Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day! | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Monday, December 9, 2013

Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day!

I have had a crazy bust weekend so I am doing a last minute Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day post!  I love this day so much!  It is so much fun to go to all the blogs and see all the great offerings! Make sure to go and see all the hundreds of offerings!

Here is my Giveaway...

Ten fat quarters of Dear Stella fabric and two matching large spools of  50wt Aurifil thread!

This combo just makes me so happy on this icy cold dreary day :o)

You wil notice that there are a few little drops on the spools because when I went out is started to drop ice pellets!  The spools were quickly back to the safety of the warm dry house as soon as I realized what was happening.

Thank you everyone for all of your comments!  I am giving you all a BIG HUG for participating and making me smile and feel a bit warmer!

Congratulations Jenny!  I will be sending you an email for your shipping info.  I sure hope your sister is okay!

Blogger Jenny said...
last year my sister was watching my kids...she doesnt know how to cook, nor is she familiar with gas stoves...yep, she caughter her long hair and baggy sweatshirt on fire...she was scared, but stop dropped and rolled and got put kids? thought it was amazing and asked her to do it again!
December 11, 2013 at 9:36 AM



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Kelly Ann said...

You wanna warm up...close your eyes...picture this...George Clooney, beach, kids...there ya go...WINNER WINNER chicken dinner...bahahaha

Kim Turner said...

Sun, the ocean and tropical fruity drinks with paper umbrella's

MaterialGirlQuilts said...

Great giveaway! I'm a happy Instagram and FB follower :)

Mama Pea said...

Let's drink some hot cocoa together. That will warm us up!

Mama Pea said...

I follow you on FB!

Kim Turner said...

I'm an old follower of your blog

Kim Turner said...

I'm a facebook fan as well

Renee said...

(joke) Old quilters never die, they just go batty :)

maggieinthemountains said...

Hot chocolate with marshmallos were always served to my family as decorated the Christmas tree.

Renee said...

I follow you on facebook :)

maggieinthemountains said...

I follow on Facebook.

Melanie said...

It's beyond freezing here, it's 2 degrees F right now, but there is lots of snow and it's gorgeous. Beauty in everything! Fun fabric colors and I LOVE Aurifil!

cgd said...

Hot chocolate, by a roaring fire in the fireplace, quilt in your lap for binding and Ryan Gossling waiting on you hand and foot!!!
Woohoo!!! Oh wait, you wanted to be warm in my fantasy too??? Okay I will share!!! Thanks for chance to win giveaway!!!

cgd said...

And I am facebook follower and just found you on Instagram!!!

Brenis said...

Well, I am in Colorado where we are having an insane cold snap and its running around -15* below zero right now! I'm dyin!! Thinking of a toasty warm fire, wooly mittens, a hot mocha from Starbucks and how much it was sweltering this summer! Lol anything to stay warm!

Brenis said...

I'm an old follower :)

DianeY said...

Well, I've been freezing in LA for the last week or so and my secret for getting warmer is to fly back to Hawaii today. Great to see the grand kids, but I can't endure this much longer!

DianeY said...

I'm a blog follower!

DianeY said...

I follow you on IG too!

Mary D said...

You are are are warm. Now click your heels together three times oh yea they need to be red sparkle shoes

Mary D said...

I follow u on FB.

Mary D said...

I follow your blog

Allison C said...

Just keep thinking of a cozy fire and an endless mug of hot chocolate (with lots of marshmallows).

Karen said...

Hot cocoa in front of a fire. Snuggle with a warm blanket or a puppy.

Allison C said...

I'm a new fb follower

Allison C said...

I now follow you on Instagram

Mary D said...

Love pics on Instagram. Follow

Karen said...

I'm a follower on FB

Unknown said...

Wood is the only heat source that warms you twice... first when you cut it, and again when you burn it :)

Unknown said...

Chestnuts roasting by and open fire, and a homemade quilt to cuddle in~

audrey said...

I've been looking at lots of pictures of beaches lately. Seeing toes stuck in the sand. Even now, it makes me warmer, and there's snow on the ground outside! :)

Unknown said...

I am a facebook follower.

Unknown said...

I follow you on Instagram.

Bonnie Pfrimmer said...

How about a nice fire in the fireplace, a cup hot chocolate and your family around you.

Weezy said...

I follow you on FB

sherry said...

i am a follower of your blog

Bonnie Pfrimmer said...

I am already following your blog by e-mail and facebook.

Bonnie Pfrimmer said...

I already liked your facebook page.

sherry said...

think gingerbread latte from starbucks...with lots of whipped cream...and a wonderful flannel quilt...

Weezy said...

One Christmas, many years ago, we went to my Grandma's house and were all sledding. I was probably 6 or 7. My sister and I were both on the sled with her in front, headed straight towards a parked car at the bottom. She bailed, I didn't have enough time and slammed right into the side of the car. That warmed me up in an instant!

Bonnie Pfrimmer said...

I now follow you on instagram.

Weezy said...

I follow your blog

mjb said...

Just think of how much better sweaters are than bikinis :)

mjb said...

I follow on feedly.

mjb said...

I follow on fb.

mjb said...

I follow on instagram too :)

Norma's Bag Boutique said...

Make you warmer?...I live here in Puerto Rico where we are surrounded by beautiful warm water beaches and today there's a nice breeze. You can lay on a hammock all day and close your eyes and have happy dreams!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Norma's Bag Boutique said...

I follow your blog

Carol Swift said...

I can't even think warm right now. We're having snow in the desert! If I could think warm it would be Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate from Starbucks. :O)

Unknown said...

I follow you on FB - a nice hot cup of cinnamon tea should warm you up!

Anonymous said...

Bringing quilting to a new generation warms my heart! My daughter went with me to quilt retreat this past weekend and got started on her first quilt!

Carol Swift said...

I'm a new follower on Bloglovin

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Come sit by the fire pit and roast some marshmallows - you will warm up right away!

Unknown said...

Just keep quilting those quilts to stay warm...spring will be here before you know it. KEEP WARM

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I follow your blog.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I "like" your facebook page.

Unknown said...

Think Kauai!! Works for me. That fabric has the most cheery colors!! Love it!!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I follow you on Instagram!

Unknown said...

Think of a big, hot, steamy bowl of potato soup! Fuzzy socks worn under bug, fluffy slippers! Hope that helps. I am cold too!

Unknown said...

I'm iced out of Dallas! My home..stay warm!

Unknown said...

How to get warm? Hand bind a quilt, nice cup of tea alongside, and socks, sweats, and fire if that's ban option.

Miss Alissa said...

I follow your blog :)

Unknown said...

I am a FB follower.

Unknown said...

Follow iou on Facebook, hope your warmer

Miss Alissa said...

Hmmm, it must be warm in Cancun this time of sure isn't here in Nebraska. Imagine you're in Cancun :)

Miranda said...

I'm keeping warm this weekend with a quilt on my lap as I fold and clip the binding on, prior to folding that last seam!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

I like you on FB, thanks!

Teresa @ Aurea's Kitchen said...

Ohhh I am freezing too, I would love to be in a warmer place, but christmas won't be the same. Just make a hot cocoa and enjoy this time.

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

I follow you with GFC, great giveaway!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Keep warm with a pile of quilts on you!! Great giveaway!

Lisa England said...

I like to put a quilt in the dryer for a bit and then wrap up in it! So cozy!

Teresa @ Aurea's Kitchen said...

I follow you on bloglovin

Lisa England said...

I follow and enjoy your blog.

Teresa @ Aurea's Kitchen said...

I already like your page on Fb

Teresa @ Aurea's Kitchen said...

I follow you on IG

Shauna said...

wish I could send you a nice warm quilt to wrap up in, but you'll have to take a virtual hug. Thanks for the chance.

Jenn said...

How about a cup of hot coffee with some Bailey's. Always helps me warm up - though it's best at the end of the day.

Shauna said...

I follow you with bloglovin!!!!

Shauna said...

I've liked your FB page

Lisa C said...

We are on day 4 of the Dallas ice mess so I completely understand trying to keep warm! I have used this time (since my husband's gone and doesn't require food...) to make two NICU quilts. I'm very thankful for these nurses. Happy Holidays to you and thanks for the chance to win.

Lisa C said...

I follow you on Bloglovin!

Lisa said...

Sitting by a roaring fire! I am freezing too! Cold in WV.

Lisa said...

I follow by google friend connect

Denise said...

Hugs to you, and a joke to keep your heart warm:
This is what happens when your child is exposed to too many commercials on TV. A Baptist pastor was presenting a children's sermon.
During the sermon, he asked the children if they knew what the resurrection was. Now, asking questions during children's sermons is crucial, but at the same time, asking children questions in front of a congregation can also be very dangerous.Having asked the children if they knew the meaning of the resurrection,
a little boy raised his hand........
The pastor called on him and the little boy said, "I know that if you have a resurrection that lasts more than four hours you are supposed to call the doctor." It took over ten minutes for the congregation to settle down enough for the service to continue.
Have a wonderful day!

Lisa said...

I am a FB fan

Anna said...

Man, I just turned on the heater in my sewing room to try to get it above frigid! So looking forward to a house with central heating! Thank you :)

Unknown said...

Does it make you warm to think people are shopping in 80 degree weather. If not a quilt should make you warm.

Anna said...

I also follow with feedly, have done for quite a while now :)

Lisa said...

I follow on Instagram for awhile now!

Anna said...

And I follow on Instagram! (Crookedbanana) have been following for a while!

dwylie said...

I hope you are warming up! Thanks for the giveaway!

dwylie said...

I follow you on Feedly

GranChris said...

In 1983 we lived in Chicago and on Christmas day it was -25 temp. My small children were so cold we snuggled in bed with hot chocolate, chicken noodle soup and watched TV all day. Everyone had a bad cold and could have cared less about presents. I still think about that today. I will never be that cold again.

GranChris said...

I am a FB follower.

Becky (My Fabric Obsession) said...

warm thoughts? I always like to quilt when I'm warm. Somehow running that iron seems to warm up the room and my chilly fingers. :)

emoclab said...

These fabrics are eagerly anticipating becoming part of a snuggly quilt in Canada.

Becky (My Fabric Obsession) said...

I follow you on bloglovin

Unknown said...

Pick Me!! Pick Me!!

A little humor...

You know you are a Quilter If........
1. There's more Fabric in the House than Food
2. "Fat Quarters" are not the heaviest part of your body
3. Your ironing board is always set up but you never iron clothes
4. You think of your job as an interruption of your quilting time
5. You pet Fabric
6. People are always picking threads off you
7. You can measure a scant 1/4 by eye
8. You clean up your sewing room & your family thinks you are moving out

Becky (My Fabric Obsession) said...

warm thoughts? I always love quilting when it's cold. running the iron always seems to warm up the room and my chilly fingers. :)

Unknown said...

How about we trade places for the day? I'm in Argentina and right now we have about 26ºC (78ºF) lol
I'd much rather be freezing!

Unknown said...

I'm a new follower via e-mail and facebook

Linda said...

Just imagine yourself in your favorite chair in front of a fireplace, and a beautiful quilt wrapped around you to keep you warm!

Mary said...

Been your follower on Facebook for a long time! THANKS!

Linda said...

I have been following your blog for awhile now!

Linda said...

I follow you on Facebook too!

Unknown said... favorite way to warm up is with a peppermint mocha. Get you some!

Unknown said...

I follow your blog.

Leah said...

I love when my kitties come to inspect my sewing. They always seem to know when it is time for a break as well. They will sit down right on the fabric I am working with to remind me to get up and do a few jumping jacks.

Unknown said...

And I "liked" you on Facebook.

andri. said...

Hot chocolate. Snuggly quilt. Fireplace. Big hug! :D

LittleTreasuresbyAmanda said...

Such a beautiful giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win!

Mary said...

I just started to be one of your blog followers through google !

LittleTreasuresbyAmanda said...

I'm already a follower of yours on Instagram. :-)

andri. said...

I'm following your blog:)

LittleTreasuresbyAmanda said...

I'm a new follower of your blog.

LittleTreasuresbyAmanda said...

New follower of your FB page as well.

andri. said...

And I'm pretty sure I liked you on fb;D

Mary said...

These fabric make me think of sunny summer days; when the heat shimmers on the sand at the beach; and you have to race from the water's edge to your spot on your quilt without burning your toes!
Beautiful giveaway; thanks for the chance!

Sandy Chavez said...

These colors are HOT HOT HOT ... love them.

birdie said...

Look at a really cold place (like South Dakota); you will feel warmer in comparison...

mascanlon said...

Well I'd invite you here to SoCa but it was in low 40's this AM. Lets settle for a Mocha shall we?

mascanlon said...

And I follow you on Instagram..always fun!

mascanlon said...

And I follow on FB..its fun to see what folks are up too!

Sandy Chavez said...

I am following your Blog - loved the cathedral window pincushion and the personalized child's journal. Thanks.

Sandy Chavez said...

I like you on FB. :-)

mascanlon said...

And of course I follow your blog too, its great to see it pop up in my email. Thanks for all the opportunities.

Unknown said...

I'm a follower on IG!!!

Unknown said...

I'm a happy blog follower ;)

Unknown said...

I'm a happy blog follower ;)

Unknown said...

Peppermint mocha from Starbucks on the beach in Waikiki . . . worked for me when I was there!!!

patricia said...

Just cranked up the fireplace. Really toasty standing right next to it. Cold here too!

Christine Walker said...

I tell my kids all the time when they say they are freezing " I make all these blankets for a reason, go snuggle and get warm".
So, snuggle in a blanket and get warm!:)

Christine Walker said...

I liked your page on FB

Christine Walker said...

I am a new follower to your blog!

fgrischkowsky said...

I liked your fb page, and follow you on instagram. I am cold too - may I suggest a cup of hot chocolate while you dream up a new project!

Sonya said...

I will leave you the worst joke ever… but the only one I can ever remember! Did you hear about the lady that had a baby through her nose? It was a cute little booger! Haha, so corny!

Sonya said...

I follow your blog :)

Sonya said...

I like you on Facebook.

Sonya said...

I follow you on Instagram.

Edige said...

I've read yoour blog for a long time and these fabrics are really great. It would be nice to win...
Thank your for the chance,

Edige said...

... and I'm your follower of course...

Jennie said...

Nothing better to warm you up than a quilt straight out of the tumble drier and a hot water bottle. And a cup of tea (how very English)!

Jennie said...

I follow your blog!

Jennie said...

And I follow you on Instagram - great giveaway!

babiesdoc said...

I find nothing warms me as well as a big bowl of soup!
It can even be from a can.

babiesdoc said...

I follow your blog on bloglovin"

Carla said...

Thanks for the chance to win! Cuddle up in one of your quilts to stay warm!

Bethany said...

Hot chocolate, a warm fireplace and a quilt to keep you warm!!

Cindy said...

When I see those cheery fabrics and rich thread colors, I think of beautiful flower gardens which only exist in the warm summer weather. It would be quite soothing to wrap up in a warm winter quilt that looked like summer! Thank you for the chance to win.

Cindy said...

I follow you on facebook.

Bethany said...

And I follow you on Instagram!

LappeVivi said...

Campfire burning, draw nearer....

LappeVivi said...

I follow on FB

Cari said...

All snuggled up and ready for some quilting! Nice giveaway.

LappeVivi said...

Campfire burning, draw nearer....

Cari said...

I follow on fb

Cari said...

I follow your blog.

tisha @ quiltytherapy said...

It's snowing in Indy. However 3 years ago we were living in Florida and enjoyed dolphins swimming in the ocean on Christmas Day.

Monica said...

Here's sending you warm sun shining rays from Jensen Beach, FL.

Jen said...

Picture yourself on a warm, sunny island somewhere enjoying the warm rays of the sun and the crash of the waves on the beach.

LappeVivi said...

Campfire burning, draw nearer....

Jen said...

I follow on Instagram - @AQuiltingJewel

LappeVivi said...

I like you on FB

LappeVivi said...

I am a follower.

Pat said...

Not a joke but this should make you feel in Central Florida it is 85. How I am yearning for the cooler north.

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Just think: sheeps wool lined bootie style slippers. hmmm warm...

Alli Evans said...

You're lying on a warm beach right now! With an umbrella drink!

Alli Evans said...

And I follow you on fb!

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Woohoo I already like your Facebook page and I follow your blog through GFC. Happy Monday and you have a fabulously happy giveaway here :)

Alli Evans said...

And I follow your blog!

Alli Evans said...

And I follow your instagram :)

Sue H said...

Mmm.... imagine you are in a hot tub,looking through huge windows at the beautiful crisp sparkly snow, with a glass of your favorite winter tipple to warm you up (mine is "Christmas Hot Chocolate" - lots of cream and chocolate liqueur!).

Sue H said...

Following your blog.

klh said...

Snuggle up with your favorite beverage, a good book, a blazing fire under your warmest quilt.

Jan said...

Close your eyes and imagine you're on a beach, just relaxing and doing nothing.

Sowing Stitches said...

Throw an extra log on the fire, grab a mug of cocoa, and sew baby sew! :)

Sowing Stitches said...

I am a new follower via GFC. HUGS!

GO STARS! said...

Iced in in Dallas - lots of hot chocolate, soup, Texas chili, hot tea, snuggly quilts and warm, purring cats.

Unknown said...

New Follower....This time of year I always think of the song..Baby its cold outside....

GO STARS! said...

I'm a follower

GO STARS! said...

I'm a Facebook follower

Sowing Stitches said...

I really like your Scrappy Plus Quilt!

GO STARS! said...

I'm following you on Instagram

Jennifer Mathis of Ellison Lane said...

toes in the sand, drink in hand, sunset on the beach. Feeling warmer yet?

Jennifer Mathis of Ellison Lane said...

I follow on IG

Jennifer Mathis of Ellison Lane said...

I follow on FB!

*Cornelia* said...

its freezing cold here too, so what about a hot yummy cocoa cup

thanks for this give-away

*Cornelia* said...

i follow your blog with google connect

*Cornelia* said...

and Im a facebook follower

abeullah said...

Just think of all the warm feelings you get at this time of year. Baking Christmas Cookies with family, watching the lights on the tree,

Myself said...

What a great giveaway!
mmm, to warm up- its getting cold here too so hot chocolate is my best idea for the moment :) OK, with marshmelo in it :)

Myself said...

I'm your new follower by e-mail :)

Myself said...

I'm already a follower on FB (Dana Yari)

teachpany said...

Sounds like you need some hot chocolate! I have some ready for you, in a nice big insulated mug, with your choice of whipped cream or marshmallows. You can even borrow one of my quilts!

teachpany said...

I'm an old friend.

teachpany said...

I follow your Facebook page. I don't have instagram, boo hoo!

Quilt em said...

Following on Facebook now. I pop over to your blog a lot.!

Katrin said...

Ask for microwavable slippers for christmas. I love love love mine. Thanks!

Melissa Kirk said...

When I was a kid I used to put a blanket over the heat register and weigh down the edges and then crawl underneath to get warm. It's less acceptable as an adult.

Melissa Kirk said...

I like you on facebook

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