Fashion at almost 50 Burda Style! | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Fashion at almost 50 Burda Style!

I finished a pencil skirt!  I tried months back and became discouraged with sizing issues.  If you have never sewn a garment pattern, sewing patterns are based on your actual measurements not your off the rack size.  In pattern sizes, I am two completely different sizes from my waist to my hips.  I am three sizes from my chest to my hips.  This makes sewing fitted garments somewhat challenging to the many people that ( and most are) many different sizes.

Fitted garments look better to me.  Tittering on the brink of 49, I walk the fine line with clothing of what is "age" appropriate and what looks good without looking matronly.  Then there is the comfort issue and not wanting to look as though I am wearing maternity clothing with garments that are too full. I did maternity four times and I am DONE!

I used the Burda Pattern Princess Seam Pencil Skirt 04/2012 #118.  It is a pdf download that is easy to print up!  I like that instant gratification.  Sadly, seam allowances are not added to the pattern so those have to be added in and that does take some extra time.  I used this super cool tape ( it says masking tape on the inside but it was more like wash tape) to line up and hold the patterns together while I traced the proper size adding in the seam allowances.

I also tried out this handy, what I am now referring to as my pin bracelet, wrist pin holder.  I bought this at Joann's after Christmas and somehow lost it in the Black Hole that is my sewing room.  I found it again last week when I was doing a MAJOR purge to find my way back and start sewing again.  I did find it helpful when on the floor pinning and also when I needed to do alterations.  the pins were right there and I did not even think about putting pins in my mouth once!

The pattern has very few pieces and the invisible zipper is lovely and adds to he polished look of the skirt.  I was very impressed with the fit once I was able to figure out how to adjust for the size differences. Overall I am very happy with this skirt and now I understand it better, I will be making at least one or two more. Katy says she wants one too :o)



  1. First off, you look about 10 years younger. Secondly, I have to warn anyone I make costumes for about this sizing issue. My oldest daughter are her friends are 6 off the rack. But pull out a pattern, and all of a sudden they may be size 12.

  2. well done a perfect fit. I too used to make my own clothes but since I took up embroidery and quilting have lost interest, well at my age I do not need new clothes, some of mine are well over 20 years old!

  3. The fashion style in Burda is a great. my uncle is a tailor he use to make new clothes as well. By the way thanks for sharing this content happy to read it.
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