New Year's ReSEWlutions! | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

New Year's ReSEWlutions!

How are you starting off your New Year?

Do you pick a word?  

Do you make resolutions?

Have you planned out your days?

Have the closet purgings commenced?

Here it is just everyday stuff.  I tend not to make any sort of big ( or small gestures) to greet the days that the sunlight is lasting just a bit longer... maybe I have reSEWlutions 😀

I made the New York Beauty Block above↑↑↑

I was able to bind a mini quilt I made for a friend

And I made a dress from start to finish in about two hours! The pattern is The Wiggle Dress by Patterns for Pirates.

Lots of static and a few wrinkles but BOOM DONE!  Even with two kids home and a lingering cold, I was able to make it happen! 

Maybe I was meant to sew as I go or sew and throw ( if you have seen my sewing studio you would YELL YES to the latter).  Plans or goals are wonderful, if I could just get life and my kids to remember to read them 😂😂😂

Happy New Year and I look forward to spending more days sewing and sharing with you!

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