Shirts to shorts, an up cycle with style! | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Shirts to shorts, an up cycle with style!

This is my very first pair of shorts!  Looking through Purl Soho's fabric is always a treat for me and so I was window shopping online and then up popped a tutorial for a pair of shorts with a FREE pattern and everything!  My interest was instantly peaked!  City Gym Shorts pattern is for all sizes and it so incredibly well written and the sizing is spot on!

The original intent for the black linen was a quilt top that I started working on two days ago.  This was a men's XL Coldwater Creek lovely black linen ( very nice quality) I had acquired from the local thrift shop for $2.  The binding is from my hoarded stash of Liberty of London.  The Liberty Lawn is such a perfect match to the black.

The pattern printed out, I chopped up the shirt, grabbed the parchment paper, wash tape, a pen and scissors and went to work! You can see Tara was very helpful through this process!

I have a small collection of vintage machines and I try to break them out and use them to keep them in good running condition.  This sweet Viking stays in my sewing room in her case and it was definitely time for her to be brought out to get some fresh air and sunshine! LOVE her so much!  For the thread I grabbed my Aurifil 2600 ( should have used #2692) because the bobbin was already full and I was a woman on a mission! 

The hardest part making these for me was the bias cut binding.  There was not much of the Lawn fabric and I did not want to make a mistake and not have the correct amount. Thank goodness there was just enough to finish the shorts! I pinned all of it down and ran right over those suckers!  I was not risking any mistakes ( please don't judge) ;O)

Honestly, fabulous pattern!  So much so, I think when Katy's friends have another sleepover this will be the project they do!  It is that easy!



  1. mens work shorts
    Of course, it's always important to dress appropriately for the occasion and consider the specific dress code, but overall, I think men should feel confident and comfortable wearing shorts when appropriate


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