The EASY way to understand Tag and Hashtag! | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The EASY way to understand Tag and Hashtag!

Do you know the difference between tag and hashtag? One of the biggest questions I  have received about social media is how to use tags and hashtags or people that think they are one and the same.

Many times, after attempting to explain the differences, the concept is still not fully grasped.
A young nurse asked me if I could tell her the difference between the two since she is on Instagram and had no idea what they were or how to use them correctly. I have heard the same scenario many times over from designers, small businesses, and even those that use social media regularly.
I knew I had to create a way to share the meaning and importance of these simple tools and how to use them effectively.

When writing the presentation for a Quilt Market Schoolhouse, I had a light bulb moment on how to explain the difference between the two that would also have visuals attached for better retention.
Being a visual learner and am always looking for ways to not only verbally give information but also to back it up with a fantastic visual to reach more people. After the light bulb went off, I was sure that my idea might be crazy enough to work!

My husband's family were Portuguese fishermen. They fished off the coast of San Diego. When I was discussing the differences with someone, the connection hit me so hard! I was excited about bringing fishing into social media because it is the perfect way to share and show the differences.

Please allow me to introduce you to the two brothers, Tag and Hashtag. Every morning they wake up, have their coffee (did I mention they are smart), some breakfast, and then make their way out to the sea to catch fish for to sell and for their meals.

When they go out to fish is when the brothers' differences are revealed, one loves pole fishing, and the other adores net fishing. Why does this matter?
It has to do with the amount of fish they will be catching and what kind of fish.

First, let's meet Tag. He is more introverted and quiet of the two brothers. He is our pole fisherman, and his interest is in catching one fish at a time. That is helpful in social media when you have a great post, and you want to let brands, designers, or individuals know you are using their product or service.

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Tag when you are engaging a brand or individual.

Use the @ symbol and then the name of the company or person. An example is @gogokim.  You can see that when the @ + the person or brand name is used, it will show up in the search box.

How to find people and brands on social media with tags

When adding the person or brand to a post on Instagram, there are two ways.

The same applies to Facebook. Use the @ symbol to tag a person or brand when talking about their service or product.

Be aware that depending on what social media outlet you are on, the name of the individual or brand could be different. Do your research before writing your post to make sure you are reaching out to the proper individual. One letter can make all the difference ( this is experience talking).
When looking to connect to one, go for Tag!

Let's say Hello! to Hashtag. He is a bit of an extrovert and sometimes an overachiever. His motto is, "Go big or go home!" His goal each day is to catch as many fish as possible. With net fishing, he can meet that goal by spreading out further with a net.

Hashtags are the best possible way to connect you to a large group of like-minded individuals that are in a niche or using a brand. To create a hashtag, use the # symbol and a word then cast your net to groups. An example of a group of hashtags is #quilts #creativelife #sewing.

You can add these at the end of your post, add them into a separate comment post. Keep a grouping of hashtags in your notes on your phone to have them at the ready instead of having to remember them all when you are posting.
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Hashtags are used (mostly on Instagram) to connect with a group of like-minded people. They can be used on Facebook although I have not found huge returns using them on my Facebook Page.  Social media star Peg Fitzpatrick also recommends using hashtags on Pinterest. Can't hurt, so go for it!

Posts that receive the most engagement include adding 5-30 hashtags. That sounds like a boatload, but when you have the right combination, it can make a significant difference in your post's success.

Look for relevant hashtags to find your niche. You can find hashtags by adding a word into the search box on Instagram, and hundreds of really fabulous options will appear! Example: #sewing

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A word of warning, unless you can create a hashtag that lots of people will use, stick to the tried and true already in use hashtags. Otherwise, no one will see what you are doing at all!

Brands also have hashtags that are significant and can benefit you by connecting to others using and loving the brand. Example: #janome

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Another way to get the most out of hashtags is location or event hashtags.  By adding a # to an event like #quiltmarket or to reach those in your community to connect with others in places you are or will be traveling. Example: #DC

In the Instagram search box, it will not only come up with one hashtag but numerous options there for the choosing!
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Add tags that have micro, medium, and mega use. This combination presents a better opportunity to be found and also to engage with small audiences to grow your feed.

Remember, using hashtags is the one you need when building your tribe or increasing the people that will see your post(s).

Pairing the brothers up has the possibility of benefiting you with outstanding results.

I hope this short explanation gives you a better understanding of how to use tags and hashtags to help grow your social media, whether you are a brand or individual.

Stay tuned in; there will be more social media help coming your way! 

** No fish were harmed in this presentation and no I am not implying people are fish although being a mermaid would be pretty dang cool!**



  1. Thanks for this explanation. I've used @ on FB so I understand that one. I only use a PC and not a mobile phone, so will need to experiment to see if # works correctly. Thanks for helping a newbie to try hash-tagging :)

  2. Thanks, Kim! I've seen this before (from you on Island Batik FB), but the refresher was great!
    Happy Quilting! :-)

  3. Believe me, you are amazing because you use only a few words to inspire others and that is an incredible talent. buildnow gg


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