Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

I decided to use my new baby to make a Christmas tree skirt. I had a fq of each of these Michael Miller Christmas fabrics. A yard of the...
Now that I am done, for the moment, with children's school related issues ( or shoo shoo's as Adam calls them) I can get back to wor...
I do not mind school supplies, I actually LOVE to go shopping for supplies. There is something about the smell of new crayons, freshly s...
Many apologies for the delay, but when you see what I have been up to you will agree it is well worth it, at least that is what I am hoping ...
My heart goes out to all of the people that were lost on this day ten years ago, their families and friends. I am overwhelmed by the heroic ...
What a great day!  This is what was at my door this afternoon. Okay, maybe it didn't happen quite that way,  I was leaving to get  Katy ...
It has been quite a bit since I have had a giveaway so I thought this would be a great time. I have no sewing to share this week since I had...
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