WIP Wednesday | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

WIP Wednesday

Do sew everyday?  The biggest goal for me this Summer is to sew daily.  I have been making sure to schedule in sew times during the day to make a bigger dent in my projects.  It can be for 15 minutes or three hours.  I give the kids books or projects and ask that they not disturb me.  I can see into all the rooms in the downstairs from my sewing room.  I am never really very far away!

Luckily for me this week is Summer enrichment at the local school.  The nine year old is learning cooking and that gives me time to sew without interruption for two hours.  I have made great use of this time with a few different projects!

To start off are more Economy Blocks!  I will be making these every week until I have enough for a quilt!

I am also working hard on secret sewing!  It is difficult with secret sewing because you REALLY want to share but cannot.  Here is a very small sneak peek at the stack of lovely I am working on that will be released in the near future! 

And I could not resist making Hazel a new pair of pants using the scraps from a skirt I made combined with the binding from her quilt!  All Robert Kaufman gorgeous!  I used Aurifil thread to stitch these up in no time flat using the pattern from Anna Maria Horner's book Handmade Beginnings.

What are you working on this week?


  1. Love the economy blocks -- can't wait until you put them all together! Sally

  2. You make me want to retire and do nothing but sew! I'm very slow and not even very good at it ~ running high risk for having way more projects to do than projects done, but oh, the fabrics are sooo pretty and your projects look so fun!

  3. like you I have made economy blocks well 2 years ago have 142 ^2 finished ones but cannot work out a plan of putting them together all made from scraps. Great conversion with the shorts

  4. Love the fabric choices of your blocks and can't wait to see that sneak peek finished! I do my best to sew something everyday even if it's just a few stitches but sometimes it's hard. Last week I sliced up my scrap stash into strips and am hoping it helps me just sit & stitch up a new "just for me" scrappy project.

    ps- that Hazel is one lucky little lady. I can only imagine what amazing things will be found in her closet!


  5. I love those shorts - I may have to steal your idea for my granddaughters. Can't wait to see what the secret sewing becomes...cute!! cute!!

  6. The economy blocks are so cute! And those pants are adorable. I really need to get a schedule. I feel like I am wasting so much time doing nothing and then I feel sad that I am not sewing. :( I hopeone day I get used to the hubby being here all the time.


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