Monday Motivation 16 Free Happy Earth Projects | Go-Go Kim

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Monday, February 24, 2020

Monday Motivation 16 Free Happy Earth Projects

Welcome back to Monday Motivation!

This week we've gathered 16 Earth Happy projects for you to get a start on for Spring! 

ALL of these projects and tutorials are free! 

Let's get to it.

1. Bowl covers tutorial by Hearth and Vine. *Natalie just made some bowl covers and I'm loving them! Use these instead of plastic wrap.

2. DIY Make-up Remover Pads by Happiest
Much of bathroom trash is one-use cotton balls, pads, and other items. Cotton is one of the most pesticide-infested crops grown.

3. Reuseable Produce Bag by Dancing Threads. 
There are so many tutorials for produce bags online. This one is fun due to the pOp of fabric.

4. Make your own POPcorn bag on eHow by Beth Huntington.  SAY WHAT?!

5. Make a crochet Cocoon basket by lulostitchco.  I could see using this for holding a gaggle of plastic doggie bags, holding a plant, or storing bits and bobs.

6. Earth and Mars embroidery pattern by DMC

7. Leave the chemicals in the lab and clean with vinegar and homemade potions like these toilet bombs by Premeditated Leftovers.  Have fun with different scents.  Get the kids involved in making them!

8. Pot Scrubbers with tulle/netting by Patricia Reed on eHow .  These really work!

9.Soup (or ICE CREAM) bowl cozy by Craft Warehouse.
Can also used for ice cream WAYYYYYY more than soup!

10. Make your own wool dryer balls by A Little Insanity.
I currently use these in my dryer and they are great.

11. DIY baskets (from plastic bags) by Jessy Ratfink on Instructables.
These would be good to make for those times when you're binging Netflix.

12. Milk Jug Igloo by Ideas2Live4.
I mean, I NEED this in my life STAT  --- LOL!! 
If you have kids, think how stoked they'd be with this thing.

13. T-shirt upcycle BAG  by Jill Nystul on One Good Thing.
 What to do with those old t-shirts? A fast bag that can scrunch up and fit in your purse for shopping trips both scheduled and unscheduled.

14. Practice your binding work with little potholders by Pretty Prudent.
GREAT stash busters and fun house warming gifts! Plus they use bits of left-over batting if you're a quilter.

15. Coffee Cozie (washable) by Sewhungryhippie - These are fun to gift or sell at craft markets. Leave the "one use" cardboard sleeves at the coffee shop.

16. Un-paper Towels tutorial by A Blossoming Life.
We're on a constant search for decreasing our paper consumption, and this tutorial looks doable.

Want to follow more of the fun?

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                               Go-Go Kim                             




Anonymous said...

So many ads pop up that seeing entire desired patterns are impossible.

Alice Bobby said...

You can't even see the complete desired pattern because there are so many adverts popping up. tunnel rush

Mirabella Chester said...

Write me a persuasive speech is a great request to get from student: motivation is the fuel that propels us toward our goals. Picture yourself delivering an inspiring speech, igniting passion in others to pursue their dreams. Studying this topic can help unlock the secrets to sustaining motivation, empowering you to achieve greatness. So, let's embark on this journey together and unleash the power of motivation!

Isabella Brown said...

I love these earth-friendly projects! Not only do they help reduce waste, but they also provide an opportunity to be creative fnaf and save money. I can't wait to try making these reusable produce bags and vinegar cleaning kits!

Vancouver Girlfriend said...

Hi nice readinng your post

GeraldOrtiz said...

From DIY makeup remover pads to reusable produce bags, these tutorials replace wasteful items and promote sustainability. It's a refreshing break, much like the thrilling levels of Geometry Dash - start crafting today and enjoy the challenges ahead! Let’s make our planet happier together!

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