The Great Destash Giveaway ( winner announced) | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Great Destash Giveaway ( winner announced)

Seems like forever ago now that is started cleaning my sewing room!  I am getting closer to where I am satisfied with what I have and where it is all placed ( meaning I can walk in my room and not trip over piles any longer). I had mentioned a destash giveaway on instagram and there was plenty of support so here is the first...

This giveaway is a  STUNNING Dear Stella fat quarter bundle and two spools of Aurifil thread, the orange spool is 50wt #5001 and the green spool is 40wt #2240.

Thank you everyone!  Loved reading all the plans for the summer! More snow and school delays here.

Congratulations to

 Denise Clason said...
We love having picnics and pool party's.
February 19, 2014 at 9:02 PM


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maggieinthemountains said...

Hike and read and sew.

Karen said...

Hopefully going to Hawaii to see my auntie

jenna said...

Every summer we rent a cottage on the lake, we all look forward to it all year. I would love to win this! So pretty!

bezaz said...

Usually go to the Italy for one week then one week at my parents cottage and try to spend as much time as I can with my kids :)
thank you for iveaway, I love that FQ bundle.

Anonymous said...

I go and visit my family in Oklahoma. I'm ready for a vacation now, in fact!

Unknown said...

We go camping and I pack my sewing and supplies to take with me so I can sew during the day

Foster Momma said...

We take little mini trips over the summer-my parents have a property in the mountains, so we tend to go there camping a lot, as it is the cheapest things we can do but still get away. We live in town, so the kids love having the freedom to run on 72 acres without much supervision. They pick flowers, and catch frogs, and cook smore's over the fire. Such fun family memories.

Nancy said...

On our summer holidays we go to a trailer north of us where it is very quiet. We read, swim, do puzzles and handquilting.
In the summer I plan to go to a conference in San Franscico where one our sons woks.

Unknown said...

beach, sun and a lot of swimmming!!

BJM said...

I hope to go to the beach.

charlotte l said...

We like to go to the mountains and relax and spend time in nature! Thanks!

Louise said...

Love to stay home, but definitely try to get my kayak wet! Love your giveaway! Jodi.

JLVerde said...

Absolutely NOTHING.

Ok, I do go to the beach but once I'm there I just laze about and do as little as possible. It's so relaxing.

(great giveaway)

Lee Ann L. said...

Wow. What a wonderful giveaway. Aurifil Quilt Patchwork and Embroidery Threads on facebook gave me the heads up about this giveaway and that is how I found your blog. You have a new follower via feedly. :-)

Central Oregon Modern Quilt Guild said...

Generally there are no plans, but often there is a road trip with a quilt shop stop somewhere along the way

Zelda15 said...

I'm going to stay home this year. I'll be setting up my new sewing studio this year. I can't wait to get into the larger spare room so I can spread out and finally get organized. I'm sew tired of hunting for items I need. Thanks for offering this great giveaway!

Peg said...

Does a trip to
England, Scotland and Ireland in the early fall count?

csburns said...

I seldom take vacations except for cruises! Leaving on a quilting cruise on Sunday!

april dawn said...

In March we are going to WA DC and the end of May we are going to an air show. Other than that just swimming in our pool.

patricia said...

We never take a summer vacation. Lucky enough to live by the beach. Off season, we just pick a city and check it out. Always turns out to be on a river. Guess we like the look!

KeyQuilter said...

WHAT summer vacation? Hubby & I run a little shop that used to be a grocery store but is now veggie gardening and QUILTS.Because we want to be there when our customers come, there is no vacation, no days off. Six days a week (sounds like a Beatles song!) The good thing is that with quilting, work is actually spelled F-U-N !

Ann said...

Hoping to be fishing and crabbing in Haida Gwaii

sofen said...

On the hammock in my garden with some knitting or crocheting and an audiobook on the ear!

jachelno at gmail dot com

New Salem Homestead said...

I think Cape Cod is calling my name this year! A great little quilt shop there as well :}

Unknown said...

Usually chase our sons baseball team or lacrosse team. Thanks for the giveaway.

Ellen Ann Craig said...

This summer we're taking the grandkids to Las Vegas! My ideal vacation would be a quilting retreat though!

Tina said...

Thank You For A Chance At Your Wonderful Giveaway! We Go To The Parks Near Our Home And Walk By The Water With Our Grandsons.

Karen said...

Since we live in the hot, sultry South, we love to travel to the Mountains in summer.....North Carolina, Colorado, Wyoming, so we can fly fish, hike, canoe, and I can explore quilt shops and shop for other things. I try to take a book along to read since I rarely have reading time now. We try to take our entire family along, with our oldest granddaughter learning to ride a horse this past summer.

Unknown said...

For a vacation we are leaving for Sedona, AZ. Never been there and this is 1st vaca.

Unknown said...

For a vacation we are leaving for Sedona, AZ. Never been there and this is 1st vaca.

Unknown said...

For a vacation we are leaving for Sedona, AZ. Never been there and this is 1st vaca.

camorton said...

We visit my son and his family in Virginia.

Karen said...

We love to spend our time at our ranch. I take my little hexis and hand sew them. There is no electricity there for my machine so I use the extra time getting as many done as possible! (

SeeAmySew said...

Who needs a vacation, I'd rather stay home and quilt :)

Elsa said...

I usually almost always visit family. It's my favorite place to do. They mostly live in Southern California ~ so we go to the beach a lot!

Kris said...

Summer is usually garden work and canning. I don't stray too far from home when it is super hot. It also means state and county fair. Love that cuz there are always quilts to make and go see.

Teatime Creations said...

Head down to Cape Breton.

wobblybobbin said...

We rent a cabin in the ozarks and cram as much family in as can fit! Swimming and canoeing for a couple days is always such a nice getaway!

PunkinPatch said...

Summer vacation is spent at our little local lake "beach" as this is my youngest son's favorite activity. Perhaps a trip to visit my oldest at Camp Lejuene will happen this summer, fingers crossed!!

Caroline said...

Going to Wiltshire, England, and besides going walking and exploring bookshops, I will take a nice quilting project of course.

Anonymous said...

Ah, I travel SOO much for my non-quilting life that summer vacation is 2 blissful weeks at home with my sweetie and our furry kids (and my studio!). Many thanks for the lovely giveaway!!

Deanna said...

Well, summertime is "fair time" and we volunteer at the County Fair and Home-Owned carnival almost every night for an entire month. Makes for a long summer.

Willa said...

Well, I think I will just tell everyone to pretend that I am not here. Don't talk to me. Don't ask me to run the washing machine or dishwasher. Look the other way.

Then I will sit down at the sewing machine and SEW! Until I am tired of sewing!

Unknown said...

This summer we will be spending a week at a lake house in SC with all my husbands family - and it will be a blast!!

fenna said...

tend my veggie garden and enjoy every minute of warmth ;) we may also go camping for a short time!

Skeins and Greens said...

I will be traveling to DC to help my cousin with her new baby.


Hope to travel to Wisconsin to see daughter and family

Unknown said...

We bicycle all spring and summer long as much as we can, road and trail. We love it! Thanks for the chance to win this great bundle and thread!

Unknown said...

My favorite vacation, if I coul afford to go on vacation would be to Panama City Beach, FL. We went there every simmer when I was growing up.

Unknown said...

I live in Oklahoma where summers are extremely HOT, so by August we are ready for some cooler weather, for that reason we usually go to the Mountains of New Mexico or Colorado

pammmywooo said...

I spend time with my family during the summer months.

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Beautiful fabrics and what a great giveaway! We usually get in a little fishing and of course visit quilt shops!

Matt and Robyn Conners said...

It is an unwritten rule that all members of my husband's family meet at his uncle's cabin in Minnesota. It is an awesome gathering of everyone from the west coast, east coast and states in between. It is a week of just eating and fishing, eating and fishing, and eating and fishing! :-) We have so much fun!

Alicia said...

Try not to melt!

Unknown said...

I am retiring this summer, so many more plans for sewing. Finally will have the time to work on substantial projects, as I am new to quilting.

Dot Moore said...

This summer I am going to visit relatives in MS and Texas.

Linda said...

We always go to the lake and invite friends and family up to enjoy them and the weather..good times for all enjoying the outdoors

Unknown said...

visit family:) and when at home sit on the porch and swing while the dogs soak up the sun

Carol Derouin Freeman said...

Sewing, gardening, canning, going to the UP in Michigan with the family camping. Most of all teaching my grand kids how to sew and quilt we have one day a week planned for all 5 of them together just for sewing. Thank heavens I have enough machines for them all to use. nanafivetimes (at) hotmail dot com. Thank you so much. Good luck everyone.

Elita@Busy Needle Quilting said...

Usually stay home in Switzerland but this year will go to the US & spend some time at the beach with my kids & family. Woohoo!

Pauline Gudas said...

We like to enjoy our lovely state of Maine by spending time outdoors at the lakes, rivers and ocean. It is just so nice here in the summer

Sleepy Cat Hollow said...

I haven't had a real summer vacation in years…probably won't this year either with an out of work husband with no unemployment insurance.

BUT! I DO like to take a Friday or Monday off work and head to San Francisco, or Monterey, or Pacifica to bask in the ocean's glory. :)

Erin said...

Wow gorgeous fabrics and thread! I will help with grandchildren who are in school break! And also since we are in the northeast go to beaches, mountains and visit family in Maine!

debsmuddle said...

Over to the Isle of Man to watch classic bike racing and get as much sewing done as possible

Terri said...

We don't have solid plans for summer yet, but we are talking about going to Canada or Northern Michigan. We live in lower Michigan and the Upper Peninsula is gorgeous!! Thanks for the giveaway, hope to win!!

Unknown said...

No plans this summer. Love the fabrics and thread.

Erin said...

I have two fabulous grandchildren who will be in school vacation! I will spend time with them! Also since we are in NH we will go to the beaches as well as the mountains! Also visit family in Maine! Love summer!

QuiltCandy said...

We like to go on a family holiday, and I like to try to get to the Festival of Quilts!

Mandy L said...

No budget for vacation, but if there were we would go to Galveston and San Antonio. Texas that is.

Mary D said...

Load up the RV and head out for 40 days or so. We have the Black Hills on our list. Never really know where we will go.

Mary D said...

Load up the RV and head for the Black Hills then wherever we go will be unplanned. We will be traveling a couple of months.

Maureen said...

We haven't gone on vacation in years. But, I'd like to go to Ireland....

RoseyToesRose said...

We won't be staying away anywhere during the summer, as we don't want to leave our 3 cats (1 of them needs epilepsy medication twice a day). Instead we go for day trips - to the beach, or to big shopping centres etc.

Marti Taylor said...

Utilizing our family membership to the zoo is tops for us. Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Going to the beach is a must for this girl!

Unknown said...

Have MS, not very mobil, I spend most of my time at our trailer with my sewing machine set up on the deck!
Great giveaway, thanks for the chance.

Gina S said...

I go to my parents house. I try to get there a day early so i have some alone time with them. My daughter and grand kids also come, a day behind me. At least i get the bed for 1 night, lol.

The Rambling Quilter said...

We just rented a house by the lake. Hubby packs golf clubs, I pack sewing machine!!

Paula said...

My "big" vacation every year is actually in April. A group of friends from all over the US (and sometimes our Ireland and Australia friends get to come) get together in Nashville for a week of music, food, shopping laughter, and good times.

legato1958 said...

I travel for part of vacation to visit my mother and sister. Then my hubby and I go stay at a resort somewhere... I am not picky! As long as I don't have to make dinner and do the dishes! lol


Regina said...

Due to work schedules, we don't get to travel much in the summer. Weekends are spent tending our huge vegetable and flower gardens or on local trips, and we are trying to get some camping trips scheduled for this summer.

Abbie @ Rosewill Arts said...

We always go to Lake Michigan and camp with my in-laws. It is a great break away to soak up the sun, sand and spend unforgettable time together as a family.

Cindy P said...

In the summer I read, garden and sew...this winter has been awful, and I cannot wait for summer !

Katrom said...

We don't vacation in the summer because that is when my husbands business is the busiest. We vacation in the fall and go to Mexico.

BCT said...

I love to veg out at my summer log cabin on Squam Lake, Center Harbor, NH. Of course, I love to bring my sewing machine along with me!!!

Rita said...

Our summers are splendid here. We enjoy the outdoors with fishing, hiking, soaking up the sun, & having wonderful fresh vegetables & fruit. All with our family and friends.
Thank you for the great giveaway.

Heather said...

On summer vacation we usually visit Disneyland for a couple of days. Other than that, swimming for the kids & work for me.

Jan Baker said...

We usually head back to Las Vegas to visit relatives. We don't hit the casinos or the strip but I will admit I visit all the quilt shops too.

Vicki said...

Lots of local day trips for us.

Freddie said...

I will most likely be visiting the in laws in the Netherlands. If not then I would like to take the kids to the coast. They love playing in sand and waves.

Nancy said...

On summer vacations I get away from the house and relax in the outdoors near a lake or river with books to read and sketchbook for ideas.

tlunsford said...

My husband and I will be celebrating our 25th anniversary this July so we are going to take a week vacation at a resort. After no vacation for years and years, we are SO excited! Thanks for the giveaway!

Patricia said...

My husband & I are both retired so we can vacation any time we want. Because we live in South Texas & it gets REALLY HOT there, we like to try & go to somewhere a little cooler, but we love our home so don't stay away for long!

MoniqueB said...

We garden all summer long but we spend out actual vaacation time in NY mining for Herkimer Quartz. Lots of work, great de-stresser and a fun time!

Unknown said...

We try to get at least one camping trip in each summer. Peggy Moller

Regina said...

We will try a road trip to Seattle this year. Missing all our friends and grandson who are there now. Miss the Pacific Northwest, too!

Twisted Sticks said...

Well do you ever think it will be summer. We are in for 5-7 more inches of snow tomorrow!!

I will just be glad to sit on my deck and enjoy the sunshine!!

Beautiful fabrics and thread!!

Candy Mak said...

I haven't had a day off since I started having kids. My oldest is almost 6, so wherever I go it's got to be kid friendly. My SIL booked me. Suite at Las Vegas during the week of July 4th. So we are looking forward to that.

Margy Mc said...

Spending this summer settling into a new home. But I would STILL have time to quilt. Thanks for the chance

Laurie T said...

We usually go camping, travelling through the New England states.

Nicola B said...

During the summer we relax a lot of books ...enjoy our beautiful city of chicago

Nicola B said...

During the summer we relax a lot of books ...enjoy our beautiful city of chicago

Dita Bybee said...

pramuditahandaristi at gmail dot com

We enjoy the nature! My husband and I enjoy hiking (i enjoy it more when it's an easy hike, haha) and we would go camping in the summer.

JessicaK said...

My favorite part of summer is trying out new recipes for summer fruits and veggies and trying them out for our summer parties :)

Unknown said...

Last year our family, my kids-grandkids-greatgrandkids, rented a huse on the beach ad spent a week there. We are from the midwest and really had a great time! This year we will probably go to our lake cabin a lot.

corsetkitten (aka Erica) said...

On summer vacation I 1) work *sigh* and 2)Garden and 3) try to get some sewing done when it's sunny!

Anonymous said...

Explore close to home this summer. Looking forward to it. Probably do some fishing.

minka louise said...

The past 3 years we have gone to Cancun. This year we are staying closer to home and visiting Charleston. This is such a huge country with so many wonderful locations. My list of places to visit in the US is endless. Of course, each place we visit will include quilt shops. My husband loves them almost as much as I do. A road trip to Missouri Star Quilt Company is quite high on our list of places to go.

sew.darn.quilt said...

We take the boys camping and visit family.
Thank you for the chance:)

Kris said...

Going to the beach. Doing some quilting.

FLO_rancher said...

To relax I sew because this cattle ranch is demanding so much time. We hope to have time to travel to Lincoln NE to see our grandchildren.
Sew Peacefully

Nancy said...

We don't really do vacations, but we do go visit our son, d-i-l, and grandchild!

Unknown said...

We like to go somewhere relaxing,like Hawaii or somewhere at the beach.

diane said...

Well, we usually spend some time camping and 4-wheeling together, spend lots of time in our yard and garden, and our kids play baseball and soccer. Lots of downtime to just be together!

Quilterdude said...

We love to go on cruises.

Brenda said...

I go to quilting retreats! They are so much fun!

Rita McCart said...

according to our kids we have family vacaction every other year. Every other year we go to Iowa for 3 days for my husbands family reunion. My girls start planning and packing weeks before it's time to go, they call it our family vacation. :)

Marika said...

Two quilting camp and a spa pampering Hungary famous thermal spa medence.Sok luck to everyone but especially for me :)

Karen said...

We go camping and to our farm. Lots of short trips, but fun.

Cindy Sews said...

I will spend my summer vacation at the Martha Pullen School of Art Fashion!

Martha said...

This year our summer vacation will be spent traveling to California celebrating my 75th birthday and our 50th anniversary. Very exciting but winning this beautiful fabric and thread would rival this for sure.

Sewbig said...

Hoping to get together with three friends from college days and also spend a few days at the shore.

Unknown said...

We usually rent a cottage somewhere for a week. Lake George, or PEI.

Teresa @ Aurea's Kitchen said...

We would love to go to Florence, but not in summer, maybe in spring. This summer, if the sun comes, some days to the beach since we are living in a coastal city, then some days to my father-in-law, to help in the farm.


Teresa @ Aurea's Kitchen said...

We would love to go to Florence, but not in summer, maybe in spring. This summer, if the sun comes, some days to the beach since we are living in a coastal city, then some days to my father-in-law, to help in the farm.


Linda said...

We always go to South Padre Island in Texas for a vacation!

Donna W said...

Since my husband finished restoring a 1960 MGA at the end of last summer. This summer we will be taking lots of drives and seeing the sites in the MGA.

Teresa @ Aurea's Kitchen said...

We would love to go to Florence, but maybe in Spring, not summer. So this summer, beach since we are living in a coastal city, and then help my father in law in the farm.


Lucy said...

I love going to the beach xxxx
Crazyforpurple (at) gmail dot com

QuiltinGram said...

Yearly gathering at my youngest sister's. As many as possible with trailers, tents, boats, ATV's arrive for a week in the Caribou with the "Clan"! We call it Xmas in July as several neighbours do the same and we hold a potluck turkey dinner at a hall. Decorations, gifts and all!

Unknown said...

We plan to landscape our yard!,

Deanne said...

Every summer I ride my half-arab pinto all over the Sierra from Lake Tahoe. LOVE IT!
~ deanne -at-

Judi Duncan said...

just relax around the house, it's been years since we have gone anywhere to "vacation"

Anonymous said...

we will be touring the coast of michigan for our summer break. kethry_24(at)

GranChris said...

I don't usually take one but this year I am going bird watching in Arizona. I can't wait.

Tracy said...

visiting family in our home town

fgrischkowsky said...

I have to pass on summer vacation this year - just bought the Viking Platinum 16 Quilting machine instead!

Susan Entwistle said...

Work! And squeeze in all of the quilting I possibly can while the hubs is out playing golf and softball.

Kim said...

We hope to go to Solvang and Santa Barbara. There's a Dutch village that we would like to visit other than that we love spending time at the beach.

qtquilts said...

We are off to Singapore and India! Summer can't get here soon enough.

Rejeanne said...

One of our daughters is getting married here in August so we will be pretty tied up for this happy event for a good part of the summer. After the wedding, we are planning on going to Grand Rapids Michigan to AQS and do a little bit of travelling in the fall. So grateful for the opportunity you are giving us for this wonderful prise. Thank you.

sewandsew said...

Just got a new longarm quilting machine so might spend it quilting. This would really help me out. Thanks so much

Allison Sews said...

Usually I like to get a stamp in my passport somewhere exotic and faraway but this year we have a few local-ish weddings to attend.

Nancy in Minnesota said...

Summer is for gardening and naps in the shade of a tree! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Quilts by Black Hole Designs said...

Take a road trip with the kids that involve lots of miles and hopefully lots of good memories and laughs.

Bree said...

We don't usually do a summer vacation outside of visiting my family in MN, but last summer I went to Disneyworld with my mom & will be going back with her family in 2016.

Pre said...

Love this dear stella line! I generally don't have a vacation in the summer, but when I can get a day off I like to explore a part of the city I haven't seen before, or take a trip down the shore.

*Cornelia* said...

such a wonderful give-away I have never used Aurifil before

and for summer vacation, we always visit my parents, they live 3 hours away and daniels parents 9 hours, so we dont see them quite often

but what I really would love to do is, a vacation at the beach

Dorfymid said...

We will be visiting our son and Lovely DIL in Key West..I would so like to win those lovely fabrics and threads..

Geri said...

I usually don't get a summer vacation. Senior citizen with budget. I do plant a big garden and take care of that. Always have lawn and flowers to take care of. I do sew in the evenings and have taught myself how to quilt. Have 11 grandchildren, 4 grt grandchildren and twins ggc to be born in June so will be busy with them too. Hope I can win. Thanks

Mama said...

I stay home and enjoy the beauty of my surroundings (the Finger Lakes area in Central New York). The middle two weeks of the summer I am at Quilting By The Lake.

Marti M said...

This summer I plan on spending time outside. I am ready for sunny dry days.

OhioLori said...

We don't really do summer vacation, so to speak, but do plan to go to NC to visit our Daughter this year. :)

Stephanie @ Quarter Incher said...

We like to go to the beach or travel to the Las Vegas area to visit my sister's family and go boating at Lake Mead! So fun!

Unknown said...

This year we are moving across the great state of Colorado but usually we try to go see the grandies. I love this set of fabric…bright and cheerful.

Connie said...

Road trip where ever it takes me.
Some place green.

GO STARS! said...

My husband and I usually take a vacation - last year Alaska, years before that San Diego, Toronto/Niagara Falls, and Hawaii. Haven't decided yet on this year's destination.
We spend a lot of time outdoors and in the yard in the evenings. We live in Texas so it's too hot in the middle of the day.

Gene Black said...

I have several things that I do depending on finances. We sometimes go to the beach (South Alabama/Florida Panhandle) or we take a nice long trip to the Yucatan in Mexico. Mainly we get away from the typical life we live.

Unknown said...

I work from home, and I live on a I guess you could say everyday is a vacation for me.

Unknown said...

We go camping, if you can call it that, we leave a park model trailer at a park about 40 minutes from home & enjoy time w/the extened family who camp at the same location! Thanks for the opportunity!

Unknown said...

Head to the beach and relax (and sew) !!!!

Beth said...

Spend lots of time at the lake and this year a trip to the Smoky mountains!

Deborah said...

Love to go to Mackinac Island in Michigan in the summer. No vehicles, except Emergency vehicles on the Island. Just horses, bikes, etc. Is so pretty in the summer, don't want to go in the winter, though. LOL!

Ellen said...

This year we will go to New Orleans to see our new grandson.

Lin said...

I'm very lucky in that I live in a city that has different music festivals running for the entire summer as well as lots of recreational opportunities (beaches, bike paths, hiking, etc.) and cultural events. We'll be staying close to home this year and taking in those things as well as just relaxing. Next year will be a different story with a trip to Ireland planned.

Susan said...

We live in Florida near the ocean, so in the summer, we hosts lots of friends and family. It's a lovely chaos with towels always in the dryer and sand in the showers. We love to take a break from the heat and head for the mountains of North Carolina.

Crazyarnp said...

Visit the 2 grandchildren. The oldest loves to help me quilt!

KittyKwilter said...

I like to travel on vacation, either to a national park or to a country I've not visited. I also spend time in the garden While travelling, I visit some fabric or quilt stores if I can.

Unknown said...

Summer is barbecues, pool time, beach time, hiking, biking, and anything outside! This year it also means a possible trip to Canada!

Nancy said...

We have no summer plans but we camp every year for a weekend in the spring.

Catskill Quilter said...

Summer is my best time to sew, because I live in Florida, where it is too hot most days to be outside.

jeifner said...

I don't really get a summer vacation. But when summer comes I love being able to ride my bike outside almost every day.

Unknown said...

This year I'll be spending time with my sister who just recently had a stroke. I'm happy to give up every day of my vacation to spend with her!!!

Carry Hers By Natalie said...

Hi. every summer we find a cottage somewhere and spend a week with extended family.

ashiecat1954 said...

Summer vacation means I can enjoy walks around my neighborhood while listening to children playing. Its warm enough I can go out & putter around the yard - and when it gets too warm I go back inside and either work on a quilt or go thru books & magazines and plan my next one(s).
Susan Clark
ashiecat1954 at gmail dot com

nonnacookbooker said...

We live in Tasmania, Australia, so summer for us is catching up with all our family, spending time with friends and making the most of our summer crops by freezing and storing.

maggi said...

Having lived most of my life on a farm, summer vacation is a true dream! But, the best and most favorite summer vacations were spent with an amazing group of ladies from my church. I was part of a handbell choir and we loved to go on summer trips to ring bells and have fun adventures!

Unknown said...

We're going to camp and do some fishing

Dorothy H said...

We are Rv"ing again.. Going to interior British Columbia this year.. Love to stop at thrift stores to pick up fabrics! I have a great stash purchased over the last 3 years.
Love those fabrics.. colours are great.

Pat V. said...

We go out on our boat. I get to catch up on my reading!

Gigi and Grandy in Katy said...

Go visit the grands in Italy!

Angela said...

We love to go to Folly Beach SC for vacations when time allows. :)

endure123 at gmail dot com

(I don't know if I'm a no-reply or not) Thanks for the giveaway :)

Unknown said...

I usually do handwork, because it's portable enough to take to the ballpark bleachers. My son plays a lot of baseball!

Diann said...

We usually travel to visit family.
Thanks for a great giveaway.

Cynthia said...

I go fishing and walking through cemeteries as I travel across the country. I also visit every quilt shop I see along the way! I've met the most fabulous people that way. I take pictures of gravestones and the sights I see. I even went on a shop hop a couple of times when I was up in Washington state visiting my family! It was awesome!!!

karenann said...

We visit my in-laws in NC. They are the best in-laws ever!

Ms MoomMist said...

Car shows and more car shows. We have been cooped up all winter and so looking forward to getting out and driving.

KimZeee's Sewing Room said...

we cruise around New Zealand which gives me plenty of time to stitch my projects

LittleTreasuresbyAmanda said...

I herd try to keep the minions from revolting... uhh...we do day trips with our 4 kiddos. :-)

bee said...

try to spend some time with friends far away. soak in the sunshine and be outdoors!

Unknown said...

Since I'm a retired teacher, every day is summer vacation. I quilt on all of them. I especially love handquilting!

Afquilt said...

Spend more time sewing :)

Unknown said...

On Summer vacation I try to hit the beach with my daughter as often as possible. Oddly enough us coastal California folks don't always go the beach... Great giveaway.

JANET said...

Thank you for such a nice giveaway! Every day in Southern California is summer, just some days are cooler than others, so probably won't be doing anything special.

Lady Dragoness said...

I like to spend summers at a near-by lake, but the last two years we've had to stay home. :( Bummer. I was hoping this year could be different, but I already see medical expenses eating up the vacation funds again. I'll be at the lake in my dreams, anyhow.

Terri said...

I usually go fishing, and basically relax up in our lakes areas in Northern Minnesota!! Fun in the piney sun!!

Bonnie Pfrimmer said...

Love that thread!! I have never had a vacation..After my divorce I had to work 2 jobs and raise 3 girls. There was never time for vacations or money. Now that I am retired I just stay home and sew which I love to do.

Becky in Georgia said...

On Summer vacation, we like to spend time at the lake enjoying the sunrises and sunsets. Thank you for sharing!

Lynne said...

Visit family and friends with several "travel friendly" quilt projects in my bags.

Gorgeous color combination! Thank you for the blog and the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

To the MOUNTAINS BABY!!! Easter Tennessee. You can take the girl out the country but you can NEVER take the country out the girl!!! Family vacation over the 4th. Brandi Pond

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