The kids are back in school, everyone else is back to work and it is time for me to get sewing!
After creating the Monday Motivation {Sew Along and Block of the Month}, I could not resist the lure of a new quilt! On Pat Sloan's new website I Love to Make Quilts there is the perfect project starter with The One Hundred Eighty-Two Day Solstice Challenge! These are 12 in finished blocks very super fast and easy!
I made my first yesterday ( I am now only two behind 😂). The best part is that I made it incorrectly! It is supposed to be a Churn Dash but it is not...LOL! The fussy cut Ralph Lauren Polo Guy does not seem to mind all that much!
You will be super shocked when I tell you that I am using used shirtings for these blocks. Upcycled sewing is really so interesting! If you have not sewn with up cycled garments, check out my post from a few weeks ago on Upcycled Sewing here.
Also, I realized a cool trick with my pattern wheel this week! The kids had taken all of my marking tools and so I used the pattern wheel to mark my half square triangles!
Can't find a marking tool for your half square triangles? Try this tip✨🌟✨ #quilt #sew #gogokim #video #howto— Kim Niedzwiecki (@gogokim) January 2, 2017
While working on my number two block for the The One Hundred Eighty-Two Day Solstice Challenge but my sewing machine has decided to be naughty and play this trick again! I will be changing the needle and rethreading with Aurifil 50wt to fix the problem! If that does not work, she will go in the corner and I will bring out a vintage machine until she can behave...LOL!
I have never been able to figure out WHY this randomly happens but it always fascinates me!
What have you been working on this year?
I've experienced the naughty trick, too. Check for fuzz or threads in the bobbin area. Once or twice completely rethreading seemed to help. Possibly there's a small timing problem. I haven't had it happen since I got the machine cleaned and the timing fixed (knock on wood).
Glad I kept my tracing wheel as will use that in future, it is old belonged to Granny who dies in 1956!
The block looks good, you have personalised it. I too am making them. Enjoyed the churn dash so have made 16 15.5" blocs for a quilt for my brother who is recovering from a heart attack, so much quicker as I want it 60" square plus binding so only 16 blocks instead of 25. Now have to join them together.
Like you my bernina sometimes does that but I change the needle and rethread and it is okay again, oh no it probably won`t work next time now
Great tip, thanks.
What a great tip ~ I'll have to find my tracing tool and give it a try.
I'm working on last year (it seems so long ago now) PMQG guild quilt. It's a row by row and really wonderfully designed!
I see the loop closest to the needle is undone...I don't know this but i think this has caused that to happen to me before. It usually happens when I am quilting and I whip the quilt around to another position to quilt and a corner of the quilt knocks the thread out of that last threading loop. Just a thought. Love the tracing paper wheel idea.
Thanks for the tracing wheel tip! I need to go dig mine out of my 8th grade sewing basket (that's the year the school system taught home ec in middle school.. dates me, eh?) I haven't started the Pat Sloan Solstice yet, but shared the link with my guild as one of a few QALs out there this year. Right now, I'm prepping blocks for a guild MLK Jr service day on January 21st. We're having a sew-in for 4 different causes, and we're hoping for a big turn out! Then, it will be time to get my BIL's quilt done, since he's the last on my DH's side to get a quilt.
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