Major destruction and a new bundle of joy ( Denyse Schmidt style) | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Major destruction and a new bundle of joy ( Denyse Schmidt style)

I hated our Master Bathroom before we even moved in our house. It was dated and out of shape to say the least. Day before yesterday I decided it was time to fix that issue and this is what I did...a girl and her hammer, that is all I am saying ;o)

My sewing will be minimal this week unfortunately since the shower has to be completely ripped out before I get to put a new one in. This is especially difficult since this new bundle of joy showed up at my door yesterday from Denyse Schmidt !!!!!!!!

THANK YOU DENYSE SCHMIDT!!!!! You rock my world!!!!!!!!

Who could not ENJOY this!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!! Snoopy happy dance combined with the Scooby Doo snack happy dance!!!!!!!

I see a giveaway in the very near future...

But for now, I have more tile to bash!


Toni said...

That fabric looks great! And demolition is so much fun. Much better than the actual rebuilding!

Bree said...

How did you get so lucky?! Love the greens especially, but they're all gorgeous.

I agree with Toni, demo is always the most fun part of renovations! :)

Debbie said...

Wow - yeah, how do you rate!? haha...Enjoy!

Maureen T. said...

I love it all! Have fun designing your new bathroom!

Sara @ Sew Sweetness said...


Katy Cameron said...

Bwahaha, you've been watching too much Fried Green Tomatoes At The Whistle Stop Cafe, haven't you? ;o)

Love the fabric pile though :oD

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