Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day! Aurifil Giveaway! | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Monday, December 8, 2014

Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day! Aurifil Giveaway!

With so many things to have ready for the craziness of the holidays what better time to stop for a day (or two)...relax and take part in the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day!!!

So many giveaways full of goodies and so little time!!!

The giveaway is for AURIFIL!!!  But not just any Aurifil!!!!

A special edition Aurifil 50wt collection!  Are you swooning yet?  Can you believe all of these yummy colors in one perfectly lined box!!!!!???!!!!

and an Aurifil color card with all 270 colors so when you need to know what #Auricolor you need... there will be NO GUESSING!

Be sure to visit all of the other bloggers and giveaways on Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day link party !!!  Thank you Kristin!!!

I will be using Rafflecopter for this giveaway to make it easier for you to enter and for me to contact the winner! This amazing giveaway closes December 12, 2015 5pm PST.   The winner will be chosen randomly and I will announce the winner on this post on or around 14 Dec.  This giveaway is open internationally and please feel free to repost everywhere!

Thank you SO MUCH everyone for your participation in this giveaway!  I loved reading your comments and REALLY appreciate your likes for the Quilt Alliance, my favorite organization for keeping our stories going!

****************************CONGRATULATIONS TO*******************************

Mary I sent you an email this morning for posting business :o) 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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Bill Volckening said...

I like Washington's Birthday best because I don't have to decorate the house or wrap gifts. :)

Pat said...

Halloween. It's our anniversary. I love the children and festive costumes

Unknown said...

I like Labor Day because the drum corps season has just ended and I can have a true long weekend to myself.

quilteddog said...

Any holiday or day that I can spend with my family!

stacysews said...

Halloween - it gives me the perfect excuse to sew costumes.

Chiska said...


Lindsay Conner said...


candacek said...

Christmas time!

Suzie H said...

I love Christmas!

Dorian said...

WOW, what a very generous giveaway!! Christmas is by far my most favorite holiday. I love the music, the lights, the decorations, the closness it brings to families :) Thanks for a wonderful giveaway. Merry Christmas!!

Kathy Nester said...

Thanksgiving, lots of family and great food!

Lynn B said...

Favorite Holiday is Thanks giving followed by Christmas.. So maybe my favorite is November/December --- that's a holiday, right??

Mary Ann said...

Christmas for sure!

Maxine said...

Christmas is my favorite holiday!

candacek said...

I follow you on facebook!

Mary Ann said...

I am a follower on feedly

Maxine said...

I follow you on FB and Bloglovin

Pauline Gudas said...

I love Thanksgiving

Lisa Lisa said...

Christmas, for sure!

Just Sew Sue said...

I lke Easter as it singals the beginning of spring.

Renee said...

Thanksgiving because it is focused around just spending time with friends and/or family and eating good food!

memmens said...

Not an official holiday but my favourite is summer, no expectations, no stress - ideal!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

What a great giveaway! Christmas is my favorite holiday.

Rina Mason said...

Labor Day. it signals the end of summer meaning the kids are back in school, the temps are getting cooler and fall is on it's way.

memmens said...

I follow your blog via feedly

Renee said...

I follow you via FB

LisaT said...

Love, love, love Halloween!!!

BJM said...

My favorite holiday is Christmas.

Susan Shapiro said...

My favorite holiday is Pesach when all our family get together.

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

I follow on FB and bloglovin!

Unknown said...

My favorite Holiday is Christmas!

BJM said...

I follow My Go-Go life on FB.

Nortiness said...

Christmas! It's just to cheerful and hectic and we see everyone!

Rina Mason said...

I follow via bloglovin

pbs.seams said...

July 4th - it's my birthday.

Allison C said...

I'm a big fan of Halloween

dwylie said...

Thanksgiving is my favorite. I love a holiday where you spend time with family and there are no gifts involved.

Darcie said...

Halloween! Though Christmas is a close second. :)

Robin said...


CurlyGirlMom said...

Christmas is my favorite holiday, hands down! Easter is second.

Denise said...


Laura said...

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday!

Laura said...

I follow you on feedly!

Carolyn said...

Favorite holiday is July 4th

Carolyn said...

Favorite holiday is July 4th

Anonymous said...

My favorite holidays, equally, are Christmas and Easter. I think I like Easter because it's a promise of new things with a new spring beginning. :)

Anonymous said...

I also am a follower, but I don't have Facebook, so I can't enter those ones. :(

PGANANA said...

OMG Love this giveaway. Such a merry Christmas it will be if I win this beautiful collection.

PGANANA said...

follow you on blogloving and FB

Unknown said...

follow on facebook,instgram,and blogger

Sharon said...

Ground hogs day!

Twin Cities Sewists said...


Twin Cities Sewists said...

I follow you on Facebook and Instagram!

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

NATAL!!!!!!!Feliz Natal pra você!!!!!Feliz Ano Novo!!!feliz ano Todo!!!

Marilyn S said...

Christmas is my favorite

charlotte said...

Thanksgiving. It's all about the food.

Unknown said...

I love Thanksgiving. Thank you for the giveaway.

Shanley said...

Winter Solstice, because the days only get longer from there.

Cathy said...

I love Christmas! I do follow you

Unknown said...

Christmas, minus the commercialism. We always took our boys to the log cabin we built. No running water, no electricity. Cherished memories!

charlotte said...

I follow you!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

I love Halloween because the kids love it so much!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

I follow on bloglovin :)

Mommo said...

definitely Christmas.

Unknown said...

been following for a while!

Maggie said...

Christmas is my favorite holiday!

krislovesfabric said...


Lisa R said...


Maggie said...

I follow you on FB. By the way on the contest widget, the link to the aurifil FB page did not work for me. I had to type it in the search on FB.

kristyn said...

MY favorite holiday has to be Thanksgiving, I just love fall and the closeness with family. Thanks for the giveaway!

kristyn said...

I follow primarily from Facebook.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

My favorite holiday used to be Halloween, but after this year it might have to be Thanksgiving. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I follow you via Facebook.

carol said...

halloween is the holiday I like best! followed by my daughters birthdays

Lynn said..., great food, parade! Great holiday!

Susan said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

Carla said...

Veteran's day is my favorite. dollartistcarla at aol dot com

Ellyn said...

Easter is my favorite! thanks for the chance

Sherrye said...

Thanksgiving! It's all about the family and food.

NonnaD said...

My fsoorite holiday is Christmas! But this year, my son and his family aren't able to visit, so I'm making an everyday positive thought to myself that Jesus is the reason for everyday and not just Christmas! ♡ I'm so homesick for them! ;-) what a silly Nonna I am because I am blessed to have them! :-)

Ellyn said...

I'm a new follower via GFC

NonnaD said...

I follow you via fb! :-)

PersimonDreams said...

actually it's Halloween! I just love making the costumes! I do love all the traditions of Christmas though too :)

Jessica said...

Christmas is my favorite!

Kim Turner said...

I think my favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. It doesn't seem as high pressured as Christmas unless you're doing the Christmas shopping afterwards.

Kelsey Boes said...

Oh my word, all of the greys alone would be an incredible collection to own!

Unknown said...

Thanksgiving is my favorite!

Unknown said...

I love Christmas. It makes you feel all warm inside.

sherry said...

christmas all the way

Kelsey Boes said...

An my favorite Holiday is probably Maundy Thursday. I just love the church service every time. Every year.

Saira p said...

Any holiday from work!

sherry said...

i am a blog follower

Jennifer said...

Thanksgiving is my favorite.

Leslie at the Sugarhouse said...

July 4th! It's warm & sunny and I love to BBQ plus it's my 1st borns birthday!!

Anna @FreshDewDrops said...

Wow! Look at the color! Spools and color card = awesome giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity!

Lucy said...

Christmas is my fav.

ChrisC said...

Is it greedy to say my favorite holiday is my birthday? :-) Actually, though, I really love Thanksgiving -- an excuse to get together with loved ones and feed them delicious food with no gift-giving pressure.

Holly said...

favorite holiday? that's a toughie ... but I'd probably go Christmas. Although that might be because it's literally right in front of me now! hehe

Quiltalicious said...

What an awesome holiday giveaway... good luck to all but esp. me, lol.

ozone3 said...

I like Labor Day ... Anniversary is 9/3, so sometimes we have a long anniversary weekend.

Thanks for the chance to win!!

Missenota aka Kristin S. said...

I'm one of those obnoxious types who loves every holiday (my favorite is the one coming next!) I really get into it and birthdays count, of course!

Brenda said...

Christmas! thanks for the chance to win.

Terri C said...

Thanksgiving is my favorite, just good food and loved ones. Being thankful for our blessings.

Quiltalicious said...

I left a comment, but left out my fave holiday - that would be Samhain (Halloween)!!!

Beth said...


atabanana29 said...

I love Halloween!

Unknown said...

July 4

Thyssly said...

Crhistmas time!

Unknown said...

Valentines Day...

MarMavi said...


Quilt Writer said...


Debbie -- Sheltered Stitches said...

I love Christmas time

Debbie -- Sheltered Stitches said...

I follow yiu with Feedly!

Terri C said...

I'm a fan of My Go- Go Life!

Unknown said...

I love Birthdays with all the cake and ice cream - some of us never grow up!
frani (at) grammyshands (dot) us

Debby said...

New Year - love ringing in the new year on New Year's Eve!

Nine Kids and Not Counting :) said...

I like Thanksgiving as it is the kickoff to a long holiday season!

wobblybobbin said...

I love Mardi Gras!

KCR said...

Christmas! I love all the family time, the weather, warm fires, and especially the reason we even have it.

sew.darn.quilt said...

Halloween would be my favourite!
Thank you for the chance of this most generous giveaway!

Terri C said...

Follow you on pintrest and instagram also!

jednoiglec said...

My favorite holiday are Christmas of course. I know that many people love it and I'm one of them.

Siobhan said...

Thanksgiving. It's about gathering, and there's no pressure. Most years I have time to fit in a little sewing as well! :)

jednoiglec said...

I follow you on Bloglovin':)

Katie.Herzog said...

Halloween is the best! Lots of costumes and parties.

Katie.Herzog said...

I follow you via bloglovin!

sew.darn.quilt said...

I'm a Bloglovin' follower ")

Debbie said...


Christine Walker said...

I love Halloween!

Christine Walker said...

I love Halloween!

Miss Alissa said...

Easter is my favorite! So good to know God loves me :D

Miss Alissa said...

OH, I am following you!

Alison V. said...


Erica said...

For sure Christmas is my favourite.

Reader Owl said...

Christmas is my favorite

Mary said...

Christmas is my favorite! It's the longest stretch of time I get to spend with my out of town family each year.

Debbie said...

I'm a follower.

Mary said...

I'm a follower through Feedly.

Barbara said...

Nice giveaway.

Linda V said...

Like most, I love Christmas! Such a great family time!

Terri said...

Very nice give away!! We all need this!

Terri said...

Very nice give away!! We all need this!

Unknown said...

I love Thanksgiving and Christmas. Would love to win.

Sleepy Cat Hollow said...

Halloween nudges Christmas as my favorite holiday by a pumpkin. :)

Jen said...

I love Christmas best :)

Jen said...

I follow you

Diane said...

I like Memorial day best because we have a BBQ for both sides of our family. Plus its my birthday weekend. Party time! Thanks for the giveaway.

Joy Meetis said...

My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. There isn't any pressure on that day. Just to cook, eat, and enjoy each others company!

CurlyGirlMom said...

I am a follower.

MoniqueB said...

I love Thanksgiving. It feels like less pressure and it still retains some of the initial meaning and hasn't fallen to total consumerism yet. monique.belmer at gmail dot com

Megan Collins said...

With small children, every holiday is fun! They especially like Halloween - and NOT for the candy. My four-year-old loves driving around the neighborhood and looking at the decorations people put out. : ) Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Would be my ultimate gift! Thank you

Unknown said...

I love Christmas! Thank you so much!


Joy Meetis said...

I follow by email.

Margaret said...

I love Christmas. I love to see how happy the little ones are

shemie said...

gorgeous prize! I enjoy ALL holidays - celebrating is fun.

shemie said...

gorgeous prize! I enjoy ALL holidays - celebrating is fun.

dawn - Mi rincón de mariposas said...

I love Xmas. Thanks!

Joyce Carter said...

Thank you so much for your giveaway. I LOVE Christmas.

Margaret said...

I follow on Instagram and bloglovin

Toohey said...

Hehehe. My favorite holiday is my birthday. I always have the month of Terry, or at least the week of Terry. Thanks for the awesome!!! giveaway.

Lesley said...

Christmas is my favorite holiday! All about family and friends. Thanks for the chance for a wonderful gift!

Toohey said...

I follow you on FB, Bloglovin' and IG!! Yay!!!

Joyce Carter said...

I follow you via GFC. Thank you so much.

Andrea @ Mouse in My Pocket said...

I follow you on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. That way I never miss your posts.

Smultronbo said...


Chantal Thibodeau said...

a Quebec holiday, Patriots day. It's time to plant our garden !

Wild Irish said...

OMG what a collection would love to win.

Susan said...

My favourite holiday is actually Thanksgiving, because you have all the family together without the pressure of buying gifts and decorating the house and all that. Still a nice family holiday!

Melissa said...

I think Easter is my favorite holiday, it seems to make a time of new growth and life and gives hope.

Welcome to the Glorious Chaos! said...

I love Christmas for the family time I get to have and the cozy lights but I also really love the 4th of July because of the fireworks and the parades and the hot weather!!!

Welcome to the Glorious Chaos! said...

I follow you on bloglovin'

Stitchin At Home said...

I love christmas!

Jackie's Stitches said...

I love Christmas! Family, lights, giving, food - it's all good! I must admit I love holidays that give me a day off work too!

carolaj3 said...

I like Christmas. All the family together.

Unknown said...

I follow on Feedly!

Martina said...

My favourite holiday is Easter.

Martina said...

I am a follower with bloglovin'

Sue said...

I like Christmas a lot and all the special crafting, baking, traditions and family. :)

Janny said...

Christmas! Thanks for the giveaway.

Gene Black said...

Probably Easter. It is spring and flowers are beginning to bloom..and best of all "The Lord is Risen Indeed"

Stitchin At Home said...

i follow you on FB.

Tricia said...

Love Christmas! I love buying gifts for people. Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Christmas!! Best time of the year!!

Tricia said...

I follow on FB and bloglovin!

Aimee said...

Halloween ~ I love the colors & the costumes.

Karyn said...

I love New Year's Day, full of hope and new beginnings! Big quilty hugs back at you,

shayne said...

Halloween and Birthdays!

Katie K said...

I love Halloween and making costumes! So deliciously spooky and fun for little ones.

Unknown said...

Christmas. Because everyone is celebrating.

Anita said...

Christmas is my favorite holiday! Especially with three young children in my house. :)

Madeleine said...


Unknown said...

I follow by email.

mjb said...


mjb said...

I follow on feedly.

Unknown said...

I would love to win the thread.

Unknown said...

I love Christmas, but Independence Day is my absolute favorite!!

mcv1691 said...

Thanksgiving because it's about gratitude.

Unknown said...

I follow you on Facebook

Anonymous said...

This is such an amazing giveaway! I stockpile fabric but my thread stash is so lacking! My favorite holiday is definitely Christmas.

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