marrying my husband in 2002. Before that you didn't want to talk to me before I had my coffee. BUT, he's one of those 'morning' people who jump happily out of bed the second after the alarm goes off. ugh. I, on the other hand, am NOT a morning person. LOL

My favorite dish will have many thinking 'is she nuts!?'. It's a broccoli salad with raisins and celery that I make. I only make it once a year when I have other people here to help me eat it. If I made it other times then I'd eat it all myself over a period of days. That would be very bad because that much brocolli would affect my meds that I take which change how they work based on the amount of Vitamin K eaten. I can't have too much and I LOVE that salad. If you have ever eaten at Sweet Tomatoes and had their Jean's Brocolli Salad this tastes exactly like that. SO YUMMY I do love the stuffing but this salad is the first thing I go to on my plate once it is filled.

I have been a follower for awhile also.

mjb said...

I really like hashbrown casserole, and a good cranberry relish. (And how do you have the DS hook-up?!)

Deb said...

Oh those fabrics are gorgeous! We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here, but if we did it would have to be the turkey!

Deb said...

My favorite dish is my mother's stuffing. So good!

Lindsay said...

My favorite dish is pecan pie!

Linz said...

What a lovely giveaway!! Thank you!

My favorite Thanksgiving dish is mashed potatos and gravy!! Yum!!

StarKnits said...

Oh that fabric is beautiful!
My fave thanksgiving dish is either my Grandma's cranberry dressing or
my MIL's pineapple stuffing.

(crossing my fingers random.org picks me!)

Nancy Markosky said...

My favorite dish would also be sweet potatoes but my sister makes them with crushed pinapple- I know that doesn't sound good but it really is yummy.

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Well if we had thanksgiving, I reckon we would be kind of traditional and turkey would play a big part!
Thanks for this brilliant opportunity x

Tiffany said...

wow - so pretty!

I'm a new follower!

My favorite dish is baked mac n cheese, yum!

Linda V said...

My favorite dish has to be homemade mashed potatoes (and gravy of course!) Thanks for the giveaway!

Cheri said...

The favorite dish in our home is green rice casserole on Thanksgiving. Our family loves it! I am already a follower on your blog, and I too love that new fabric line!

Shelly said...

Im following now, whoa nice fabric, Our favorite Thanksgiving dish is going around the table and everyone dishing out what they are thankful for. Thanks for the giveaway.

Carla said...

I know this might not sound very creative, but my favorite is the turkey. I can just pile it on my plate and eat only that and I'll be very happy.

Heather A said...

What an amazing giveaway and I'm giving "THANKS" right now for the opportunity you're providing to win such gorgeousness!

Fav Thanksgiving dish ... stuffing balls. Mmm ... mmm ... mmmm.

Sarah @ FairyFace Designs said...

Fab giveaway! We don't have Thanksgiving here in Ireland but my fave festive dish is definitely turkey and stuffing :-) I am a follower.

Rosa said...

I`m already a follower.The fabrics are beautiful.
We celebrate Christmas Eve and my fav dish is seafood.

Thanks for the chance.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Sharon said...

I am a follower -- the fabrics are fabulous - thanks so much and happy Thanksgiving.

Sharon said...

OOPS - my favorite Thanksgiving dish is the candied yams -- yum!!

GIllian said...

I haven't been in North America for the last few Thanksgivings, but it's my favourite holiday! The fun and food of Christmas, without the stress. THis year, I'm most looking forward to pumpkin pie!

Jeanine The Crafting Fiend said...

my favorite thanksgiving dish is the stuffing!

DianeY said...

The stuffing is my favorite-especially with sausage in it!

Tezzcan said...

I'm British so I've never had a Thanksgiving Dinner but I've always wanted to try pumpkin pie.

Mrs.Pickles said...

I thought I already was a follower...but i guess i wasn;t..so i am now. My fav dish would be perogies!

suemac said...

Awesome giveaway. I became a follower. My favorite also involves sweet potatoes. Apples and yams.

KLMunoz said...

I am now a follower and my fav is homemade noodles!!

M said...

I'm a follower! I think my favorite thing is the pumpkin pie!

Cathy said...

I am a new follower and I love pumpkin pie

Alli said...

My favorite is the ham!

Paskiaq said...

I love the stuffing the best!

Candice said...

Sweet potato casserole- not yams, sweet potatoes :) Ouuuu, yum!!!

Tanya said...

Homemade cranberry sauce and the stuffing are tied for my faves!

Alyssa H said...

Mine is my mom's baked pineapple bread dish!! Thanks!


Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

I'm a follower.

For me it's all about the apple cranberry chutney. Never hurts to have some pumpkin pie either.

Hilachas said...

My favorite Thanksgiving dish is sweet potato casserole with pecans on top. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.

Shanna said...

Beautiful new fabric!! I am a new follower :o) My favorite Thanksgiving dish is stuffing....I LOVE it homemade!! Thank you for hosting this giveaway!

Snoodles said...

What an awesome bundle of fabric! Thanks for the chance to win....I like the turkey the best!

ritainalaska said...

i'm one of your new followers ... waldorf salad is my fav side dish for our thanksgiving dinner!

Lesley said...

I'm a follower and it's all about the turkey! Lots of it!

Lindzoo said...

Im a follower and I loveeeee canied yams AND mashed potatoes with gravy! yummm

Kari @ The Purple Quiltapotamus said...

Oh my word - that fabric is lovely! My favorite Thanksgiving dish has got to be mashed potatoes! So good!

Cheree @ The Morning Latte said...

Sage & Potatoes Gratin--a Williams-Sonoma recipe that has become our tradition. YUM. I also love crannberries, sweet potatoes...all of it! New member here. :o)

kitty crafter said...

my favorite Thanksgiving dish is the Stuffing, hands-down! Thanks for the awesome giveaway. :)

Quilt Genius said...

My favorite Thanksgiving dish is my mom's 'green stuff'. It's awesome!

iammaryburke @ gmail.com

sew.darn.quilt said...

My favorite Thanksgiving goodie has got to be the pumpkin pie, warm and spicy. Mmmmmm
I'm a brand spankin' new follower and I'm going to be perusing your blog for quite sometime! Love it!

Happy Thanksgiving

Anonymous said...

Pumpkin Pie, please enter me!

Alyce @ Blossom Heart Quilts said...

How can you go past pumpkin pie?!

And yes, I'm a follower :)

The Paisley Abbey said...

My mom's dressing is my favorite!

Alicia said...

My favorite dish is a cheesy mashed potatoes! Sadly none this year as I am on a diet.

Michelle K. said...

I'm a follower! My favorite Thanksgiving dish is sweet potato casserole!

petiteblogger said...

I'm a follower, too! And definitely, Green Bean Casserole!

Stephanie said...

I'm a follower. I love these fabrics!! My favorite dish is sweet potato casserole!!

Georgi said...

Hi! I'm already a follower :) I think my favorite Thanksgiving dish is actually the turkey sandwich I have the next day!

melissamo1 said...

That is beautiful fabric!!!

My favorite is pecan pie!!!

CaroleM said...

Mashed potatoes!! Yum!!

I'm a new follower.

Tracey @ The Peony Teacup said...

We don't do Thanksgiving her in Australia either, but we love Pumpkin pie with Maple Cream! And my husband goes crazy for Pecan pie!

One year I made Candied Yams (well, with sweet potato) and while I thought it was pretty good I think most of the family were a bit thrown when they saw melted marshmallows on the sweet potato and served with the mains instead of dessert *g*

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jezebel said...

I'm a follower and my favorite dish is my moms lovely stuffing! :)

Kirsten said...

we don't really do thanksgiving here in Australia but I love turkey with cranberry sauce ! Another favourite is camembert with cranberry sauce:)

Melissa said...

LOVE sweet potatoes!!! With everything else of course :)

Liz said...

in Australia we do not have Thanksgiving but I have a lot of American friends. We love Pumpkin pie

Liz said...

Forgot to add:I am a follower

MaddyMaze Studio said...

Its so corny, but I really do love the turkey!

SueAnns Stitches said...

I am a new follower. My fav dish is the turkey, brined, of course. kimharper500@gmail.com

WandaFish said...

We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here in the UK but I have very fond memories of delicious homemade Pumpkin Pie eaten on a visit to the US many years ago!
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway and wishing a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours :)

Sylvie - Madame Créative said...

I am a new follower and I just love turkey!

KD-Quilts said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KD-Quilts said...

I'm a new follower and so happy to have found your blog! My favorite thanksgiving dish is the green bean casserole! That or the gravy, can't have thanksgiving without really good gravy!

Krista said...

New follower here, thanks for the awesome giveaway! I would love to win.

Sandra said...

I just love the turkey with cranberry sauce.
Love your blog!

Karen said...

It has to be the Turkey!

Barbara said...


ozsuzsanna said...

Hi, We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here in Hungary, but I think I would love pumpkin pie :)
Your giveaway is great!
I'm a new follower.


Michele said...

I am more thank happy to become a follower of such a great blog, giveaway or no giveaway. But thanks for that too. I confess that I love a little pumkin pie with my whipped cream, the more whipped cream the better!

Chelsea said...

I'm one of those problematic vegetarians, so I've taken to forcing people to come to my place so that I know I can eat everything. I also used to be a chef so each year I have to top myself by making a different, better menu. So, my favorite changes from year to year, but this year it was the roasted carrot and avocado salad (from Jamie at Home). So yummy!

evamarie said...

I'm from holland. We don't celebrate thanksgiving, we're preparing for "sinterklaas". He is like your santa claus but before christmas. There are all kinds of special treats with this feast. Like chocolate letters, special little round cookies we call "kruidnootjes" which translates litterally to spicy nuts. I would love to win and started to follow your blog! Eva-marie

Marcia R said...

I'm a new follower and looking forward to seeing what you have going on! My favorite Thanksgiving dish is my Mom's cornbread dressing, and my prayer is that she will be around many more years to make it for us!

Lisa C said...

The turkey and dressing! Love it! We aren't able to be with family this year so I got out the cookbooks and we're creating our own recipes. Hopefully it'll be a winner! At least I know the apple pie's good...! Thanks! The aqua in this line is fabulous.

Sandi Crafty Planner said...

What a fantastic giveaway!! I'm a follower and hope to win! :)

Mom Halland said...

my favorite dish is the turkey!

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