Silk Tie Easter Eggs | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Silk Tie Easter Eggs

Happy Spring!  The trees are blooming and tennis season has commenced :o) That means I am in the car twice a s much and it also means it is is time to make Easter eggs! We usually do the traditional dye from the local store but this year I wanted to try something a little different, more interesting and that I had never tried before.

About a week ago I came across this fun video on Facebook.  It was created by The SALT project and shares how to make Easter Eggs using old ties.

I am a big fan of using anything old for something creative so I decided to give it a shot!
I looked up some more information about dying with ties to make sure I had everything I needed.  Martha Stewart is always full of information and she did not disappoint with her Silk Dyed Easter Egg video.  I did learn that the pot to use for boiling needs to be either enamel coated or glass.  I used my big canning pot and added more water/vinegar.  Also, start with fresh eggs not hard boiled.  Lastly, make sure the ties are 100% silk.

Last week I went to some local thrift shops to gather ties and found them for .50 to $1.  The majority of ties found were red or blue.  If you are a regular thrifter, you can look throughout the year to provide more variety.  For some reason, trying to find string this time of year is also next to impossible.  Target had some in the card section on clearance for 1.88 per spool.

Full disclosure...this is not a fast project.  There is prep work and lots and lots of tying.  Thank goodness Michael was here to help or it may not have happened this week!  It would be a fantastic thing to do if you have lots of helping hands!  Great family project!

The eggs look so dressed up and fancy!

After simmering them for 30 min, they came and were placed into a bowl to cool.  There was one tie that bled red but none of the color transferred to our hands when we were setting them free!

Are they  Did I expect them to :o)  Will I try this project again... with and designs that are this is very likely! The entire process is pretty impressive!

Now to decide what to do with them. My kids do not like hard boiled eggs to eat ( crazy kids) so although I wanted to make 4 dozen fantastically whimsical colorful eggs, it seemed to be wasteful to hard boil a bunch of eggs to throw away.  These we will save for the hunt and I will be searching on  Pinterest to find creative recipes that kids will love ( for OTHER hard boiled eggs!  It was brought to my attention that eggs dyed in this way are for decoration only! They could be toxic to eat!  Please do not EAT eggs if you make them in this way!)



Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I am going to an Egg painting party on Friday (a bunch of us adults with no kids are going to have some fun!) and we are going to give this a try. I doubt ours will turn out as beautifully as yours did, though! LOL

Amy DeCesare said...

Great project review. You make me want to plan this for next year. Maybe try the eggs in some chicken salad or potato salad? That's how mine started eating them.

Nancy said...

The eggs simmered for 30 minutes....I don't think I would want to eat those anyway. They would be way over cooked.

Ivory Spring said...

This is so amazing, Kim!!!! So, the designs on the ties just transferred onto the eggs after the simmering? I am totally awed!

margaret said...

these are the best decorated eggs I have seen what a lovely idea, I do have some old silk ties but not a clue where!!

Debbie said...

Since you can't eat the eggs, next year blow out the eggs and just dye the shell! Your kids don't have eggs to eat and you can enjoy their beauty for yours!

MaterialGirlQuilts said...

I saw the same video and was instantly intrigued! Love your end result, they are beautiful!! Maybe we'll try this next year when I can plan in advance and have more time :)

Me and My Stitches said...

We tried this a few years ago and it was a big FAIL! Glad you had success - they look great!

Chaturthi Master Kits UK said...

Easter eggs looks very cute

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