It is that time of year a little bit earlier over at Swim Bike Quilt!!!!! Hope you will all come join in for a quilt or two!
100 Quilts for Kids in 2012!!
If you have been reading Swim, Bike, Quilt for a while, you know that charity sewing is important to me, and a portion of my blog is devoted every year to encouraging others to do the same. There are so many great charities and sewing circles that do the same; a few favorites are Margaret's Hope Chest, Bumble Beans Basics, do.Good Stitches, Project Linus, the work done by Sarah and her Quilt Ministry, and Siblings Together.
100 Quilts for Kids is a charity quilt drive that the DC Modern Quilt Guild and I host annually. It has been exciting to witness the time and love that has gone into making the several hundred quilts donated in 2010 and 2011. Ready to get started?
100 Quilts for Kids is a charity quilt drive that the DC Modern Quilt Guild and I host annually. It has been exciting to witness the time and love that has gone into making the several hundred quilts donated in 2010 and 2011. Ready to get started?
Spread the word to family and friends! Enjoy a blog hop with inspiration and mini prizes.
Join us in a 100 Quilts for Kids Quilt Along (details forthcoming)
Link up throughout the summer to share your quilts and win one of a few great prizes! Link up will be open on my blog from July 1-October 15, so you can easily add a quilt as you finish and donate it.
Smile, knowing you used your skills for good.
If you have any questions now, please email me at swimbikequilt at gmail dot com. Thanks!!!
Check out the 100 Quilts for Kids Flickr Group and start adding pictures now!
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Swim, Bike, Quilt"><img src="" alt="Swim, Bike, Quilt" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
I would love your help getting the word out. Just copy and paste the code above and paste it into your sidebar, or blog post. Tweet. Instagram. Facebook. You know the drill. Thanks! [The button is the same as last year; if you already have a button on your blog, no need to change anything]
Make a baby or toddler sized quilt--finish a WIP, try a new pattern, find a use for extra blocks from virtual bees, or start and finish a new quilt
Donate your quilt(s) to an organization in your community--consider donating your quilt(s) to a local foster care program, domestic violence center, homeless shelter, children’s hospital, local military family support organization, or to one of the organizations listed above.
[I started Peacock Blue 2 for 100 Quilts last year. It didn't get finished. Now, it just needs 6 more inches of binding! 100 Quilts provides great motivation to finish your projects or use bee blocks!]
Donate your quilt(s): Let us know you donated your quilt (and where you donated it) by sharing a link to a blog post or picture on flickr.
For You! To encourage quilters to participate, and to say "thank you," there will be a few fabulous prizes from sponsors (TBA). I am also putting together a related Skill-Building Series--everyone likes to learn new things, right?
Sponsors: If you are interested in sponsoring the event/donating a fabric or quilting related prize, please contact me at swimbikequilt at gmail dot com.
Thanks, everyone!
Thanks, everyone!
Sounds like fun! Someone just started a local chapter of Project Linus in my town and I'm sewing away to have blankets/quilts to donate. I'll be adding your button to my blog!
thanks, Kim! p.s. can't wait to see your pellon projects!
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