Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

It is that time of year a little bit earlier over at Swim Bike Quilt! !!!! Hope you will all come join in for a quilt or two! 100 Quilts f...
Summertime and the living's easy...unless you have kids, a husband, vacations to take, cars to wash and STILL would like to get some sew...
Happiness is whatever makes you happy! I know you guys make me happy ALL THE TIME!!!!!  From your support here, facebook,and twitter to othe...
IT IS FINISHED!!!!!! Can I get a BIG WOO HOO??????  This Pineapple Princess will be on her way to Sunny California today!!!!  The back o...
Yesterday I made an OOPSY and posted my Lindsay Tote review here instead of on Sara's blog. How I mixed that one up, I am not sure, I bl...
Just in case you have missed it and need to know more for MONDAY!!!!! Announcing Purse Palooza 2012!! I have put together a fun event ...
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