Cooking with gnomes ( not Adam...really) | Go-Go Kim

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Cooking with gnomes ( not Adam...really)

This is my new friend that came home with me from Georgia :o) He is my kitchen gnome to be named later. He stays with  me in the kitchen and it is always good to have the company when I am cleaning up since that is the time the entire family disappears. I am pretty sure that mine is the only house this happens.

Katy has been asking for zucchini nut bread for quite some time so I promised that when it was zucchini season I would make it and is really zucchini season according to my friend Mrs. Page who has zucchini coming out of her ears. So much so that apparently people are literally going on vacation so she cannot dump anymore of her zucchini at their doorsteps.

I took my grater out and started grating away...

Then I decided to add a pretty/ nutrition factor to the muffins :o)

I chose a recipe from and changed it a wee bit  by taking out all that oil. Too much for my family.

Wrote down what I needed and made a huge mess...the blender in the pic is my green smoothie( YUM)

Mixed it all up

When adding the cinnamon I was thinking about my cousin Rick (who is Portuguese) and what allspice would taste like in this recipe. From what I can tell, Portuguese add allspice to everything and successfully too :o) Rick even started a blog to share his family recipes with everyone. So if you have a chance and are interested in some good Portuguese cooking go check him out at Three Fat Portuguese Cook For You

Rick also started my Pyrex addiction! He has gifted to me some beautiful Pyrex, including these, that was my husband's grandmother's. Thank you so much Rick...I love ya!

Amy, I know you love the blue :o)

The colors look so nice in the pan!


The smaller people in the house are ready to try them

They disappeared! Nom nom nom...

Now the gnome to be named later and I need to clean up the mess...sigh...


Sara @ Sew Sweetness said...

What a cute gnome! Ooo I love zucchini bread! I also like the kind with the chocolate in it! Those are some beautiful pyrex...I do love the blue ones too! I just got some at the thrift store yesterday (they aren't as pretty as yours those)

Anonymous said...

What a fun post. I have 3 HUGE zucchini on my counter ready to be made into something delicious... this inspires me to get cracking in the kitchen! I just wish I had a little friend to keep me company while I clean up, like you.

Jeff said...

Mail me a muffin?

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