WIP Wednesday { true confessions} | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

WIP Wednesday { true confessions}

How many unquilted quilt tops do you have in your sewing room?  Two? Ten? More?

This is the point where I have to openly admit to being a block piecing addict.  This is the part where I need to look at what is in my Go-Go Studio and really take stock on what is there. What has been completed, the what the Heck was I thinking and the why did I start that one? I have found literally hundreds of blocks...HUNDREDS of blocks.  They are pieced perfectly and look amazing but when will I stitch them up into an actual quilt top...I have no clue...I have other blocks I am looking forward to making

I have a problem!

Isn't that what happens every time we reorganize, clean up, clear out or move to a new house and have to pack up everything that is on the room, only to find 25 unquilted tops, 3,256 blocks created from at least 432 different unidentable fabrics ( good luck to you trying to match that one lovely floral print you found on clearance seven years ago now).

I had to remind myself of what a finished quilt top even looks like!  I found these within three nano seconds of walking into the studio.  There are more hiding in nooks and crannies or this and other rooms in the house.  It is shameful...

This was my first quilt along with p.s.i quilt. It is Katie Jump Rope Fabrics and really just delightful!  I started meandering and then seemed to have lost interest.  I will have to pick it up again and finish it before Summer!  This is the perfect picnic quilt!

This one was for the Jacqueline Steves Maggi's First Dance Sew Along last year.  I taught myself how to thread paint!

You can find my tips for thread painting here. I used Aurifil thread in a variety of colors and weights. I loved the results.  Still unsure how to quilt this one so it sits in the pile of to be quilted later...

This one is a not bound one.  I made this one for a swap.  The pattern is by +Sarah Fielke .  It is for my friend +Jules Procrasticraft ( if she is still speaking to me...LOL).  I pieced and quilted this lovely quilt using Aurifil 50wt.

It may or may not have binding by this Summer.  

So that is my true confession for the day.

I feel better about sharing my piecing problem and maybe just maybe I will be able to garb some blocks and FINISH a quilt sometime this year...after I make just a few more blocks...

What part of quilt making is your favorite?



  1. I very much enjoy machine quilting. But I absolutely hate the layering process. As a result, I'm starting to accumulated finished tops. Ugh. I may end up quilting a few of them by check, which just kills me!

  2. I don't even get that far along. I have patterns and fabric in bags and bags and bags. I did get a bunch of sewing done at Christmas and have actually finished my first rag quilt (something for me)since then. Now I have to decide whether to do a nagging household chore or work on another of my projects. I thought if I started with the ones I intended for me, maybe I would be able to stay with it. But maybe I need to have two on the go so I stay interested.

  3. I like the block making process as well. I get stuck when the top gets bigger than I can hold up to look at. As soon as I have to lay out the pieces to see them I get bored quickly. It is a struggle, that's for sure.

  4. You're like a sister from another mister!! I feel like I have to show this to my husband as 'justification' but am afraid that he may ask for an actual NUMBER OF BLOCKS AND UNFINISHED QUILTS which could open up pandora's box of shame!!! Just nice to know others live with the same dirty little quilting secret!!! happy quilting - or partial quilting, Laurie

  5. I'm joining in with 17 in '17 at pomegranate and chintz, and it's made me realise that my favorite part of quilt making is to make parts, I find matching them all up and adding sashing or joining rows is quite a bit more boring! Just the thought process of how to join them can feel draining, however once I push myself to join them and make my decisions I'm really glad to get them closer to being finished. I think if I could just keep my projects moving forward without stalling I'd be happy, having 20 quilts all stuck at the joining and decision making stage is quite draining to tackle. I do totally love to have Leaders and Enders to push through while I'm adding sashing etc that can be the best of both worlds:)

  6. amazed at your 3256 blocks they will make up into loads more quilts!! 25 isn`t too bad in flimsies, I had 13 and completed 9 in jan and feb. Maggies dance still waiting to be quilted but no backing yet well that is my excuse!

  7. Hi, Kim! I have at least 8 tops unquilted in my stash. There's no emoji for bag over head, embarassed to pieces! Then talk about the blocks in bags to be put together! I love your tidy sewing room. I'm working on mine. It's way out of hand!

  8. Me! I love picking fabrics and piecing blocks (and sometimes the tops) too! I don't really like basting, quilting or binding but I do feel really satisfied when I finish a project and I do finish a lot of projects just no where near as many as I start. I donated a bunch of quilt tops and blocks to my Guild's donation quilts group (some of them actually love the quilting part) but I still have an outrageous amount to deal with.


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