Completely out of my box! | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Completely out of my box!

Today is a sew day!  I am taking THIS day and claiming it as MINE!  That is until people need to be fed and the grand furbaby needs a walk and well, the wood will not haul itself in, LOL!

I am at least off to a good start with these beauties picked out and my pattern ready to go! I had originally chosen blues and greens.  I am not a pink girl, I never have been. The thing is, I do like to try new ideas, to challenge myself and what I would normally do.  I may find I love this or I may learn that I hate this but either way I will learn something new about myself and about sewing so I really cannot go wrong! I am complete out of my color comfort box and possibly a little out of my mind but sometimes those make for the best projects!

I hope you are able to find some time in your day to sew!


Granny Maud's Girl said...

Lots of us love pink, so we'll try to keep you motivated, eh? I think it will look great.

margaret said...

nice selection of fabrics, I think we all have our favourite clours, mine has always been green and now very attached to orange/tans

MickeyT. said...

I had to laugh when I read your post. Before my eyes were even open this morning, I was thinking "Today is MY day and I am sewing!" Good luck to us both!

suemac said...

That is a whole lotta pretty pink. Of course, pink is my favorite color so that stack seems yummy to me.

Lisa Lisa said...

I love pink. As a matter of fact, two walls in my sewing room are pink. I haven't always been that way, though. Can't wait to see what you're working on :)

Katy Cameron said...

Hope you had a fun sewing day :o) I'd have used child labour for everything else ;o)

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