Thank you everyone for your participation in the #missingmarket event on Instagram! The quilting and sewing community blew me away again with all of your kindness and fun stories! LOVE this community!
Many thanks again to our sponsors : Fat Quarter Shop, Moda Fabrics, Aurifil and Make Modern Magazine! You guys are AWESOME!
Quilt Market is not open to the general public but Festival is open to everyone! If you are in the Houston area, make sure to take a trip to the biggest quilting event of the year! Vendors from just about every company in the industry, classes from the best talent ( my friend Debbie Brown will be there teaching) and the most stunning quilts you have even seen!
For all the information about hours, fees and classes during Festival please visit here.
Also, if you will be attending, make sure to visit my friends at Quilt Alliance! They are seeking volunteers for the booth and also looking for people to share the stories of their quilts ( you will need to bring a quilt that you have made or acquired) to document and preserve the history of the quilt in a three minute video. To find out more about these events visit here.
Love this organization and their mission!
On a sad note, Jamie Wallen and Rich from Quilters Apocothecary had their trailer filed with all of their EVERYTHING ( quilts, products, teaching tools)stolen yesterday morning from the car parking lot of their hotel. If you live in the area, please help get the word out!
Here is the local news story Giving all of the details.
Maddie Kertay is a a mixture os sass meets class and is the Main gal from the Bad Ass Quilters Society.
I am copying and pasting her beautiful gesture to help Jamie and Rich out! AMAZING!
"You can also go shopping and let BadAss Quilters Society do the donating. As a family we have decided to put our money where our mouth is. Come shop SPOOL during our liquidation (remember the store is closing) with the code HeartOn and you will get your fabric for 50% off and ALL THE PROCEEDS ( less tax and shipping) will go to Jamie. Please be clear that this is not just the profit, but the cost as well. We are pledging $1,000 to this cause no matter if you order or not but we do invite you to be part of it and score some fabric for your generosity!! "
There is also a Go Fund Me set up to help out! Please consider a donation to help out or if you are not in a place where you can help out monetarily, please spread the word on social media!
Quilter's are fantastic and banding together and helping out! I hope we are able to help them recover their quilts and lives! Thank you!
ks for sharing the article, and more importantly, your personal experience mindfully using our emotions as data about our inner state and knowing when it’s better to de-escalate by taking a time out are great tools. Appreciate you reading and sharing your story since I can certainly relate and I think others can to