Sick kids and sewing progress or lack thereof | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Monday, April 29, 2013

Sick kids and sewing progress or lack thereof

This is what it looks like in my sewing room today...GAH!
Seriously keeping it real...

Last Thursday the little man and I had a great day filled with turtles, tadpoles and salamanders!  He was great until the last hour or so he was not himself and then it happened...right before the kitchen trashcan...GAH! Poor guy caught something more than cute pond creatures :o(

This was the last good shot and fun of the day!

It really puts a damper on things with sick ones in the house especially when then it travels to the other kids in the house...she was struck HARD!  The poor dear!

So since last Thursday I have been the keeper of the sickies...hoping they will be better tomorrow since I have so much to do and now not so much time left to do it all in!

I was able to start these on Sunday

Today I will be back and forth between my little loves and this room to try to take care of it all...we'll see how that works out ;o)



Elsa said...

Sorry to hear about your littles ~ no fun for anyone when sick ~ here's to getting better quick!
Love the stars ~ my favorite of any quilt blocks are stars!

Sara said...

Hope they feel better real soon as that is so not fun for everyone:(

I love that pic of them running through the grass and your "open" sign in your sewing room:)

~Carla~ said...

Your blocks look great! :) I feel your pain... I have 4 sick kids right now and my sewing time has been sparse as well... that's the way the motherhood ball bounces isn't it? ;) Hope everyone is feeling better soon at your home!

jan said...

Hi! De-lurking to say I hope your house is well again soon, and I LOVE the stars!

Katy Cameron said...

Hope the little germ factories are all better soon!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Lock yourself in the sewing room - you don't want to catch it!!!

Do hope they all get well soon, honest xxx

Tennjenny said...

In the kitchen trash can = WIN. Love those color combos.

lefuntz said...

I hope the little ones feel better soon. At least they had a fun day first. I love that last picture!

lefuntz said...

I hope the little ones feel better soon. At least they had a fun day first. I love that last picture!

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