Saturday sharing of Pyrex, fishy friends and a wee review | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday sharing of Pyrex, fishy friends and a wee review

Tuesday Morning, the store not the actual day, I For one thing they have Playmobil for reasonable prices and secondly, they have sewing gadgets that I would never pay full price for at any other store.  I have been trying to blindstitch. Anyone that knows me knows I avoid hand sewing like the black plague. I will do anything NOT to hand sew. I have bad eyes and arthritic fingers ( wahmbulance anyone) so I will find ways around handsewing. I love when other people do it. It is beautiful and takes a certain something I just do not possess. Maybe that is called patience ;o) On to my new gadget...

I am working on a gift for someone and have decided I love them SO much that I will attempt this hand sewing thing once more.  I was almost completed with the project (there will be a tutorial on this, it is CUTE) and got to the handsewn part and I could not thread the needle!!!!! I could not even SEE it with my glasses on! This is what I found to help...

It has two little led lights on the opposite that are worthless! I tried this last night and they provided NO light at all!

You can stand it on a table or hang it around your neck. I hung it around my neck and it was very easily adjustable.

It really does help with making things clearer and BIGGER!!!! Look at the pretty Aurifil thread!  I am really happy I found this product! I can recommend it for the $9.99 I spent! Thank you Tuesday Morning!

Onto the Pyrex that I completely lucked into!!!! The Buttercream set!!! Happy Dance!!!!

Finally, I was able to add some fishy friends, and I am super excited since I will be using that beautiful Aurifil thread on this quilt and I need to get the top done so I can :o)

Hope your Saturday is a great one!!!!!

Kim :o)


  1. You're sending the fishy quilt to me, right? Please, please, pretty please? ;)

  2. Love how the fishies are coming along! That is going to be an awesome quilt. And lucky you on that Pyrex find. So fun!

  3. Good find on your pyrex! I never can find sets but my momma does and buys them for me:)

  4. LOVE how the wonky log cabins have come out. You definitely have the hang of it! Still in love with that fabric. :)

  5. i admire your love of pyrex ... i used to have all kinds back in the day. they were the things to have and use. one needed two cupboards to hold them all. you'd have been happy. had i known microwaves were coming, i might have kept them. there were some pieces that i could use, now!
    thanx for the tuesday mornings magnifier! just what i need!

  6. Hi! Your founds are great! I'm sorry to hear that you can't hand sew but that magnifying glass looks very practical. Lovely pyrex set and the quilt is going to be wonderful!
    I was trying some Christmas ornaments but they didn't work out as I planned - never mind, now I decided that I have done enough Christmas things and I shall continue my Dream quilt!
    Have a lovely Sunday! x Teje

  7. that is a dreamy set of bowls! They look like they are in excellent condition!

    See, i couldn't really boycott you.

  8. Yay for finding solutions to life's little challenges, and I'm loving your fishy blocks, can they come here please? :oD

  9. I adore those fishy blocks! Awesome!

  10. How did I miss those fish blocks? I just made my daughter something similar... with aqua and orange...


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