Monday Motivation { sewing studio reorganization} | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Monday, March 6, 2017

Monday Motivation { sewing studio reorganization}

Welcome back to Monday Motivation!

Blooming flowers, random freak snow showers and the sun being up longer everyday can only mean one thing...that SPRING is finally going to be here! The Spring cleaning fever hit hard last week!  It was time to do something about my space!  Monday Motivation this week is taking time to tidy up your studio, space or room to help you be more productive!

Here are some peeks at what has been happening in the studio to create a better of thought and ideas!

It has been so much work.  I am sure it will be well worth all of the efforts!~

This is a china cabinet from a thrift store I bought years ago.  I eventually took off the doors, sealed the holes and painted the entire this white!  It has bee a very useful storage unit in my studio.

The top I have now stored most of my Heather Ross Collection, some baskets and odds and ends.  Every sewing room has those odds and ends that you can never find JUST the right spot.  SO they are all ending up on these shelves!

The drawers below are where I have always stored by office supplies and stationary items.  Hopefully soon I will purge those drawers too.  They have become a bit of a mess.

The wire baskets I purchased from +Target  last year on clearance ( SCORE) and hold so much fabric! They fit perfectly in the cabinet but also fit the Billy Book shelves!

I removed the big black mirror that was in the corner.  It will find another place in the room but that will require anchors, stud finding and all kinds of nonsense I do not have time for this week.  Maybe next weekend.

In this lovely light corner is an +IKEA USA Billy shelf holding many of my sewing books, my mannequin wearing my dress from Me Made May last year ( you can see the dress here) and my favorite vintage painter's ladder.  The ladder is holding my late father-in-law's cameras, some quilt tops that STILL need to be quilted ( I am so bad).

And on the bottom rungs are a variety of baskets that are holding many pincushions, spools of thread and other baskets of quilt blocks that someday are destined to become quilt tops ( did I mention I am bad 😉)

I also made room for my stamp collection. Yes, I have a stamp collection!  They are tiny little pieces of art, history and culture.  I do have interests other than sewing LOL!

I am hoping to be back on a more normal schedule next week!

While I am still painting, organizing and purging in my sewing studio, I am also taking time to play along with Amy from +Amy Ellis from Amy's Creative Side for her Instagram #IGfest!  I have been sharing bits and pieces of my redo and posting for her daily challenges!  It has been fun! I hope you will come play along!

Today's prompt was Pillow Finish!  These are my two favorites! One is from a vintage sampler purchased from a thrift shop in 1992.  I had no idea how to sew but I still managed to figure out how to sew it up, stuff it and hand stitch it closed.  It is not pretty and it now has marker drawings from one of the kids on the back which makes it more precious and priceless to me.

The other pillow on the left is one I saw House of A La Mode make and I HAD to make one too!  Heather is the COOLEST chic I know and so who would not want to be part of that club?

The pattern is by BubbleStitch and can be purchased the Etsy shop here. It was one of the very first paper pieced blocks I had ever made.  I decided against putting a face on her.  Mostly it was because I am not the best at embroidery and then she could have been stuck with a really messed up look.  I could not do that to a poor doll!

Please join me for more fabulous tutorials, inspirations and humor that I share everyday on:



  1. I love how creative you are with your storage! It all looks so lovely and put together. I love the baskets hanging from the ladder. So much inspiration here. It makes me want to start cleaning and re-organizing my space right now. :)

  2. I like how you are displaying your FIL's cameras.. my dad has passed away and somewhere I have his old camera.. I am going to get it out and show it off in my sewing room! thanks for the idea!


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