I feel like I should have been completed by now and am honestly a little embarrassed that I am not. I grossly underestimated the time that it would take me to deconstruct the garments needed and I REALLY underestimated how many clothing items I would need. But here I am again plugging away in hopes to be completed sometime next week.
I will need to add a section onto the design wall today to accommodate another column on the left and need three more rows added onto the bottom. One hundred sixty nine blocks total. I will also have a HUGE MESS to tidy up when I am finished. Many thanks to a very tolerant family and to all of my sweet friends that have been tolerating all of my overgramming and giving me likes and support with this project! I have been learning so much with all of the different fabrics. In the end I know this will all be well worth the effort and time spent.
I think a project like this really builds appreciation for some of those antique quilts. Just imagine hand piecing and quilting it! I have a flannel log cabin that's been in progress for over 10 years :( I applaud your ability to just plow through to the finish. The quilt is turning out beautiful and I hope you are going to keep it.
It looks totally awesome.
Love those reds. I don't know that I could stick with it like you have! It's going to be a beautiful quilt!
It really does look totally awesome! This quilt to be really GLOWS!
This is going to be so worth it. Gorgeous! I always shy away from red because I had one bad bleeding experience that broke my heart. This is the way to do it! Red everywhere!
That's a lot of work! It's going to be so great when it's done.
Oh, I love your blocks and I think this quilt is going to be fantastic!!
this is an enormous quilt and coming along a treat. what a great daylight you must get in your sewing room with that big window.
Oh my I just realized we have the same sewing table, m Great is it not?
Amazing amount of red! it's going to be an epic quilt!
All works of art demand their due time to become amazing, right? This one just seems to be more demanding than most :*) I applaud you for sticking with all that red for so long - my quilter's ADD would have kicked in long ago LOL! It is going to be gorgeous when done, and your rewards will be well worth it!
I absolutely love the colors in this quilt!! It's beautiful. :)
I saw this on IG already. It´s fantastic... hurry so we can see it finished :)
love how it looks so far!!! it will be worth it in the end!
I love all those reds and really like that you are doing it in deconstructed clothing. I did that with my late husband's shirts. It made it special, and I think you are going to be so glad you finished this!
Wow - wonderful reds in this one! I really love your working space, would feel like home at once ;-)
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