Be Scrappy! | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Be Scrappy!

Ten million pieces of fabric is currently what is covering the foyer in my home.  Three to four weeks of accumulation of carefully chosen bits and scraps of fabric to make projects that make me smile ( I hope they make you smile too). What happens after the projects are completed is a massive mess that my lovely children have learned to walk around.  I am grateful for this act of kindness, since I would likely have a screaming Mimi if anyone trampled my out of print bits of this or that.  

I completely embrace that my life is that of someone who sews scrappy!  It has taken me some time to accept my "style."  Embracing this style has also meant embracing the messy creative life and the possibility that every block...every project...could take longer because of need to find the perfect piece that is almost always at the bottom of a stuffed full bin.  I have learned to accept that this is my life and have adopted a new motto to help with the stressful days when fabric is everywhere and  I cannot seem to find that ONE perfect piece...or find the foyer floor...



  1. Ha ha.. I know that scrappy feeling!

  2. I love it! Now I'll be humming and whistling that song in my head all day.

  3. Great attitude to have. Plus if you don't search, you miss that gem that really compliments a project. Can't wait to see your next project.

  4. I agree! Scrappy is my favorite kind of quilting :)

  5. I think most of us love scrappy, interesting to read that your plan yours, I just pluck fabric out from the pile and join it together any old way

  6. I love scrappy quilts. They tell a story of where and when the fabric came into my life.


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