BACK IT UP!!!!! A PSA | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Monday, July 15, 2013


I think Lord Vader and I had the same issue this past computer CRASHED!  It was a very sad Mac and I may not be able to recover over 20,000 photos of family and projects from the past three years.  I am a little more than sick over this happening.  The in house engineer is working hard to recover as much as he can.  That computer is my LIFE my BRAIN and I am a bit lost without it.

Make sure and back up your memories, your projects and your work NOW!!!!!

I am hoping to be back soon with some of my actual photos of things I sewed and not of a very unhappy villian.



Lisa England said...

Backing up photos and quilt patterns has been on my to do list for ages. After reading your post I actually DID IT. Sorry for your loss, but thanks for the nudge that I needed.

Anonymous said...

It's even worse when you external hard-drive crashes where you saved all your back them up in TWO places!

Kell said...

Same thing happened to me last Friday. What sucks is I had just used it earlier in the day & when I went to use it a couple of hours later, it did nothing. :( I did what I call a partial back up a couple of weeks ago. I'm waiting to hear from my friend about what actually happened & if it's salvageable. Hope you can save something.

Gramma Quilter said...

Oh no! I am going to back up. Hope somethings will be saved.

Katy Cameron said...

Aww, sorry to hear that! I backup every few months (and I know you sooo didn't want to hear that!)

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