The OMGosh, I have been blogging a year giveaway | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The OMGosh, I have been blogging a year giveaway

THANK YOU so much everyone for making this an amazing year for me!!!! It has been an honor and so much fun for me to share my adventures in sewing (and in some cases unsewing) with you.  I have learned that online support of sewers and quilters is very open, caring and educational (and that I really need to quit biting my nails!). I could not have done this without you guys...THANK YOU!!!!!  I went into my stash and picked out a few items that I hope one winner will enjoy very much!!!!! It is a Spring/Summer theme :o)

One Moda Chrysalis jelly roll

One charm pack tin of the oop Summer In the City
 One sampler pack of Aurifil thread
 And finally one Omnigrid Half-Square Triangle template set.

This giveaway is for followers only , if you would like to be a follower...join in :o) The more the merrier!!!!!!

To enter the giveaway there are two entries for each follower:

1. Tell me what you would like to see more of in the next year on this blog.
2. Just say howdy, hi or hello and let me know that you follow

I will be using to pick the winner Friday March 30th and will announce the winner Saturday March 31st.

Good luck and thank you so much for hanging out with me for the past year!!!!



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Alisa said...

I like your blog just as is. Your diary of your quilting life. It's fun!

Alisa said...

I've been following for at least 6 months.

Tong said...

I love seeing what you work on, projects, quilts, that's usually what draws me to people's blogs. Happy bloggaversary!

Tong said...

I'm a follower, and thanks so much for your generous giveaway! Wow the SITC charm pack is awesome!

Mrs.Pickles said...

I think it is great the way it is too. Happy blog b-day

Mrs.Pickles said...

I am a follower thank you for the chance to win :)

Jenny said...

i really enjoy your blog as is kim...unless you want to take me on a tour of your fabric stash, id love that!

Jenny said...

again, happy blogiversary! i follow

eileensideways said...

surfed on from the HoosierToni blog. some beautiful quilts and i see you are on pinterest as well, yay. following you on facebook so i keep up-to-date on your creativity.

Cathy said...

Am a follower, happily!

Jennifer said...

I am a follower. Thanks for the chance to win this awesome giveaway!

Jennifer said...

I love pictures because they give me the motivation to think I can.

Melinda said...

I love your blog! I do agree that pictures are always a plus! Happy Blogiversary! It is mine as well though I'm 2 days behind getting my blogiversary post up!

Jenelle said...

Your blog has been so inspiring for me. :) I have enjoyed getting to see your project finishes and following along with your process, especially. Happy Blogiversary!

Jenelle said...

I am also a follower. :) Thanks for the chance to win such awesome prizes!

Amber said...

I'm a follower! Congrats on the first year!

B Greene said...

I draw great inspiration from your blog! Love seeing your projects - the finishes are amazing!! Pictures, pictures, pictures! Love it!!!!

Lindsay said...

I follow your blog! Great giveaway! Thanks!

Amber said...

You already post lots of quilty goodness, which is what I come back for. I guess more pictures of fabric would hurt :)

B Greene said...

I am a happy follower of your blog - Happy Blogiversary! Thanks for the chance to win such an amazing prize pack!!!

Lindsay said...

I like your blog and I think you are doing a great job! You have an amazing amount of followers for only being a year old (the blog, I mean) so that goes to show what a terrific blog you have! Kudos!

Lisa England said...

My favorite things are pictures and descriptions of what you're working on, so as long as you have those I'm happy. I also love photos of beautiful fabric and especially your upbeat attitude. Thanks for inspiring me!

Lisa England said...

Hello and Happy Blogiversary! I'm a happy follower.

jlk said...

I love your blog and all your projects! Can't wait for the next year.

jlk said...

I'm a follower and I have to say that Summer in the City is one of my all time favorites!

Toni said...

I agree with the others, your blog is perfect just as it is! I love seeing all your beautiful projects and the occasional recipe is always fun, too. Congratulations on your anniversary and thanks for the giveaway!

Toni said...

Of course I am a follower! I love seeing what you are creating!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog so gosh maybe some small quick projects would be fun to see. Your work is really beautiful. Happy one year of blogging!

Jackie's Stitches said...

I read every post but rarely comment. I love everything just the way it is. Happy Blogiversary!

Jackie's Stitches said...

I'm a happy follower!

Anonymous said...

I sure do follow your blog.

Manda said...

I want to see me win more giveaways.

Manda said...

I am a follower. I changed my mind. I want to see the word verification thingy go away on the comment box. I hate those things.

Martina said...

Me too, I think your blog is great as it is. Love to see your progresses with your quilts.

Martina said...

And I am a happy follower!Thanks so much for the great give away!

diane said...

I love your blog, Kim! I think that it's great, as is. Just keep up with all the incredible things that you create and post about and it will be a great year next year, also. And tutorials are always nice...the more the better! :)

diane said...

I'm a happy follower. :)

Ana e os Viraventos said...

Hi, I am a follower!

Ana e os Viraventos said...

I love your blog. I have just finished my first quilt and your work is always an inspiration.

Lyn said...

I am a follower

Lyn said...

I love seeing your works in progress!

Dreamingof03 - Heather said...

I looooove tutorials! Cannot get enough of them!

Trudi said...

would love you to be YOU, it's your blog and really enjoy reading it :)

Dreamingof03 - Heather said...

I am a follower - made sure I was set to public too ^^

Trudi said...

Oooh, and I'm a follower :)

Chrissy said...

G'day. I'm a very happy follower. Thanks for the great giveaway.

jeri said...

I am a happy follower!

Betty said...

I love your blog and am having a fit to do cathedral windows - more tutes!

Betty said...

And Happy 1st year - I'm a follower.

Ella said...

I'm easy. More quilts!

Ella said...

I'm a follower!

Heather D. said...

I love your blog and don't know if I have any great suggestions other than I like tutorials!

Heather D. said...

I follow. :)

Dolores said...

Hi Kim

I've been a follower since May'11 and I really enjoy the way you blog right now. You don't really need to change anything but I suppose one thing that I'm always interested to know is the thought process on how & why you choose fabric bundles (not the textbook stuff just the thoughts that go through your mind when you're selecting fabric for a project).


yorkie mom said...

I'm a follower! I enjoy your blog!

Joan and Kevin said...

I love your tutorials!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Joan and Kevin said...

I am a follower!

heartsofhampshire said...

Keep inspiring , tutorials and pictures! Wonderful blog, happy anniversary. Heather x

heartsofhampshire said...

I am a follower.heather x

Deb said...

I enjoy your blog as it is....lots of quilty goodness, with extras thrown in.

Deb said...

I have been a follower for ages. Thanks for the giveaway :)

quilary said...

Hello and congratulations on your year of blogging - I have been a follower for a while :)

Mom C said...

I follow where you lead. Enjoy what you write, about your project and some life. Keep it up. Thanks.

Carla said...

I am definitely one of your followers!

quilary said...

Your blog reflects who you are and I think that is the most important thing about blogging...lots of fabrics, lots of projects and having fun with it all is a pretty good blog recipe anyway...

Carla said...

I really like your blog! Like all the photos and process you share.

Jane said...

I like your blog the way it is - don't change too much!

Jane said...

And I'm a relatively new follower, found you through the NYB Quiltalong.

Elsa said...

I'm fairly new to your blog and really enjoy it a lot. Congratulations on a year of telling your quilting story and sharing your creativity!
I wouldn't change a thing, it's really wonderful to watch your creative process and progress.
thanks for the giveaway!

Elsa said...

I"m a follower too!
thanks again!

Belinda said...

You haven't disappointed yet, so just more of the same and I'll be very happy!! That is an awesome giveaway package some lucky person is going to win!!

Belinda said...

I'm very glad I found you and have been following you a while!

Debbie said...

yes I'm a follower!

Nancy Markosky said...

I am a follower

Nancy Markosky said...

And I love your projects

Kelly said...

Hey Kim. I'm a follower xxx

Kelly said...

I think the balance of your blog is fine as is - but I would love to see where you sew, and what inspires you xxx

JustPam said...

What a generous giveaway. I like to see photos of what people are working on for inspiration or motivation.

JustPam said...

I am a follower.

Jennie P. said...

I hope to see tutorials and beautiful quilts :) Thank you so much for the wonderful giveaway chance. And a very happy blogiversary to you! Here's to many more.

Jennie P. said...

I am a follower! I'm crossing my fingers on this one. I'm a huge fan of tins so getting the goodies plus a tin to put stuff in is just a cool bonus!

Laura said...

I am a follower!

Laura said...

More of the same :) thats why i read

Sara said...

I follow you and I really enjoy you and your blog:)

Sara said...

OH my...Chrysalis I have been wanting that one for about a year now! I want it...don't need it,but want it.

What would I like to you started sewin perhaps.

Debbie said...

What an awesome giveaway - congrats!! I'd just keep doing what you're doin!

Jo said...

I enjoy your blog the way it is now I really don't think any changes are necessary. However if you want to change something I am sure it will be just as wonderful as everything has been up till now.

Jo said...

I am a follower of your blog

Lesley said...

I love your blog because I love your projects! So I would suggest you keep doing what you're doing now, which is making gorgeous projects and sharing them with us! Love it all!

Lesley said...

I am a happy follower! Thanks for the chance to win such great prizes!

justacraftymother said...

I have fully enjoyed your blogg as it is. I don't feel you are missing or needing to add anything! happy blogaversary!

justacraftymother said...

I love your latest quilt!! love the pop of colors mixed in with all the white

Rosa said...

I like how is it.Happy blogsnniversary!

Rosa said...

Thanks for the chance and of course, I`m a happy follower!

Anita said...

More sewing and quilting projects, please.

Anita said...

More sewing and quilting projects, please.

Shelly said...

I love your humor Kim, so just keep on blogging, I can't wait to laugh with you for another year.

Shelly said...

I am a follower of your blog. and secretly some of your comments on facebook. hehehehe

Allison C said...

Congrats! Tutorials are always helpful...and I'm getting into QALs and charm swaps so I'm always interested in seeing more of those. Love checking out your amazing finished projects and all of the steps along the way. Can't wait to see another years worth!

Allison C said...

I'm a happy follower!

Susan said...

I'm a follower (one of your 829, at last count!!) A happy one, at that!

Susan said...

Just keep on doing what you're doing! Love it!

Cloud 9 said...

I am a follower. Keep up the good work. I find the tutorials very helpful.

Leah said...

I am a follower. :)

Janet said...

Hey! I've been a follower for a while. This is an amazing give away! Happy One Year Blogiversary!

Leanne said...

Your blog is wonderful as it is, happy blog birthday! That is a very lovely give away!

Leanne said...

And I do follow your blog and I hope to be reading it for many more years to come.

Janet said...

I enjoy your blog. You are a "real" blogger. I'd say "keep on doing what you are".

Leah said...

I like your blog the way it is. That is why I clicked follow a couple weeks ago. So you don't have to change anything, just keeping posting he way you have been. :)

KristyLou said...


KristyLou said...

I really like just seeing your creations for inspiration...

Carla said...

I'm a follower. Great giveaway! Great accomplishment.

Carla said...

Love your tutorials. More please...

twelfthzodiac said...

I am a follower! I guess I only started reading blogs less than a year ago, cause yours was one of my firsts!

robin said...

I like your blog as is! I'm following already - thanks for the giveaway chance!

robin said...

Great giveaway - thanks!

Lindsay@fortheloveofcotton said...

Happy Blog Birthday! What a wonderful giveaway. I love your blog. :)I can't imagine you having to add anything, but I will tell you that the thing I love most are the vibrant pictures of what you are working on. You are truly an inspiration!

Lindsay@fortheloveofcotton said...

I am a follower of your wonderful blog!

Mhairi said...

I like your blog. I love blogs that include the making process as well as the finished products. I like tutorials and a range of quilt styles and difficulties.
I think that you have managed to achieve a wonderful balance on your blog and I hope that you continue into the next year with a similar style.
Congratulations on achieving a year of blogging.

Mhairi said...

I am definitely a follower. I really enjoy reading your blog.
Thanks for sharing your talent and crafts with me.

Jessica said...

I've been following for some time :)

Jessica said...

Show us your sewing space! And inspiration. I love seeing your projects!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Blog is already great!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Hi! I'm a follower.

Kira said...

Howdy. Still following.

Kira said...

I love to see how to break down someone's creation. At quilt shows, I find myself looking for the blocks, stitching, and weaves. Maybe that means I need tutorials?

babiesdoc said...

I would always like to see more quilts
I love your beautiful pictures.

babiesdoc said...

I am a follower using google reader

Anonymous said...

Been a follower all year. :)

Anonymous said...

hey Kim happy annivarsary !!! Thanks for the giveaway. Keep it up you inspire me with every post :)

ritainalaska said...

have been enjoying your blog, seeing what you do, what you think, what inspires you. i like the tutes and your new york beauty qal!

ritainalaska said...

i follow! conrats on your blogiversary!

Shena said...

I am a relatively new follower, maybe in the last month or so.

Jennifer said...

im an avid follower - congrats on your blogoversary!!

Jennifer said...

I love how well rounded your blog is.. definitely something I personally need to strive for -- so I guess i'd say.. more of the same :)

Shena said...

I check your blog every day to see if there is a new post. I love how your daughter helps you when you take quilt pictures and the colour that you choose to use are fantastic!

Di~ said...

I've been a faithful reader for a long time. Thank you and thanks for the chance to win!

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

I've been following for a little while now :)

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

Happy one year blogiversary! I would love to see an easy way to search for things on your blog, whether it is adding a labels widget to a sidebar, or making a fancy header, so that it's easier to find tutorials, finishes, etc. Thank you for the chance to win this great giveaway!

Nancy D. said...

I think you do a great job with your blog as is. I thinks it's fresh and fun to follow. I love pictures of works in progress as well as other things in your world.

Nancy D. said...

I'm a follower. Thanks for sharing!

Gidget said...

I am a follower of course!

Gidget said...

I like seeing what you are working on! I like quilt a longs too... so see how the same quilt turns out using different colors and fabrics.

jednoiglec said...

Happy blogiversary! It's nice to read your blog - keep going:)

jednoiglec said...

I don't have feeling that something is missing on your blog or you should/shouldn't write about something. I love it how it is:)

Miss Beau Jangles said...

I am a follower! Happy blogiversary!

Michell said...

I just love seeing what has being made, what's going on.

Michell said...

Follower too :)

Miss Beau Jangles said...

I have been doing the New York Beauty QAL and found your instructions so easy to follow! so maybe more tutes? but I think ur doin great the way u r :)

Aunt Spicy said...

Pretty much anything you make is fab...but I would love to see more of your home and things you have made in it!

Aunt Spicy said...


Really, just hi!

You might seriously be the nicest blogger in blogland!

Barbara said...

Happy blog b-day!

Barbara said...

I'm already follower!
Thanks for the chance!

Linda said...

Happy Blogging Birthday! I am a follower and I love your blog. Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome prize.

Regi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Regi said...

Hello and Happy Blogiversary!!! I am a follower here and on Pinterest.

Chrissy said...

I can't believe your blog is only 1 year old. It is so well thought out and put together. I can't think of anything I would change!

Chrissy said...

I'm a follower.

Bev said...

I love your blog. I'm a follower!

Regi said...

I love your blog the way it is.. I guess if I have to suggest something, more pictures and fabric would be lovely hehe.

Thank you for the chance and the lovely giveaway.

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Kim! Happy blog Anniversary! Who could believe that your blog is only one year - you have shared so much with us and given so much inspiration!
I love your works and your blog as it is! You are so sweet and I love the way you write!
Thank you for this amazing giveaway! x Teje

Teje Karjalainen said...

I'm your follower and always so happy when I see post from you!

Unknown said...

Happy follower here.

Unknown said...

I really enjoy reading your blog. I am afraid I cannot offer too much help a to what else I would like to see. Happy Blog-a-versary!

Teresa said...

Hey!! I have been following you for a while now.

Teresa said...

Happy Blogaversary!! I love your blog just the way it is.

Rhonda the Rambler said...

Just keep doing what you have been doing! I really enjoy your blog! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Rhonda the Rambler said...

Heeelllller!!! I am a follower!

Michele said...

Congrats on the blogiversary! I've really enjoyed following along all these months.

Michele said...

I too love to see what others are working on or have finished. It gives me inspiration and helps me see colors and patterns in ways I may not otherwise have thought of.

Mom who loves to sew said...

I am only a recent follower, but wouldn't ask you to change anything at this point. I love your is so enjoyable to read your posts.

Mom who loves to sew said...

When I first sent you an email a few weeks ago, I wished you a Happy Birthday then.....but now that it is officially 1 year.....a great big Happy Happy to you and all the good work you do. Thanks for all the great goodie bags you are generous enough to give away.

Anna V said...

Your blog is awesome! Tutorials are always fun! Congrats on your one year!

Anonymous said...

I am a follower! Congratulations on you year anniversary!!!

Anonymous said...

I am always on the look out for an easy/concise/detailed binding tutorial... It is my biggest struggle. Thanks!! Congratulations, again!!

Amy said...

Would love a cute pincushion tutorial!

Amy said...

I am your follower, too!!

Susanne said...

Congrats to you for the 1 Year Anniversary! I have been a follower for quite some time and thank you for the opportunity to be a part of your fantastic giveaway. I don't think I would change one thing or ask for anything more. You are doing a terrific job and I say WOW because you have amassed a lot of followers in a years time.
Susanne :)

Karen M said...

I'm a new follower. Thanks for the chance to win.

Karen M said...

I like tutorials. It would be great for you to show us how you complete your great projects.

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

I'm a follower, new and inspired by all the things you post :) Thanks for the chance to win.

Lindsay Conner said...

I'm with commenter #1! Like your blog just the way it is! And congrats on your blogiversary--yay!!

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Great giveaway! I would LOVE to win!! I love seeing projects in progress and seeing how they change and get finished up. Thanks!

Kathy S. said...

I'd like to see a mystery quiltalong in your blog. Happy anniversary!

Kathy S. said...

I've been following for a while now.

Deb said...

I'm a follower.

Deb said...

What I, but not picture spam. Works in progress, design options and final choices. I like a 'real' blog - not one where everything is geared towards sponsored giveaways and 'where to buy'. (Not feeling like your blog is your business and you're marketing to me.) Modern quilt designs. Not too many pictures of flowers, puppies, and/or kitties.

Jennie said...

Loved the cathedral window pincushion! More like that!

Jennie said...

And - Hi - I'm a follower!

Quilting "b" said...

Congratulations. I really enjoy your blog and have ben a follower for a few months. I would like to see more tutorials. Thank you for a chance to win.

supersara20 said...

Hi! Great blog, I've been following for a while. Congrats on the anniversary.

supersara20 said...

I always love pictures and tutorials so more of those would be great!

Anonymous said...

i enjoy your blog and it gives me inspiration to finish what I have started along with new ideas for future projects. Thanks.

Rebecca said...

Congrats on your blogiversary! I just love seeing your finished projects and getting inspired!

Rebecca said...

I follow :)

M-R Charbonneau said...

Congrats on your blogiversary! I just like seeing your projects. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

M-R Charbonneau said...

I'm a follower! :)

Little Bluebell (Adrianne) said...

Only a year?! Surely it's been longer than that! I love your blog and I happily follow along. Happy Anniversary!! Here's to many, many more. : )

Anonymous said...

I love seeing tutorials...or quilt blocks...simple stuff. =) Thanks for a lovely giveaway!

Anonymous said...

And for my second, I hope you have a Happy Spring!

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